Direktori : /home2/selectio/public_html/thecomponents.in/admin/api-firebase/ |
Current File : //home2/selectio/public_html/thecomponents.in/admin/api-firebase/api-docs.txt |
API URL -->> /* https://admin.panel.url/api-firebase/ */ ---------------------------------------------------------- API Files list ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. get-categories.php 2. get-subcategories-by-category-id.php 3. offer-images.php 4. get-products-by-category-id.php 5. get-products-by-subcategory-id.php 6. get-product-by-id.php 7. order-process.php 8. register-device.php 9. user-registration.php 10. login.php 11. products-search.php 12. sections.php 13. settings.php 14. slider-images.php 15. get-areas-by-city-id.php 16. get-categories.php 17. get-cities.php 18. payment-request.php 19. get-user-data.php 20. get-all-products.php 21. validate-promo-code.php 22. ../paypal/create-payment.php 23. create-razorpay-order.php 24. cart.php 25. get-user-transactions.php 26. user-addresses.php 27. favorites.php 28. get-products-offline.php 29. get-variants-ofline.php 30. remove-fcm-id.php 31. get-faqs.php 32. get-similar-products.php 33. get-all-data.php 34. ../midtrans/create-payment.php 35. ../stripe/index.php 36. ../paytm/generate-checksum.php 37. ../paytm/valid-transction.php 38. get-product-advt.php 39. get-blogs.php 40. flash-sales.php 41. shop.php 42. support-ticket.php ------------------------------------------ What parameters to be Passed? See here >> ------------------------------------------ Use POST method to pass the parameters 1. get-categories.php accesskey:90336 2. get-subcategories-by-category-id.php accesskey:90336 category_id:28 2. get-cities.php accesskey:90336 3. offer-images.php accesskey:90336 get-offer-imagese:1 4. get-products-by-category-id.php accesskey:90336 category_id:28 user_id:369 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} sort:new / old / high / low // {optional} 5. get-products-by-subcategory-id.php accesskey:90336 subcategory_id:63 user_id:369 {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} sort:new / old / high / low // {optional} 6. get-product-by-id.php accesskey:90336 product_id:230 OR slug:onion-1 user_id:369 // {optional} 7. order-process.php 1. Place_order accesskey:90336 place_order:1 user_id:32 mobile:0123456789 product_variant_id:["551","550"] quantity:["3","1"] delivery_charge:50 total:500 final_total:550 address:bhuj latitude:44.456321 longitude:12.456987 payment_method:Paypal / Payumoney / COD / PAYTM / razorpay / bank transfer discount:10 // {optional} tax_percentage:20 // {optional} tax_amount:30 // {optional} area_id:1 // {optional} order_note:home // {optional} wallet_balance:450 // {optional} promo_code:NEW20 // {optional} promo_discount:40 // {optional} order_from:test // {optional} local_pickup:0/1 // {optional} wallet_used:true/false // {optional} status:awaiting_payment // {optional} delivery_time:Today - Evening (4:00pm to 7:00pm) // {optional} 2. get_orders accesskey:90336 get_orders:73 user_id:101 order_id:20 // {optional} pickup:0 / 1 // {optional} limit:20 // {optional} offset:5 // {optional} status:received | processed | shipped | delivered | cancelled | returned | ready_to_pickup // {optional} 3. update_order_status accesskey:90336 update_order_status:1 id:169 status:cancelled delivery_boy_id:20 // {optional} pickup_time: 4. get_settings accesskey:90336 get_settings:1 5. update_order_total_payable accesskey:90336 update_order_total_payable:1 id:5 deliver_by:sagar discount:10 total_payble:60.0 6. add_transaction add_transaction:1 accesskey:90336 user_id:1 order_id:1001 type:payumoney / paypal txn_id:PAYMENT_GATEWAY_TXN_ID amount:89.00 status:success / Completed / failed / pending // { anything returned from payment gateway } message:Message from payment gateway for successful / failure transaction transaction_date:2019-11-29 13:15:00 7. update_order_item_status accesskey:90336 update_order_item_status:1 order_item_id:1 order_id:1 status:processed 8. delete_order accesskey:90336 delete_order:1 order_id:73 9. get_reorder_data accesskey:90336 id:12 / order_id 10. upload_bank_transfers_attachment accesskey:90336 upload_bank_transfers_attachment:1 order_id:1 image[]:FILE 11. delete_bank_transfers_attachment accesskey:90336 delete_bank_transfers_attachment:1 order_id:1 id:2 12. get_order_invoice accesskey:90336 get_order_invoice:1 order_id:1 OR invoice_id:2 8. register-device.php accesskey:90336 user_id:500 token:227 9. user-registration.php i. Verify User accesskey:90336 type:verify-user mobile:8980834200 ii. After successful OTP verification Register User accesskey:90336 type:register name:Jaydeep Goswami email:jaydeepjgiri@yahoo.com password:36652 country_code:91 mobile:7894561230 fcm_id:YOUR_FCM_ID dob:15-12-1990 city_id:1 area_id:1 street: bhuj pincode: 191104 api_key:abc@123 referral_code:QCZYBEXHK5 latitude:44.968046 longitude:-94.420307 friends_code:FFREGRGSD7 // {optional} profile:FILE // {optional} iii. Edit the user profile accesskey:90336 type:edit-profile id:5 name:Jaydeep Goswami email:jaydeepjgiri@yahoo.com password:36652 city_id:1 area_id:1 street: bhuj pincode: 191104 dob:15-12-1990 latitude:44.968046 longitude:-94.420307 profile:FILE // {optional} iv. Change the password accesskey:90336 type:change-password id:5 password:36652 v. To reset / recover password via email accesskey:90336 type:forgot-password-email email:jaydeepjgiri@yahoo.com vi. To reset / recover password via mobile number accesskey:90336 type:forgot-password-mobile mobile:7894561230 vii. To register user's FCM token accesskey:90336 type:register-device user_id:16 token:1155 viii. upload_profile accesskey:90336 type:upload_profile profile:FILE user_id:16 10. login.php accesskey:90336 mobile:9876543210 password:123456 fcm_id:YOUR_FCM_ID 11. products-search.php accesskey:90336 type:products-search search:Powder user_id:452 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:ASC/DESC // {optional} 12. sections.php i. get all sections accesskey:90336 get-all-sections:1 user_id : 369 // {optional} section_id:99 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} ii. To get notifications pagination wise accesskey:90336 get-notifications:1 limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} sort:id / type // {optional} order:DESC / ASC // {optional} iii. To get delivery boy notifications pagination wise get-delivery-boy-notifications:1 delivery_boy_id:10 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} sort:id / type // {optional} order:DESC / ASC // {optional} type:order_status/order_reward // {optional} 13. settings.php 1. get_payment_methods accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_payment_methods:1 2. get_privacy accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_privacy:1 3. get_terms accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_terms:1 4. get_logo accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_logo:1 5. get_contact accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_contact:1 6. get_about_us accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_about_us:1 7. get_timezone accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_timezone:1 8. get_fcm_key accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_fcm_key:1 9. get_time_slot_config accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_time_slot_config:1 10. get_front_end_settings accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_front_end_settings:1 11. get_time_slots accesskey:90336 settings:1 get_time_slots:1 12. all accesskey:90336 settings:1 all:1 14. slider-images.php i. get-slider-images accesskey:90336 get-slider-images:1 15. get-areas-by-city-id.php accesskey:90336 city_id:24 keyword:Mirzapar // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} 16. get-categories.php accesskey:90336 17. get-cities.php accesskey:90336 city_id:24 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} 18. payment-request.php i. payment_request accesskey:90336 payment_request:1 user_id:5 amount_requested:100 payment_type:mobile {OR} bank payment_address:9876543210 {OR} [["account_holder_name","girish"],["account_number","13062019010"],["ifsc_code","BOBDUD"],["bank","BOB"]] ii. get_payment_request accesskey:90336 get_payment_requests:1 user_id:5 iii.verify_paystack_transaction accesskey:90336 verify_paystack_transaction:1 email:customer@gmail.com amount:27000 reference:T071240102627662 19. get-user-data.php accesskey:90336 get_user_data:1 user_id:1 20. get-all-products.php i. get_all_products accesskey:90336 get_all_products:1 product_id:219 // {optional} user_id:1782 // {optional} slug:green-apple-1 // {optional} category_id:29 // {optional} subcategory_id:63 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} offset:1 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:asc/desc // {optional} ii. get_all_products_name accesskey:90336 get_all_products_name:1 iii.add_products_review accesskey:90336 add_products_review:1 product_id:219 user_id:23 rate:value review:string images[]:FILE //{optional} iv.get_product_reviews accesskey:90336 get_product_reviews:1 product_id:220 //{optional} slug:product-slug // { product_id or slug should be pass} user_id:29 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} offset:1 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:asc/desc // {optional} v. delete_review_images accesskey:90336 delete_review_images:1 product_id:220 user_id:29 21. validate-promo-code.php i. validate_promo_code accesskey:90336 validate_promo_code:1 user_id:101 promo_code:NEW20 total:500 ii. get_promo_codes accesskey:90336 get_promo_codes:1 offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:desc // {optional} 22. create-payment.php accesskey:90336 first_name:Jaydeep last_name:Goswami item_number:110 item_name:eKart amount:100 payer_email:testing@infinitietech.com 23. create-razorpay-order.php accesskey:90336 amount:100 24. cart.php i. add_to_cart accesskey:90336 add_to_cart:1 user_id:3 product_id:1 product_variant_id:4 qty:2 ii.add_multiple_items_to_cart accesskey:90336 add_multiple_items:1 OR save_for_later_items:1 user_id:3 product_variant_id:203,198,202 qty:1,2,1 iii. remove_from_cart accesskey:90336 remove_from_cart:1 user_id:3 product_variant_id:4 // {optional} iv. get_user_cart accesskey:90336 get_user_cart:1 user_id:3 offset:0 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} v. add_save_for_later accesskey:90336 add_save_for_later:1 user_id:221 product_variant_id:462 vi. remove_save_for_later accesskey:90336 remove_save_for_later:1 user_id:3 product_variant_id:456 vii. get_save_for_later accesskey:90336 get_save_for_later:1 user_id:3 25. get-user-transactions.php i. get_user_transactions accesskey:90336 get_user_transactions:1 user_id:3 type:transactions/wallet_transactions offset:0 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} ii. add_wallet_balance accesskey:90336 add_wallet_balance:1 user_id:3 amount:100 type:credit message: transaction by user // {optional} 26. user-addresses.php i. add_address accesskey:90336 add_address:1 user_id:3 type:Home/Office name:John Smith mobile:1234567890 address:Time Square Empire landmark:Bhuj-Mirzapar Highway area_id:1 city_id:2 pincode:0123456 state:Gujarat country:India latitude:value // {optional} longitude:value // {optional} is_default:0/1 // {optional} country_code:+91 // {optional} alternate_mobile:9876543210 // {optional} ii. update_address accesskey:90336 update_address:1 id:1 user_id:1 is_default:0/1 area_id:1 // {optional} city_id:2 // {optional} type:Home/Office // {optional} name:John Smith // {optional} country_code:+91 // {optional} mobile:1234567890 // {optional} pincode:0123456 // {optional} state:Gujarat // {optional} country:India // {optional} state:Gujarat // {optional} country:India // {optional} latitude:value // {optional} longitude:value // {optional} alternate_mobile:9876543210 // {optional} address:Time Square Empire // {optional} landmark:Bhuj-Mirzapar Highway // {optional} iii.delete_address accesskey:90336 delete_address:1 id:3 iv.get_addresses accesskey:90336 get_addresses:1 user_id:3 offset:0 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} 27. favorites.php i. add_to_favorites accesskey:90336 add_to_favorites:1 user_id:3 product_id:1 ii. remove_from_favorites accesskey:90336 remove_from_favorites:1 id:3 OR user_id : 413 OR (user_id:3 and product_id:301) iii. get_favorites accesskey:90336 get_favorites:1 user_id:3 offset:0 // {optional} limit:5 // {optional} 28. get-products-offline.php accesskey:90336 get_products_offline:1 product_ids:214,21 29. get-variants-offline.php accesskey:90336 get_variants_offline:1 variant_ids:55,56 30. remove-fcm-id.php accesskey:90336 remove_fcm_id:1 user_id:369 31. get-faqs.php accesskey:90336 get_faqs:1 offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:DESC / ASC // {optional} 32. get-similar-products.php accesskey:90336 get_similar_products:1 product_id:211 category_id:28 user_id:369 // {optional} limit:6 // {optional} 33. get-all-data.php accesskey:90336 user_id:413 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} 34. create-payment.php accesskey:90336 order_id:13 gross_amount:12900 35. ../stripe/create-payment.php accesskey:90336 name:username postal_code:12345 city:bhuj amount:123456 order_id:12345 address_line1:jubeli_circle // {optional} 36. ../paytm/generate-checksum.php accesskey:90336 ORDER_ID:10045 CUST_ID:45021 INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID:451287 CHANNEL_ID:789854654 TXN_AMOUNT:1.00 WEBSITE:https://paytm.com/ CALLBACK_URL:https://securegw.paytm.in/theia/paytmCallback?ORDER_ID=1542876 37. ../paytm/valid-transction.php accesskey:90336 orderId:OvgSiUdy1lzf9EA6Nqd2 38. get-product-advt.php accesskey:90336 adv_id:1 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} 39. get-blogs.php i. get_blogs accesskey:90336 get_blogs:1 slug:value // {optional} category_slug:value // {optional} category_id:9 // {optional} blog_id:1 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:DESC / ASC // {optional} search:search_value // {optional} ii. get_blog_categories accesskey:90336 get_blog_categories:1 category_id:2 // {optional} slug:value // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:ASC/DESC // {optional} search:search_value // {optional} 40. flash-sales.php i. get-all-flash-sales accesskey:90336 get-all-flash-sales:1 flash_sales_id:7 // {optional} slug:weekend-summer-sale-1 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} ii. get-all-flash-sales-products accesskey:90336 get-all-flash-sales-products:1 flash_sales_id:1 // {optional} slug:weekend-summer-sale-1 // {optional} product_slug:safe-wash-liquid-1 // {optional} user_id:1 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} 41. shop.php accesskey:90336 s:Rin - Liquid // {optional} category:29,30 // {optional} sub-category:63,62 // {optional} section:100 // {optional} discount_filter:25 // {optional} min_price:51 // {optional} max_price:99 // {optional} out_of_stock:1 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:new / old / high / low // {optional} 42. support-ticket.php 1. get_ticket_type accesskey:90336 get_ticket_type:1 id:2 // {optional} type:damaged product // {optional} sort:id // {optioanl} order:ASC/DESC // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} search:search_value // {optional} 2. add_ticket accesskey:90336 add_ticket:1 ticket_type_id:2 user_id:1 email:admin@gmail.com title:product image not displying message:its not showing images of products in App image[]:FILE // {optional} 3. edit_ticket accesskey:90336 edit_ticket:1 ticket_id:2 ticket_type_id:2 user_id:1 title:product image not displying email:test@gmail.com message:its not showing images of products in App status:3 or 5 [3 -> resolved, 5 -> reopened] [1 -> pending, 2 -> opened, 3 -> resolved, 4 -> closed, 5 -> reopened] 4. get_tickets accesskey:90336 get_tickets:1 ticket_id:2 // {optional} ticket_type_id:2 // {optional} user_id:1 // {optional} search:test // {optional} sort:id // {optioanl} order:ASC/DESC // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} status:[1 -> pending, 2 -> opened, 3 -> resolved, 4 -> closed, 5 -> reopened] // {optioanl} 5. send_message accesskey:90336 send_message:1 type:user user_id:1 ticket_id:2 message:testing attachments[]: FILES {type allowed -> image,video} // {optional} 6. get_messages accesskey:90336 get_messages:1 ticket_id:2 user_type:2 // {optional} user_id:2 // {optional} search:test // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:asc/desc // {optional} offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional}