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Current File : //proc/self/root/home2/selectio/www/bharath/application/third_party/mpdf/classes/cssmgr.php


class cssmgr {

    var $mpdf = null;
    var $tablecascadeCSS;
    var $cascadeCSS;
    var $CSS;
    var $tbCSSlvl;

    function cssmgr(&$mpdf) {
        $this->mpdf = $mpdf;
        $this->tablecascadeCSS = array();
        $this->CSS = array();
        $this->cascadeCSS = array();
        $this->tbCSSlvl = 0;

    function ReadCSS($html) {
        preg_match_all('/<style[^>]*media=["\']([^"\'>]*)["\'].*?<\/style>/is', $html, $m);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]); $i++) {
            if ($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia && !preg_match('/(' . trim($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia) . '|all)/i', $m[1][$i])) {
                $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', '', $html);
        preg_match_all('/<link[^>]*media=["\']([^"\'>]*)["\'].*?>/is', $html, $m);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]); $i++) {
            if ($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia && !preg_match('/(' . trim($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia) . '|all)/i', $m[1][$i])) {
                $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', '', $html);

        // mPDF 5.5.02
        // Remove Comment tags <!-- ... --> inside CSS as <style> in HTML document
        // Remove Comment tags /* ...  */ inside CSS as <style> in HTML document
        // But first, we replace upper and mixed case closing style tag with lower
        // case so we can use str_replace later.
        preg_replace('/<\/style>/i', '</style>', $html);
        preg_match_all('/<style.*?>(.*?)<\/style>/si', $html, $m);
        if (count($m[1])) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                // Remove comment tags 
                $sub = preg_replace('/(<\!\-\-|\-\->)/s', ' ', $m[1][$i]);
                $sub = '>' . preg_replace('|/\*.*?\*/|s', ' ', $sub) . '</style>';
                $html = str_replace('>' . $m[1][$i] . '</style>', $sub, $html);

        $html = preg_replace('/<!--mpdf/i', '', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('/mpdf-->/i', '', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('/<\!\-\-.*?\-\->/s', ' ', $html);

        $match = 0; // no match for instance
        $regexp = ''; // This helps debugging: showing what is the REAL string being processed
        $CSSext = array();

        //CSS inside external files
        $regexp = '/<link[^>]*rel=["\']stylesheet["\'][^>]*href=["\']([^>"\']*)["\'].*?>/si';
        $x = preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $cxt);
        if ($x) {
            $match += $x;
            $CSSext = $cxt[1];
        $regexp = '/<link[^>]*href=["\']([^>"\']*)["\'][^>]*?rel=["\']stylesheet["\'].*?>/si';
        $x = preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $cxt);
        if ($x) {
            $match += $x;
            $CSSext = array_merge($CSSext, $cxt[1]);

        // look for @import stylesheets
        //$regexp = '/@import url\([\'\"]{0,1}([^\)]*?\.css)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/si';
        $regexp = '/@import url\([\'\"]{0,1}([^\)]*?\.css(\?\S+)?)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/si';
        $x = preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $cxt);
        if ($x) {
            $match += $x;
            $CSSext = array_merge($CSSext, $cxt[1]);

        // look for @import without the url()
        //$regexp = '/@import [\'\"]{0,1}([^;]*?\.css)[\'\"]{0,1}/si';
        $regexp = '/@import [\'\"]{0,1}([^;]*?\.css(\?\S+)?)[\'\"]{0,1}/si';
        $x = preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $cxt);
        if ($x) {
            $match += $x;
            $CSSext = array_merge($CSSext, $cxt[1]);

        $ind = 0;
        $CSSstr = '';

        if (!is_array($this->cascadeCSS))
            $this->cascadeCSS = array();

        while ($match) {
            $path = $CSSext[$ind];

            $path = htmlspecialchars_decode($path); // mPDF 6

            $CSSextblock = $this->mpdf->_get_file($path);
            if ($CSSextblock) {
                // look for embedded @import stylesheets in other stylesheets
                // and fix url paths (including background-images) relative to stylesheet
                //$regexpem = '/@import url\([\'\"]{0,1}(.*?\.css)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/si';
                $regexpem = '/@import url\([\'\"]{0,1}(.*?\.css(\?\S+)?)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/si';
                $xem = preg_match_all($regexpem, $CSSextblock, $cxtem);
                $cssBasePath = preg_replace('/\/[^\/]*$/', '', $path) . '/';
                if ($xem) {
                    foreach ($cxtem[1] AS $cxtembedded) {
                        // path is relative to original stlyesheet!!
                        $this->mpdf->GetFullPath($cxtembedded, $cssBasePath);
                        $CSSext[] = $cxtembedded;
                $regexpem = '/(background[^;]*url\s*\(\s*[\'\"]{0,1})([^\)\'\"]*)([\'\"]{0,1}\s*\))/si';
                $xem = preg_match_all($regexpem, $CSSextblock, $cxtem);
                if ($xem) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($cxtem[0]); $i++) {
                        // path is relative to original stlyesheet!!
                        $embedded = $cxtem[2][$i];
                        if (!preg_match('/^data:image/i', $embedded)) { // mPDF 5.5.13
                            $this->mpdf->GetFullPath($embedded, $cssBasePath);
                            $CSSextblock = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($cxtem[0][$i], '/') . '/', ($cxtem[1][$i] . $embedded . $cxtem[3][$i]), $CSSextblock);
                $CSSstr .= ' ' . $CSSextblock;
        } //end of match

        $match = 0; // reset value, if needed
        // CSS as <style> in HTML document
        $regexp = '/<style.*?>(.*?)<\/style>/si';
        $match = preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $CSSblock);
        if ($match) {
            $tmpCSSstr = implode(' ', $CSSblock[1]);
            $regexpem = '/(background[^;]*url\s*\(\s*[\'\"]{0,1})([^\)\'\"]*)([\'\"]{0,1}\s*\))/si';
            $xem = preg_match_all($regexpem, $tmpCSSstr, $cxtem);
            if ($xem) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($cxtem[0]); $i++) {
                    $embedded = $cxtem[2][$i];
                    if (!preg_match('/^data:image/i', $embedded)) { // mPDF 5.5.13
                        $tmpCSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($cxtem[0][$i], '/') . '/', ($cxtem[1][$i] . $embedded . $cxtem[3][$i]), $tmpCSSstr);
            $CSSstr .= ' ' . $tmpCSSstr;
        // Remove comments
        $CSSstr = preg_replace('|/\*.*?\*/|s', ' ', $CSSstr);
        $CSSstr = preg_replace('/[\s\n\r\t\f]/s', ' ', $CSSstr);

        if (preg_match('/@media/', $CSSstr)) {
            preg_match_all('/@media(.*?)\{(([^\{\}]*\{[^\{\}]*\})+)\s*\}/is', $CSSstr, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]); $i++) {
                if ($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia && !preg_match('/(' . trim($this->mpdf->CSSselectMedia) . '|all)/i', $m[1][$i])) {
                    $CSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', '', $CSSstr);
                } else {
                    $CSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', ' ' . $m[2][$i] . ' ', $CSSstr);

        // Replace any background: url(data:image... with temporary image file reference
        preg_match_all("/(url\(data:image\/(jpeg|gif|png);base64,(.*?)\))/si", $CSSstr, $idata); // mPDF 5.7.2
        if (count($idata[0])) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($idata[0]); $i++) {
                $file = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH . '_tempCSSidata' . RAND(1, 10000) . '_' . $i . '.' . $idata[2][$i];
                //Save to local file
                file_put_contents($file, base64_decode($idata[3][$i]));
                // $this->mpdf->GetFullPath($file);	// ? is this needed - NO  mPDF 5.6.03
                $CSSstr = str_replace($idata[0][$i], 'url("' . $file . '")', $CSSstr);  // mPDF 5.5.17

        $CSSstr = preg_replace('/(<\!\-\-|\-\->)/s', ' ', $CSSstr);

        // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
        // Characters "(" ")" and ";" in url() e.g. background-image, cause problems parsing the CSS string
        // URLencode ( and ), but change ";" to a code which can be converted back after parsing (so as not to confuse ; 
        // with a segment delimiter in the URI)
        $tempmarker = '%ZZ';
        if (strpos($CSSstr, 'url(') !== false) {
            preg_match_all('/url\(\"(.*?)\"\)/', $CSSstr, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $CSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $CSSstr);
            preg_match_all('/url\(\'(.*?)\'\)/', $CSSstr, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $CSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $CSSstr);
            preg_match_all('/url\(([^\'\"].*?[^\'\"])\)/', $CSSstr, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $CSSstr = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $CSSstr);

        if ($CSSstr) {
            $classproperties = array(); // mPDF 6
            preg_match_all('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/', $CSSstr, $styles);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($styles[1]); $i++) {
                // SET array e.g. $classproperties['COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
                $stylestr = trim($styles[2][$i]);
                $stylearr = explode(';', $stylestr);
                foreach ($stylearr AS $sta) {
                    if (trim($sta)) {
                        // Changed to allow style="background: url('http://www.bpm1.com/bg.jpg')"
                        $tmp = explode(':', $sta, 2);
                        $property = $tmp[0];
                        if (isset($tmp[1])) {
                            $value = $tmp[1];
                        } else {
                            $value = '';
                        $value = str_replace($tempmarker, ';', $value); // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
                        $property = trim($property);
                        $value = preg_replace('/\s*!important/i', '', $value);
                        $value = trim($value);
                        if ($property && ($value || $value === '0')) {
                            // Ignores -webkit-gradient so doesn't override -moz-
                            if ((strtoupper($property) == 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE' || strtoupper($property) == 'BACKGROUND') && preg_match('/-webkit-gradient/i', $value)) {
                            $classproperties[strtoupper($property)] = $value;
                $classproperties = $this->fixCSS($classproperties);
                $tagstr = strtoupper(trim($styles[1][$i]));
                $tagarr = explode(',', $tagstr);
                $pageselectors = false; // used to turn on $this->mpdf->mirrorMargins
                foreach ($tagarr AS $tg) {
                    // mPDF 5.7.4
                    if (preg_match('/NTH-CHILD\((\s*(([\-+]?\d*)N(\s*[\-+]\s*\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)\s*)\)/', $tg, $m)) {
                        $tg = preg_replace('/NTH-CHILD\(.*\)/', 'NTH-CHILD(' . str_replace(' ', '', $m[1]) . ')', $tg);
                    $tags = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($tg));
                    $level = count($tags);
                    $t = '';
                    $t2 = '';
                    $t3 = '';
                    if (trim($tags[0]) == '@PAGE') {
                        if (isset($tags[0])) {
                            $t = trim($tags[0]);
                        if (isset($tags[1])) {
                            $t2 = trim($tags[1]);
                        if (isset($tags[2])) {
                            $t3 = trim($tags[2]);
                        $tag = '';
                        if ($level == 1) {
                            $tag = $t;
                        } else if ($level == 2 && preg_match('/^[:](.*)$/', $t2, $m)) {
                            $tag = $t . '>>PSEUDO>>' . $m[1];
                            if ($m[1] == 'LEFT' || $m[1] == 'RIGHT') {
                                $pageselectors = true;
                            } // used to turn on $this->mpdf->mirrorMargins 
                        } else if ($level == 2) {
                            $tag = $t . '>>NAMED>>' . $t2;
                        } else if ($level == 3 && preg_match('/^[:](.*)$/', $t3, $m)) {
                            $tag = $t . '>>NAMED>>' . $t2 . '>>PSEUDO>>' . $m[1];
                            if ($m[1] == 'LEFT' || $m[1] == 'RIGHT') {
                                $pageselectors = true;
                            } // used to turn on $this->mpdf->mirrorMargins
                        if (isset($this->CSS[$tag]) && $tag) {
                            $this->CSS[$tag] = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->CSS[$tag], $classproperties);
                        } else if ($tag) {
                            $this->CSS[$tag] = $classproperties;
                    } else if ($level == 1) {  // e.g. p or .class or #id or p.class or p#id
                        if (isset($tags[0])) {
                            $t = trim($tags[0]);
                        if ($t) {
                            $tag = '';
                            if (preg_match('/^[.](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = 'CLASS>>' . $m[1];
                            } else if (preg_match('/^[#](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = 'ID>>' . $m[1];
                            } else if (preg_match('/^\[LANG=[\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\]$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = 'LANG>>' . strtolower($m[1]);
                            } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                            else if (preg_match('/^:LANG\([\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = 'LANG>>' . strtolower($m[1]);
                            } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                            else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')[.](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = $m[1] . '>>CLASS>>' . $m[2];
                            } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')\s*:NTH-CHILD\((.*)\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = $m[1] . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>' . $m[2];
                            } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')[#](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = $m[1] . '>>ID>>' . $m[2];
                            } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')\[LANG=[\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\]$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = $m[1] . '>>LANG>>' . strtolower($m[2]);
                            } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                            else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . '):LANG\([\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                $tag = $m[1] . '>>LANG>>' . strtolower($m[2]);
                            } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                            else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')$/', $t)) {
                                $tag = $t;
                            if (isset($this->CSS[$tag]) && $tag) {
                                $this->CSS[$tag] = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->CSS[$tag], $classproperties);
                            } else if ($tag) {
                                $this->CSS[$tag] = $classproperties;
                    } else {
                        $tmp = array();
                        for ($n = 0; $n < $level; $n++) {
                            if (isset($tags[$n])) {
                                $t = trim($tags[$n]);
                            } else {
                                $t = '';
                            if ($t) {
                                $tag = '';
                                if (preg_match('/^[.](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = 'CLASS>>' . $m[1];
                                } else if (preg_match('/^[#](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = 'ID>>' . $m[1];
                                } else if (preg_match('/^\[LANG=[\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\]$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = 'LANG>>' . strtolower($m[1]);
                                } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                                else if (preg_match('/^:LANG\([\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = 'LANG>>' . strtolower($m[1]);
                                } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                                else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')[.](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = $m[1] . '>>CLASS>>' . $m[2];
                                } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')\s*:NTH-CHILD\((.*)\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = $m[1] . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>' . $m[2];
                                } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')[#](.*)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = $m[1] . '>>ID>>' . $m[2];
                                } else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')\[LANG=[\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\]$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = $m[1] . '>>LANG>>' . strtolower($m[2]);
                                } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                                else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . '):LANG\([\'\"]{0,1}([A-Z\-]{2,11})[\'\"]{0,1}\)$/', $t, $m)) {
                                    $tag = $m[1] . '>>LANG>>' . strtolower($m[2]);
                                } // mPDF 6  Special case for lang as attribute selector
                                else if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->mpdf->allowedCSStags . ')$/', $t)) {
                                    $tag = $t;

                                if ($tag)
                                    $tmp[] = $tag;
                                else {

                        if ($tag) {
                            $x = &$this->cascadeCSS;
                            foreach ($tmp AS $tp) {
                                $x = &$x[$tp];
                            $x = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($x, $classproperties);
                            $x['depth'] = $level;
                if ($pageselectors) {
                    $this->mpdf->mirrorMargins = true;
                $properties = array();
                $values = array();
                $classproperties = array();
        } // end of if
        //Remove CSS (tags and content), if any
        $regexp = '/<style.*?>(.*?)<\/style>/si'; // it can be <style> or <style type="txt/css"> 
        $html = preg_replace($regexp, '', $html);
//print_r($this->CSS); exit;
//print_r($this->cascadeCSS); exit;
        return $html;

    function readInlineCSS($html) {
        $html = htmlspecialchars_decode($html); // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
        // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
        // Characters "(" ")" and ";" in url() e.g. background-image, cause probems parsing the CSS string
        // URLencode ( and ), but change ";" to a code which can be converted back after parsing (so as not to confuse ; 
        // with a segment delimiter in the URI)
        $tempmarker = '%ZZ';
        if (strpos($html, 'url(') !== false) {
            preg_match_all('/url\(\"(.*?)\"\)/', $html, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $html);
            preg_match_all('/url\(\'(.*?)\'\)/', $html, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $html);
            preg_match_all('/url\(([^\'\"].*?[^\'\"])\)/', $html, $m);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $tmp = str_replace(array('(', ')', ';'), array('%28', '%29', $tempmarker), $m[1][$i]);
                $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0][$i], '/') . '/', 'url(\'' . $tmp . '\')', $html);
        //Fix incomplete CSS code
        $size = strlen($html) - 1;
        if (substr($html, $size, 1) != ';')
            $html .= ';';
        //Make CSS[Name-of-the-class] = array(key => value)
        $regexp = '|\\s*?(\\S+?):(.+?);|i';
        preg_match_all($regexp, $html, $styleinfo);
        $properties = $styleinfo[1];
        $values = $styleinfo[2];
        //Array-properties and Array-values must have the SAME SIZE!
        $classproperties = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($properties); $i++) {
            // Ignores -webkit-gradient so doesn't override -moz-
            if ((strtoupper($properties[$i]) == 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE' || strtoupper($properties[$i]) == 'BACKGROUND') && preg_match('/-webkit-gradient/i', $values[$i])) {
            $values[$i] = str_replace($tempmarker, ';', $values[$i]); // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
            $classproperties[strtoupper($properties[$i])] = trim($values[$i]);
        return $this->fixCSS($classproperties);

    function _fix_borderStr($bd) {
        preg_match_all("/\((.*?)\)/", $bd, $m);
        if (count($m[1])) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[1]); $i++) {
                $sub = preg_replace("/ /", "", $m[1][$i]);
                $bd = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[1][$i], '/') . '/si', $sub, $bd);

        $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bd));
        $w = 'medium';
        $c = '#000000';
        $s = 'none';

        if (count($prop) == 1) {
            // solid
            if (in_array($prop[0], $this->mpdf->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden') {
                $s = $prop[0];
            // #000000
            else if (is_array($this->mpdf->ConvertColor($prop[0]))) {
                $c = $prop[0];
            // 1px 
            else {
                $w = $prop[0];
        } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
            // 1px solid 
            if (in_array($prop[1], $this->mpdf->borderstyles) || $prop[1] == 'none' || $prop[1] == 'hidden') {
                $w = $prop[0];
                $s = $prop[1];
            // solid #000000 
            else if (in_array($prop[0], $this->mpdf->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden') {
                $s = $prop[0];
                $c = $prop[1];
            // 1px #000000 
            else {
                $w = $prop[0];
                $c = $prop[1];
        } else if (count($prop) == 3) {
            // Change #000000 1px solid to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
            if (substr($prop[0], 0, 1) == '#') {
                $c = $prop[0];
                $w = $prop[1];
                $s = $prop[2];
            // Change solid #000000 1px to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
            else if (substr($prop[0], 1, 1) == '#') {
                $s = $prop[0];
                $c = $prop[1];
                $w = $prop[2];
            // Change solid 1px #000000 to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
            else if (in_array($prop[0], $this->mpdf->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden') {
                $s = $prop[0];
                $w = $prop[1];
                $c = $prop[2];
            } else {
                $w = $prop[0];
                $s = $prop[1];
                $c = $prop[2];
        } else {
            return '';
        $s = strtolower($s);
        return $w . ' ' . $s . ' ' . $c;

    function fixCSS($prop) {
        if (!is_array($prop) || (count($prop) == 0))
            return array();
        $newprop = array();
        foreach ($prop AS $k => $v) {
            if ($k != 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE' && $k != 'BACKGROUND' && $k != 'ODD-HEADER-NAME' && $k != 'EVEN-HEADER-NAME' && $k != 'ODD-FOOTER-NAME' && $k != 'EVEN-FOOTER-NAME' && $k != 'HEADER' && $k != 'FOOTER') {
                $v = strtolower($v);

            if ($k == 'FONT') {
                $s = trim($v);
                preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $s, $ff);
                if (count($ff[1])) {
                    foreach ($ff[1] AS $ffp) {
                        $w = preg_split('/\s+/', $ffp);
                        $s = preg_replace('/\"' . $ffp . '\"/', $w[0], $s);
                preg_match_all('/\'(.*?)\'/', $s, $ff);
                if (count($ff[1])) {
                    foreach ($ff[1] AS $ffp) {
                        $w = preg_split('/\s+/', $ffp);
                        $s = preg_replace('/\'' . $ffp . '\'/', $w[0], $s);
                $s = preg_replace('/\s*,\s*/', ',', $s);
                $bits = preg_split('/\s+/', $s);
                if (count($bits) > 1) {
                    $k = 'FONT-FAMILY';
                    $v = $bits[(count($bits) - 1)];
                    $fs = $bits[(count($bits) - 2)];
                    if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/(.*)/', $fs, $fsp)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-SIZE'] = $fsp[1];
                        $newprop['LINE-HEIGHT'] = $fsp[2];
                    } else {
                        $newprop['FONT-SIZE'] = $fs;
                    if (preg_match('/(italic|oblique)/i', $s)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-STYLE'] = 'italic';
                    } else {
                        $newprop['FONT-STYLE'] = 'normal';
                    if (preg_match('/bold/i', $s)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-WEIGHT'] = 'bold';
                    } else {
                        $newprop['FONT-WEIGHT'] = 'normal';
                    if (preg_match('/small-caps/i', $s)) {
                        $newprop['TEXT-TRANSFORM'] = 'uppercase';
            } else if ($k == 'FONT-FAMILY') {
                $aux_fontlist = explode(",", $v);
                $found = 0;
                foreach ($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
                    $fonttype = trim($f);
                    $fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/', '\\1', $fonttype);
                    $fonttype = preg_replace('/ /', '', $fonttype);
                    $v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
                    if (isset($this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v]) {
                        $v = $this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v];
                    if ((!$this->mpdf->onlyCoreFonts && in_array($v, $this->mpdf->available_unifonts)) ||
                            in_array($v, array('ccourier', 'ctimes', 'chelvetica')) ||
                            ($this->mpdf->onlyCoreFonts && in_array($v, array('courier', 'times', 'helvetica', 'arial'))) ||
                            in_array($v, array('sjis', 'uhc', 'big5', 'gb'))) {
                        $newprop[$k] = $v;
                        $found = 1;
                if (!$found) {
                    foreach ($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
                        $fonttype = trim($f);
                        $fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/', '\\1', $fonttype);
                        $fonttype = preg_replace('/ /', '', $fonttype);
                        $v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
                        if (isset($this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v]) {
                            $v = $this->mpdf->fonttrans[$v];
                        if (in_array($v, $this->mpdf->sans_fonts) || in_array($v, $this->mpdf->serif_fonts) || in_array($v, $this->mpdf->mono_fonts)) {
                            $newprop[$k] = $v;
            // mPDF 5.7.1
            else if ($k == 'FONT-VARIANT') {
                if (preg_match('/(normal|none)/', $v, $m)) { // mPDF 6
                    $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-LIGATURES'] = $m[1];
                    $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-CAPS'] = $m[1];
                    $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-NUMERIC'] = $m[1];
                    $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-ALTERNATES'] = $m[1];
                } else {
                    if (preg_match_all('/(no-common-ligatures|\bcommon-ligatures|no-discretionary-ligatures|\bdiscretionary-ligatures|no-historical-ligatures|\bhistorical-ligatures|no-contextual|\bcontextual)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-LIGATURES'] = implode(' ', $m[1]);
                    if (preg_match('/(all-small-caps|\bsmall-caps|all-petite-caps|\bpetite-caps|unicase|titling-caps)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-CAPS'] = $m[1];
                    if (preg_match_all('/(lining-nums|oldstyle-nums|proportional-nums|tabular-nums|diagonal-fractions|stacked-fractions)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-NUMERIC'] = implode(' ', $m[1]);
                    if (preg_match('/(historical-forms)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['FONT-VARIANT-ALTERNATES'] = $m[1];
            } else if ($k == 'MARGIN') {
                $tmp = $this->expand24($v);
                $newprop['MARGIN-TOP'] = $tmp['T'];
                $newprop['MARGIN-RIGHT'] = $tmp['R'];
                $newprop['MARGIN-BOTTOM'] = $tmp['B'];
                $newprop['MARGIN-LEFT'] = $tmp['L'];
                $tmp = $this->border_radius_expand($v, $k);
                if (isset($tmp['TL-H']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-H'] = $tmp['TL-H'];
                if (isset($tmp['TL-V']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-V'] = $tmp['TL-V'];
                if (isset($tmp['TR-H']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'] = $tmp['TR-H'];
                if (isset($tmp['TR-V']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'] = $tmp['TR-V'];
                if (isset($tmp['BL-H']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-H'] = $tmp['BL-H'];
                if (isset($tmp['BL-V']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-V'] = $tmp['BL-V'];
                if (isset($tmp['BR-H']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'] = $tmp['BR-H'];
                if (isset($tmp['BR-V']))
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'] = $tmp['BR-V'];
            /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
            else if ($k == 'PADDING') {
                $tmp = $this->expand24($v);
                $newprop['PADDING-TOP'] = $tmp['T'];
                $newprop['PADDING-RIGHT'] = $tmp['R'];
                $newprop['PADDING-BOTTOM'] = $tmp['B'];
                $newprop['PADDING-LEFT'] = $tmp['L'];
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER') {
                if ($v == '1') {
                    $v = '1px solid #000000';
                } else {
                    $v = $this->_fix_borderStr($v);
                $newprop['BORDER-TOP'] = $v;
                $newprop['BORDER-RIGHT'] = $v;
                $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM'] = $v;
                $newprop['BORDER-LEFT'] = $v;
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-TOP') {
                $newprop['BORDER-TOP'] = $this->_fix_borderStr($v);
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-RIGHT') {
                $newprop['BORDER-RIGHT'] = $this->_fix_borderStr($v);
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-BOTTOM') {
                $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM'] = $this->_fix_borderStr($v);
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-LEFT') {
                $newprop['BORDER-LEFT'] = $this->_fix_borderStr($v);
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-STYLE') {
                $e = $this->expand24($v);
                if (!empty($e)) {
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-STYLE'] = $e['T'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE'] = $e['R'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE'] = $e['B'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-LEFT-STYLE'] = $e['L'];
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-WIDTH') {
                $e = $this->expand24($v);
                if (!empty($e)) {
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-WIDTH'] = $e['T'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH'] = $e['R'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH'] = $e['B'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH'] = $e['L'];
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-COLOR') {
                $e = $this->expand24($v);
                if (!empty($e)) {
                    $newprop['BORDER-TOP-COLOR'] = $e['T'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR'] = $e['R'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR'] = $e['B'];
                    $newprop['BORDER-LEFT-COLOR'] = $e['L'];
            } else if ($k == 'BORDER-SPACING') {
                $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($v));
                if (count($prop) == 1) {
                    $newprop['BORDER-SPACING-H'] = $prop[0];
                    $newprop['BORDER-SPACING-V'] = $prop[0];
                } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
                    $newprop['BORDER-SPACING-H'] = $prop[0];
                    $newprop['BORDER-SPACING-V'] = $prop[1];
            } else if ($k == 'TEXT-OUTLINE') { // mPDF 5.6.07
                $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($v));
                if (trim(strtolower($v)) == 'none') {
                    $newprop['TEXT-OUTLINE'] = 'none';
                } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
                    $newprop['TEXT-OUTLINE-WIDTH'] = $prop[0];
                    $newprop['TEXT-OUTLINE-COLOR'] = $prop[1];
                } else if (count($prop) == 3) {
                    $newprop['TEXT-OUTLINE-WIDTH'] = $prop[0];
                    $newprop['TEXT-OUTLINE-COLOR'] = $prop[2];
            } else if ($k == 'SIZE') {
                $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($v));
                if (preg_match('/(auto|portrait|landscape)/', $prop[0])) {
                    $newprop['SIZE'] = strtoupper($prop[0]);
                } else if (count($prop) == 1) {
                    $newprop['SIZE']['W'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[0]);
                    $newprop['SIZE']['H'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[0]);
                } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
                    $newprop['SIZE']['W'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[0]);
                    $newprop['SIZE']['H'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[1]);
            } else if ($k == 'SHEET-SIZE') {
                $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($v));
                if (count($prop) == 2) {
                    $newprop['SHEET-SIZE'] = array($this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[0]), $this->mpdf->ConvertSize($prop[1]));
                } else {
                    if (preg_match('/([0-9a-zA-Z]*)-L/i', $v, $m)) { // e.g. A4-L = A$ landscape
                        $ft = $this->mpdf->_getPageFormat($m[1]);
                        $format = array($ft[1], $ft[0]);
                    } else {
                        $format = $this->mpdf->_getPageFormat($v);
                    if ($format) {
                        $newprop['SHEET-SIZE'] = array($format[0] / _MPDFK, $format[1] / _MPDFK);
            } else if ($k == 'BACKGROUND') {
                $bg = $this->parseCSSbackground($v);
                if ($bg['c']) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] = $bg['c'];
                } else {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] = 'transparent';
                /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
                if ($bg['i']) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = $bg['i'];
                    if ($bg['r']) {
                        $newprop['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] = $bg['r'];
                    if ($bg['p']) {
                        $newprop['BACKGROUND-POSITION'] = $bg['p'];
                } else {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = '';
                /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
            /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */ else if ($k == 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE') {
                if (preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient\(.*\)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = $m[0];
                if (preg_match('/url\([\'\"]{0,1}(.*?)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = $m[1];
                } else if (strtolower($v) == 'none') {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = '';
            } else if ($k == 'BACKGROUND-REPEAT') {
                if (preg_match('/(repeat-x|repeat-y|no-repeat|repeat)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] = strtolower($m[1]);
            } else if ($k == 'BACKGROUND-POSITION') {
                $s = $v;
                $bits = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($s));
                // These should be Position x1 or x2
                if (count($bits) == 1) {
                    if (preg_match('/bottom/', $bits[0])) {
                        $bg['p'] = '50% 100%';
                    } else if (preg_match('/top/', $bits[0])) {
                        $bg['p'] = '50% 0%';
                    } else {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[0] . ' 50%';
                } else if (count($bits) == 2) {
                    // Can be either right center or center right
                    if (preg_match('/(top|bottom)/', $bits[0]) || preg_match('/(left|right)/', $bits[1])) {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[1] . ' ' . $bits[0];
                    } else {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[0] . ' ' . $bits[1];
                if ($bg['p']) {
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(left|top)/', '0%', $bg['p']);
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(right|bottom)/', '100%', $bg['p']);
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(center)/', '50%', $bg['p']);
                    if (!preg_match('/[\-]{0,1}\d+(in|cm|mm|pt|pc|em|ex|px|%)* [\-]{0,1}\d+(in|cm|mm|pt|pc|em|ex|px|%)*/', $bg['p'])) {
                        $bg['p'] = false;
                if ($bg['p']) {
                    $newprop['BACKGROUND-POSITION'] = $bg['p'];
            /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */ else if ($k == 'IMAGE-ORIENTATION') {
                if (preg_match('/([\-]*[0-9\.]+)(deg|grad|rad)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $angle = $m[1] + 0;
                    if (strtolower($m[2]) == 'deg') {
                        $angle = $angle;
                    } else if (strtolower($m[2]) == 'grad') {
                        $angle *= (360 / 400);
                    } else if (strtolower($m[2]) == 'rad') {
                        $angle = rad2deg($angle);
                    while ($angle < 0) {
                        $angle += 360;
                    $angle = ($angle % 360);
                    $angle /= 90;
                    $angle = round($angle) * 90;
                    $newprop['IMAGE-ORIENTATION'] = $angle;
            } else if ($k == 'TEXT-ALIGN') {
                if (preg_match('/["\'](.){1}["\']/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $d = array_search($m[1], $this->mpdf->decimal_align);
                    if ($d !== false) {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] = $d;
                    if (preg_match('/(center|left|right)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] .= strtoupper(substr($m[1], 0, 1));
                    } else {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] .= 'R';
                    } // default = R
                } else if (preg_match('/["\'](\\\[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6})["\']/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $utf8 = codeHex2utf(substr($m[1], 1, 6));
                    $d = array_search($utf8, $this->mpdf->decimal_align);
                    if ($d !== false) {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] = $d;
                    if (preg_match('/(center|left|right)/i', $v, $m)) {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] .= strtoupper(substr($m[1], 0, 1));
                    } else {
                        $newprop['TEXT-ALIGN'] .= 'R';
                    } // default = R
                } else {
                    $newprop[$k] = $v;
            // mpDF 6  Lists
            else if ($k == 'LIST-STYLE') {
                if (preg_match('/none/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'] = 'none';
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-IMAGE'] = 'none';
                if (preg_match('/(lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-latin|lower-alpha|upper-latin|upper-alpha|decimal|disc|circle|square|arabic-indic|bengali|devanagari|gujarati|gurmukhi|kannada|malayalam|oriya|persian|tamil|telugu|thai|urdu|cambodian|khmer|lao|cjk-decimal|hebrew)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'] = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
                } else if (preg_match('/U\+([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'] = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
                if (preg_match('/url\([\'\"]{0,1}(.*?)[\'\"]{0,1}\)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-IMAGE'] = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
                if (preg_match('/(inside|outside)/i', $v, $m)) {
                    $newprop['LIST-STYLE-POSITION'] = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
            } else {
                $newprop[$k] = $v;

        return $newprop;

    function setCSSboxshadow($v) {
        $sh = array();
        $c = preg_match_all('/(rgba|rgb|device-cmyka|cmyka|device-cmyk|cmyk|hsla|hsl)\(.*?\)/', $v, $x); // mPDF 5.6.05
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
            $col = preg_replace('/,/', '*', $x[0][$i]);
            $v = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($x[0][$i], '/') . '/', $col, $v);
        $ss = explode(',', $v);
        foreach ($ss AS $s) {
            $new = array('inset' => false, 'blur' => 0, 'spread' => 0);
            if (preg_match('/inset/i', $s)) {
                $new['inset'] = true;
                $s = preg_replace('/\s*inset\s*/', '', $s);
            $p = explode(' ', trim($s));
            if (isset($p[0])) {
                $new['x'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[0]), $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
            if (isset($p[1])) {
                $new['y'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[1]), $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
            if (isset($p[2])) {
                if (preg_match('/^\s*[\.\-0-9]/', $p[2])) {
                    $new['blur'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[2]), $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
                } else {
                    $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor(preg_replace('/\*/', ',', $p[2]));
                if (isset($p[3])) {
                    if (preg_match('/^\s*[\.\-0-9]/', $p[3])) {
                        $new['spread'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[3]), $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
                    } else {
                        $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor(preg_replace('/\*/', ',', $p[3]));
                    if (isset($p[4])) {
                        $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor(preg_replace('/\*/', ',', $p[4]));
            if (!$new['col']) {
                $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor('#888888');
            if (isset($new['y'])) {
                array_unshift($sh, $new);
        return $sh;

    function setCSStextshadow($v) {
        $sh = array();
        $c = preg_match_all('/(rgba|rgb|device-cmyka|cmyka|device-cmyk|cmyk|hsla|hsl)\(.*?\)/', $v, $x); // mPDF 5.6.05
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
            $col = preg_replace('/,/', '*', $x[0][$i]);
            $v = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($x[0][$i], '/') . '/', $col, $v);
        $ss = explode(',', $v);
        foreach ($ss AS $s) {
            $new = array('blur' => 0);
            $p = explode(' ', trim($s));
            if (isset($p[0])) {
                $new['x'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[0]), $this->mpdf->FontSize, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
            if (isset($p[1])) {
                $new['y'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[1]), $this->mpdf->FontSize, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
            if (isset($p[2])) {
                if (preg_match('/^\s*[\.\-0-9]/', $p[2])) {
                    $new['blur'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertSize(trim($p[2]), $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false);
                } else {
                    $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor(preg_replace('/\*/', ',', $p[2]));
                if (isset($p[3])) {
                    $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor(preg_replace('/\*/', ',', $p[3]));
            if (!isset($new['col']) || !$new['col']) {
                $new['col'] = $this->mpdf->ConvertColor('#888888');
            if (isset($new['y'])) {
                array_unshift($sh, $new);
        return $sh;

    function parseCSSbackground($s) {
        $bg = array('c' => false, 'i' => false, 'r' => false, 'p' => false,);
        /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
        if (preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient\(.*\)/i', $s, $m)) {
            $bg['i'] = $m[0];
        } else
        /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
        if (preg_match('/url\(/i', $s)) {
            // If color, set and strip it off
            // mPDF 5.6.05
            if (preg_match('/^\s*(#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,6}|(rgba|rgb|device-cmyka|cmyka|device-cmyk|cmyk|hsla|hsl|spot)\(.*?\)|[a-zA-Z]{3,})\s+(url\(.*)/i', $s, $m)) {
                $bg['c'] = strtolower($m[1]);
                $s = $m[3];
            /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
            if (preg_match('/url\([\'\"]{0,1}(.*?)[\'\"]{0,1}\)\s*(.*)/i', $s, $m)) {
                $bg['i'] = $m[1];
                $s = strtolower($m[2]);
                if (preg_match('/(repeat-x|repeat-y|no-repeat|repeat)/', $s, $m)) {
                    $bg['r'] = $m[1];
                // Remove repeat, attachment (discarded) and also any inherit
                $s = preg_replace('/(repeat-x|repeat-y|no-repeat|repeat|scroll|fixed|inherit)/', '', $s);
                $bits = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($s));
                // These should be Position x1 or x2
                if (count($bits) == 1) {
                    if (preg_match('/bottom/', $bits[0])) {
                        $bg['p'] = '50% 100%';
                    } else if (preg_match('/top/', $bits[0])) {
                        $bg['p'] = '50% 0%';
                    } else {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[0] . ' 50%';
                } else if (count($bits) == 2) {
                    // Can be either right center or center right
                    if (preg_match('/(top|bottom)/', $bits[0]) || preg_match('/(left|right)/', $bits[1])) {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[1] . ' ' . $bits[0];
                    } else {
                        $bg['p'] = $bits[0] . ' ' . $bits[1];
                if ($bg['p']) {
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(left|top)/', '0%', $bg['p']);
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(right|bottom)/', '100%', $bg['p']);
                    $bg['p'] = preg_replace('/(center)/', '50%', $bg['p']);
                    if (!preg_match('/[\-]{0,1}\d+(in|cm|mm|pt|pc|em|ex|px|%)* [\-]{0,1}\d+(in|cm|mm|pt|pc|em|ex|px|%)*/', $bg['p'])) {
                        $bg['p'] = false;
            /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
        } else if (preg_match('/^\s*(#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,6}|(rgba|rgb|device-cmyka|cmyka|device-cmyk|cmyk|hsla|hsl|spot)\(.*?\)|[a-zA-Z]{3,})/i', $s, $m)) {
            $bg['c'] = strtolower($m[1]);
        } // mPDF 5.6.05
        return ($bg);

    function expand24($mp) {
        $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($mp));
        if (count($prop) == 1) {
            return array('T' => $prop[0], 'R' => $prop[0], 'B' => $prop[0], 'L' => $prop[0]);
        if (count($prop) == 2) {
            return array('T' => $prop[0], 'R' => $prop[1], 'B' => $prop[0], 'L' => $prop[1]);

        if (count($prop) == 3) {
            return array('T' => $prop[0], 'R' => $prop[1], 'B' => $prop[2], 'L' => $prop[1]);
        if (count($prop) == 4) {
            return array('T' => $prop[0], 'R' => $prop[1], 'B' => $prop[2], 'L' => $prop[3]);
        return array();

    /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */

    function border_radius_expand($val, $k) {
        $b = array();
        if ($k == 'BORDER-RADIUS') {
            $hv = explode('/', trim($val));
            $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($hv[0]));
            if (count($prop) == 1) {
                $b['TL-H'] = $b['TR-H'] = $b['BR-H'] = $b['BL-H'] = $prop[0];
            } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
                $b['TL-H'] = $b['BR-H'] = $prop[0];
                $b['TR-H'] = $b['BL-H'] = $prop[1];
            } else if (count($prop) == 3) {
                $b['TL-H'] = $prop[0];
                $b['TR-H'] = $b['BL-H'] = $prop[1];
                $b['BR-H'] = $prop[2];
            } else if (count($prop) == 4) {
                $b['TL-H'] = $prop[0];
                $b['TR-H'] = $prop[1];
                $b['BR-H'] = $prop[2];
                $b['BL-H'] = $prop[3];
            if (count($hv) == 2) {
                $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($hv[1]));
                if (count($prop) == 1) {
                    $b['TL-V'] = $b['TR-V'] = $b['BR-V'] = $b['BL-V'] = $prop[0];
                } else if (count($prop) == 2) {
                    $b['TL-V'] = $b['BR-V'] = $prop[0];
                    $b['TR-V'] = $b['BL-V'] = $prop[1];
                } else if (count($prop) == 3) {
                    $b['TL-V'] = $prop[0];
                    $b['TR-V'] = $b['BL-V'] = $prop[1];
                    $b['BR-V'] = $prop[2];
                } else if (count($prop) == 4) {
                    $b['TL-V'] = $prop[0];
                    $b['TR-V'] = $prop[1];
                    $b['BR-V'] = $prop[2];
                    $b['BL-V'] = $prop[3];
            } else {
                $b['TL-V'] = $b['TL-H'];
                $b['TR-V'] = $b['TR-H'];
                $b['BL-V'] = $b['BL-H'];
                $b['BR-V'] = $b['BR-H'];
            return $b;

        // Parse 2
        $h = 0;
        $v = 0;
        $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($val));
        if (count($prop) == 1) {
            $h = $v = $val;
        } else {
            $h = $prop[0];
            $v = $prop[1];
        if ($h == 0 || $v == 0) {
            $h = $v = 0;
        if ($k == 'BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS') {
            $b['TL-H'] = $h;
            $b['TL-V'] = $v;
        } else if ($k == 'BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS') {
            $b['TR-H'] = $h;
            $b['TR-V'] = $v;
        } else if ($k == 'BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS') {
            $b['BL-H'] = $h;
            $b['BL-V'] = $v;
        } else if ($k == 'BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS') {
            $b['BR-H'] = $h;
            $b['BR-V'] = $v;
        return $b;

    /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */

    function _mergeCSS($p, &$t) {
        // Save Cascading CSS e.g. "div.topic p" at this block level
        if (isset($p) && $p) {
            if ($t) {
                $t = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($t, $p);
            } else {
                $t = $p;

// for CSS handling
    function array_merge_recursive_unique($array1, $array2) {
        $arrays = func_get_args();
        $narrays = count($arrays);
        $ret = $arrays[0];
        for ($i = 1; $i < $narrays; $i ++) {
            foreach ($arrays[$i] as $key => $value) {
                if (((string) $key) === ((string) intval($key))) { // integer or string as integer key - append
                    $ret[] = $value;
                } else { // string key - merge
                    if (is_array($value) && isset($ret[$key])) {
                        $ret[$key] = $this->array_merge_recursive_unique($ret[$key], $value);
                    } else {
                        $ret[$key] = $value;
        return $ret;

    function _mergeFullCSS($p, &$t, $tag, $classes, $id, $lang) { // mPDF 6
        if (isset($p[$tag])) {
            $this->_mergeCSS($p[$tag], $t);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. .smallone{}  .redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            if (isset($p['CLASS>>' . $class])) {
                $this->_mergeCSS($p['CLASS>>' . $class], $t);
        // STYLESHEET nth-child SELECTOR e.g. tr:nth-child(odd)  td:nth-child(2n+1)
        if ($tag == 'TR' && isset($p) && $p) {
            foreach ($p AS $k => $val) {
                if (preg_match('/' . $tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>(.*)/', $k, $m)) {
                    $select = false;
                    if ($tag == 'TR') {
                        $row = $this->mpdf->row;
                        $thnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) : 0);
                        $tfnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) : 0);
                        if ($this->mpdf->tabletfoot) {
                            $row -= $thnr;
                        } else if (!$this->mpdf->tablethead) {
                            $row -= ($thnr + $tfnr);
                        if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                            $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $row);
                    } else if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                        if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                            $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $this->mpdf->col);
                    if ($select) {
                        $this->_mergeCSS($p[$tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>' . $m[1]], $t);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. [lang=fr]{} or :lang(fr)
        if (isset($lang) && isset($p['LANG>>' . $lang])) {
            $this->_mergeCSS($p['LANG>>' . $lang], $t);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. #smallone{}  #redletter{}
        if (isset($id) && isset($p['ID>>' . $id])) {
            $this->_mergeCSS($p['ID>>' . $id], $t);

        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. .smallone{}  .redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            if (isset($p[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class])) {
                $this->_mergeCSS($p[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class], $t);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. [lang=fr]{} or :lang(fr)
        if (isset($lang) && isset($p[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $lang])) {
            $this->_mergeCSS($p[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $lang], $t);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. #smallone{}  #redletter{}
        if (isset($id) && isset($p[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $id])) {
            $this->_mergeCSS($p[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $id], $t);

    function setBorderDominance($prop, $val) {
        if (isset($prop['BORDER-LEFT']) && $prop['BORDER-LEFT']) {
            $this->cell_border_dominance_L = $val;
        if (isset($prop['BORDER-RIGHT']) && $prop['BORDER-RIGHT']) {
            $this->cell_border_dominance_R = $val;
        if (isset($prop['BORDER-TOP']) && $prop['BORDER-TOP']) {
            $this->cell_border_dominance_T = $val;
        if (isset($prop['BORDER-BOTTOM']) && $prop['BORDER-BOTTOM']) {
            $this->cell_border_dominance_B = $val;

    function _set_mergedCSS(&$m, &$p, $d = true, $bd = false) {
        if (isset($m)) {
            if ((isset($m['depth']) && $m['depth'] > 1) || $d == false) {  // include check for 'depth'
                if ($bd) {
                    $this->setBorderDominance($m, $bd);
                } // *TABLES*
                if (is_array($m)) {
                    $p = array_merge($p, $m);
                    $this->_mergeBorders($p, $m);

    function _mergeBorders(&$b, &$a) { // Merges $a['BORDER-TOP-STYLE'] to $b['BORDER-TOP'] etc.
        foreach (array('TOP', 'RIGHT', 'BOTTOM', 'LEFT') AS $side) {
            foreach (array('STYLE', 'WIDTH', 'COLOR') AS $el) {
                if (isset($a['BORDER-' . $side . '-' . $el])) { // e.g. $b['BORDER-TOP-STYLE']
                    $s = trim($a['BORDER-' . $side . '-' . $el]);
                    if (isset($b['BORDER-' . $side])) { // e.g. $b['BORDER-TOP']
                        $p = trim($b['BORDER-' . $side]);
                    } else {
                        $p = '';
                    if ($el == 'STYLE') {
                        if ($p) {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = preg_replace('/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/', '\\1 ' . $s . ' \\3', $p);
                        } else {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = '0px ' . $s . ' #000000';
                    } else if ($el == 'WIDTH') {
                        if ($p) {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = preg_replace('/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/', $s . ' \\2 \\3', $p);
                        } else {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = $s . ' none #000000';
                    } else if ($el == 'COLOR') {
                        if ($p) {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = preg_replace('/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/', '\\1 \\2 ' . $s, $p);
                        } else {
                            $b['BORDER-' . $side] = '0px none ' . $s;

    function MergeCSS($inherit, $tag, $attr) {
        $p = array();
        $zp = array();

        $classes = array();
        if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
            $classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $attr['CLASS']);
        if (!isset($attr['ID'])) {
            $attr['ID'] = '';
        // mPDF 6
        $shortlang = '';
        if (!isset($attr['LANG'])) {
            $attr['LANG'] = '';
        } else {
            $attr['LANG'] = strtolower($attr['LANG']);
            if (strlen($attr['LANG']) == 5) {
                $shortlang = substr($attr['LANG'], 0, 2);
        /* -- TABLES -- */
        // Set Inherited properties
        if ($inherit == 'TOPTABLE') { // $tag = TABLE
            // Save Cascading CSS e.g. "div.topic p" at this block level
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'])) {
                $this->tablecascadeCSS[0] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'];
            } else {
                $this->tablecascadeCSS[0] = $this->cascadeCSS;
        // Set Inherited properties
        if ($inherit == 'TOPTABLE' || $inherit == 'TABLE') {
            //Cascade everything from last level that is not an actual property, or defined by current tag/attributes
            if (isset($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1]) && is_array($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1])) {
                foreach ($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1] AS $k => $v) {
                    $this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl][$k] = $v;
            $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->cascadeCSS, $this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl], $tag, $classes, $attr['ID'], $attr['LANG']);
            // Cascading forward CSS e.g. "table.topic td" for this table in $this->tablecascadeCSS 
            // STYLESHEET TAG e.g. table
            $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1], $this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl], $tag, $classes, $attr['ID'], $attr['LANG']);
        /* -- END TABLES -- */
        // Set Inherited properties
        if ($inherit == 'BLOCK') {
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS']) && is_array($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'])) {
                foreach ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'] AS $k => $v) {
                    $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'][$k] = $v;

            // Save Cascading CSS e.g. "div.topic p" at this block level
            $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->cascadeCSS, $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'], $tag, $classes, $attr['ID'], $attr['LANG']);
            // Cascading forward CSS
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1])) {
                $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'], $tag, $classes, $attr['ID'], $attr['LANG']);
            // Block properties which are inherited
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['margin_collapse']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['margin_collapse']) {
                $p['MARGIN-COLLAPSE'] = 'COLLAPSE';
            } // custom tag, but follows CSS principle that border-collapse is inherited
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_height']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_height']) {
                $p['LINE-HEIGHT'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_height'];
            // mPDF 6
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_strategy']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_strategy']) {
                $p['LINE-STACKING-STRATEGY'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_strategy'];
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_shift']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_shift']) {
                $p['LINE-STACKING-SHIFT'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['line_stacking_shift'];

            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['direction']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['direction']) {
                $p['DIRECTION'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['direction'];
            // mPDF 6  Lists
            if ($tag == 'LI') {
                if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_type']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_type']) {
                    $p['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_type'];
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_image']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_image']) {
                $p['LIST-STYLE-IMAGE'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_image'];
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_position']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_position']) {
                $p['LIST-STYLE-POSITION'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['list_style_position'];

            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align']) {
                if ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align'] == 'L') {
                    $p['TEXT-ALIGN'] = 'left';
                } else if ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align'] == 'J') {
                    $p['TEXT-ALIGN'] = 'justify';
                } else if ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align'] == 'R') {
                    $p['TEXT-ALIGN'] = 'right';
                } else if ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['align'] == 'C') {
                    $p['TEXT-ALIGN'] = 'center';
            if ($this->mpdf->ColActive || $this->mpdf->keep_block_together) {
                if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['bgcolor']) && $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['bgcolor']) { // Doesn't officially inherit, but default value is transparent (?=inherited)
                    $cor = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['bgcolorarray'];
                    $p['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] = $this->mpdf->_colAtoString($cor);

            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['text_indent']) && ($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['text_indent'] || $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['text_indent'] === 0)) {
                $p['TEXT-INDENT'] = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['text_indent'];
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['InlineProperties'])) {
                $biilp = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['InlineProperties'];
                $this->inlinePropsToCSS($biilp, $p); // mPDF 5.7.1
            } else {
                $biilp = null;
        // mPDF 6 (added)
        if (isset($attr['DIR']) and $attr['DIR'] != '') {
            $p['DIRECTION'] = $attr['DIR'];
        // mPDF 6 (moved)
        if (isset($attr['LANG']) and $attr['LANG'] != '') {
            $p['LANG'] = $attr['LANG'];
        if (isset($attr['COLOR']) and $attr['COLOR'] != '') {
            $p['COLOR'] = $attr['COLOR'];

        if ($tag != 'INPUT') {
            if (isset($attr['WIDTH']) and $attr['WIDTH'] != '') {
                $p['WIDTH'] = $attr['WIDTH'];
            if (isset($attr['HEIGHT']) and $attr['HEIGHT'] != '') {
                $p['HEIGHT'] = $attr['HEIGHT'];
        if ($tag == 'FONT') {
            if (isset($attr['FACE'])) {
                $p['FONT-FAMILY'] = $attr['FACE'];
            if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and $attr['SIZE'] != '') {
                $s = '';
                if ($attr['SIZE'] === '+1') {
                    $s = '120%';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] === '-1') {
                    $s = '86%';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] === '1') {
                    $s = 'XX-SMALL';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '2') {
                    $s = 'X-SMALL';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '3') {
                    $s = 'SMALL';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '4') {
                    $s = 'MEDIUM';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '5') {
                    $s = 'LARGE';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '6') {
                    $s = 'X-LARGE';
                } else if ($attr['SIZE'] == '7') {
                    $s = 'XX-LARGE';
                if ($s)
                    $p['FONT-SIZE'] = $s;
        if (isset($attr['VALIGN']) and $attr['VALIGN'] != '') {
            $p['VERTICAL-ALIGN'] = $attr['VALIGN'];
        if (isset($attr['VSPACE']) and $attr['VSPACE'] != '') {
            $p['MARGIN-TOP'] = $attr['VSPACE'];
            $p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'] = $attr['VSPACE'];
        if (isset($attr['HSPACE']) and $attr['HSPACE'] != '') {
            $p['MARGIN-LEFT'] = $attr['HSPACE'];
            $p['MARGIN-RIGHT'] = $attr['HSPACE'];
        // DEFAULT for this TAG set in DefaultCSS
        if (isset($this->mpdf->defaultCSS[$tag])) {
            $zp = $this->fixCSS($this->mpdf->defaultCSS[$tag]);
            if (is_array($zp)) {  // Default overwrites Inherited
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);  // !! Note other way round !!
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        /* -- TABLES -- */
        // mPDF 5.7.3
        // cellSpacing overwrites TABLE default but not specific CSS set on table
        if ($tag == 'TABLE' && isset($attr['CELLSPACING'])) {
            $p['BORDER-SPACING-H'] = $p['BORDER-SPACING-V'] = $attr['CELLSPACING'];
        // cellPadding overwrites TD/TH default but not specific CSS set on cell
        if (($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') && isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding']) && ($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'] || $this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'] === '0')) {  // mPDF 5.7.3
            $p['PADDING-LEFT'] = $this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'];
            $p['PADDING-RIGHT'] = $this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'];
            $p['PADDING-TOP'] = $this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'];
            $p['PADDING-BOTTOM'] = $this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['cell_padding'];
        /* -- END TABLES -- */
        // STYLESHEET TAG e.g. h1  p  div  table
        if (isset($this->CSS[$tag]) && $this->CSS[$tag]) {
            $zp = $this->CSS[$tag];
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. .smallone{}  .redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            $zp = array();
            if (isset($this->CSS['CLASS>>' . $class]) && $this->CSS['CLASS>>' . $class]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS['CLASS>>' . $class];
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        /* -- TABLES -- */
        // STYLESHEET nth-child SELECTOR e.g. tr:nth-child(odd)  td:nth-child(2n+1)
        if ($tag == 'TR' || $tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
            foreach ($this->CSS AS $k => $val) {
                if (preg_match('/' . $tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>(.*)/', $k, $m)) {
                    $select = false;
                    if ($tag == 'TR') {
                        $row = $this->mpdf->row;
                        $thnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) : 0);
                        $tfnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) : 0);
                        if ($this->mpdf->tabletfoot) {
                            $row -= $thnr;
                        } else if (!$this->mpdf->tablethead) {
                            $row -= ($thnr + $tfnr);
                        if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                            $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $row);
                    } else if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                        if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                            $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $this->mpdf->col);
                    if ($select) {
                        $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>' . $m[1]];
                        if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                            $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
                        if (is_array($zp)) {
                            $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                            $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        /* -- END TABLES -- */
        // STYLESHEET LANG e.g. [lang=fr]{} or :lang(fr)
        if (isset($attr['LANG'])) {
            if (isset($this->CSS['LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']]) && $this->CSS['LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS['LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']];
                if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                    $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
                } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
                if (is_array($zp)) {
                    $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                    $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
            } else if (isset($this->CSS['LANG>>' . $shortlang]) && $this->CSS['LANG>>' . $shortlang]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS['LANG>>' . $shortlang];
                if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                    $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
                } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
                if (is_array($zp)) {
                    $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                    $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET ID e.g. #smallone{}  #redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID']) && isset($this->CSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']]) && $this->CSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']]) {
            $zp = $this->CSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']];
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);

        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. p.smallone{}  div.redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            $zp = array();
            if (isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class]) && $this->CSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class];
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET LANG e.g. [lang=fr]{} or :lang(fr)
        if (isset($attr['LANG'])) {
            if (isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']]) && $this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $attr['LANG']];
                if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                    $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
                } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
                if (is_array($zp)) {
                    $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                    $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
            } else if (isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $shortlang]) && $this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $shortlang]) {
                $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>LANG>>' . $shortlang];
                if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                    $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
                } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
                if (is_array($zp)) {
                    $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                    $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. p#smallone{}  div#redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID']) && isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']]) && $this->CSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']]) {
            $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']];
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        // Cascaded e.g. div.class p only works for block level
        if ($inherit == 'BLOCK') {
            if (isset($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1])) { // mPDF 6
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'][$tag], $p);
                foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                    $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS']['CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS']['ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
                foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                    $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'][$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl - 1]['cascadeCSS'][$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
        } else if ($inherit == 'INLINE') {
            $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'][$tag], $p);
            foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS']['CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
            $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS']['ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
            foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'][$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
            $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'][$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
        /* -- TABLES -- */ else if ($inherit == 'TOPTABLE' || $inherit == 'TABLE') { // NB looks at $this->tablecascadeCSS-1 for cascading CSS
            if (isset($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1])) { // mPDF 6
                // false, 9 = don't check for 'depth' and do set border dominance
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1][$tag], $p, false, 9);
                foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                    $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1]['CLASS>>' . $class], $p, false, 9);
                // STYLESHEET nth-child SELECTOR e.g. tr:nth-child(odd)  td:nth-child(2n+1)
                if ($tag == 'TR' || $tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                    foreach ($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1] AS $k => $val) {
                        if (preg_match('/' . $tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>(.*)/', $k, $m)) {
                            $select = false;
                            if ($tag == 'TR') {
                                $row = $this->mpdf->row;
                                $thnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_thead']) : 0);
                                $tfnr = (isset($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) ? count($this->mpdf->table[$this->mpdf->tableLevel][$this->mpdf->tbctr[$this->mpdf->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) : 0);
                                if ($this->mpdf->tabletfoot) {
                                    $row -= $thnr;
                                } else if (!$this->mpdf->tablethead) {
                                    $row -= ($thnr + $tfnr);
                                if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                                    $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $row);
                            } else if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                                if (preg_match('/(([\-+]?\d*)?N([\-+]\d+)?|[\-+]?\d+|ODD|EVEN)/', $m[1], $a)) { // mPDF 5.7.4
                                    $select = $this->_nthchild($a, $this->mpdf->col);
                            if ($select) {
                                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1][$tag . '>>SELECTORNTHCHILD>>' . $m[1]], $p, false, 9);
            $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1]['ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p, false, 9);
            foreach ($classes AS $class) {
                $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1][$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class], $p, false, 9);
            $this->_set_mergedCSS($this->tablecascadeCSS[$this->tbCSSlvl - 1][$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p, false, 9);
        /* -- END TABLES -- */
        // INLINE STYLE e.g. style="CSS:property"
        if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
            $zp = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
            if ($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') {
                $this->setBorderDominance($zp, 9);
            } // *TABLES*	// *TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS*
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
                $this->_mergeBorders($p, $zp);
        return $p;

// Convert inline Properties back to CSS
    function inlinePropsToCSS($bilp, &$p) {
        if (isset($bilp['family']) && $bilp['family']) {
            $p['FONT-FAMILY'] = $bilp['family'];
        if (isset($bilp['I']) && $bilp['I']) {
            $p['FONT-STYLE'] = 'italic';
        if (isset($bilp['sizePt']) && $bilp['sizePt']) {
            $p['FONT-SIZE'] = $bilp['sizePt'] . 'pt';
        if (isset($bilp['B']) && $bilp['B']) {
            $p['FONT-WEIGHT'] = 'bold';
        if (isset($bilp['colorarray']) && $bilp['colorarray']) {
            $cor = $bilp['colorarray'];
            $p['COLOR'] = $this->mpdf->_colAtoString($cor);
        if (isset($bilp['lSpacingCSS']) && $bilp['lSpacingCSS']) {
            $p['LETTER-SPACING'] = $bilp['lSpacingCSS'];
        if (isset($bilp['wSpacingCSS']) && $bilp['wSpacingCSS']) {
            $p['WORD-SPACING'] = $bilp['wSpacingCSS'];

        if (isset($bilp['textparam']) && $bilp['textparam']) {
            if (isset($bilp['textparam']['hyphens'])) {
                if ($bilp['textparam']['hyphens'] == 2) {
                    $p['HYPHENS'] = 'none';
                if ($bilp['textparam']['hyphens'] == 1) {
                    $p['HYPHENS'] = 'auto';
                if ($bilp['textparam']['hyphens'] == 0) {
                    $p['HYPHENS'] = 'manual';
            if (isset($bilp['textparam']['outline-s']) && !$bilp['textparam']['outline-s']) {
                $p['TEXT-OUTLINE'] = 'none';
            if (isset($bilp['textparam']['outline-COLOR']) && $bilp['textparam']['outline-COLOR']) {
                $p['TEXT-OUTLINE-COLOR'] = $this->mpdf->_colAtoString($bilp['textparam']['outline-COLOR']);
            if (isset($bilp['textparam']['outline-WIDTH']) && $bilp['textparam']['outline-WIDTH']) {
                $p['TEXT-OUTLINE-WIDTH'] = $bilp['textparam']['outline-WIDTH'] . 'mm';

        if (isset($bilp['textvar']) && $bilp['textvar']) {
            // CSS says text-decoration is not inherited, but IE7 does??
            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FD_LINETHROUGH) {
                if ($bilp['textvar'] & FD_UNDERLINE) {
                    $p['TEXT-DECORATION'] = 'underline line-through';
                } else {
                    $p['TEXT-DECORATION'] = 'line-through';
            } else if ($bilp['textvar'] & FD_UNDERLINE) {
                $p['TEXT-DECORATION'] = 'underline';
            } else {
                $p['TEXT-DECORATION'] = 'none';

            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FA_SUPERSCRIPT) {
                $p['VERTICAL-ALIGN'] = 'super';
            } else if ($bilp['textvar'] & FA_SUBSCRIPT) {
                $p['VERTICAL-ALIGN'] = 'sub';
            } else {
                $p['VERTICAL-ALIGN'] = 'baseline';

            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FT_CAPITALIZE) {
                $p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'] = 'capitalize';
            } else if ($bilp['textvar'] & FT_UPPERCASE) {
                $p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'] = 'uppercase';
            } else if ($bilp['textvar'] & FT_LOWERCASE) {
                $p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'] = 'lowercase';
            } else {
                $p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'] = 'none';

            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FC_KERNING) {
                $p['FONT-KERNING'] = 'normal';
            } // ignore 'auto' as default already applied
            //if (isset($bilp[ 'OTLtags' ]) && $bilp[ 'OTLtags' ]['Plus'] contains 'kern'
            else {
                $p['FONT-KERNING'] = 'none';

            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FA_SUPERSCRIPT) {
                $p['FONT-VARIANT-POSITION'] = 'super';
            //if (isset($bilp[ 'OTLtags' ]) && $bilp[ 'OTLtags' ]['Plus'] contains 'sups' / 'subs'
            else if ($bilp['textvar'] & FA_SUBSCRIPT) {
                $p['FONT-VARIANT-POSITION'] = 'sub';
            } else {
                $p['FONT-VARIANT-POSITION'] = 'normal';

            if ($bilp['textvar'] & FC_SMALLCAPS) {
                $p['FONT-VARIANT-CAPS'] = 'small-caps';
        if (isset($bilp['fontLanguageOverride'])) {
            if ($bilp['fontLanguageOverride']) {
                $p['FONT-LANGUAGE-OVERRIDE'] = $bilp['fontLanguageOverride'];
            } else {
                $p['FONT-LANGUAGE-OVERRIDE'] = 'normal';
        // All the variations of font-variant-* we are going to set as font-feature-settings...
        if (isset($bilp['OTLtags']) && $bilp['OTLtags']) {
            $ffs = array();
            if (isset($bilp['OTLtags']['Minus']) && $bilp['OTLtags']['Minus']) {
                $f = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bilp['OTLtags']['Minus']));
                foreach ($f AS $ff) {
                    $ffs[] = "'" . $ff . "' 0";
            if (isset($bilp['OTLtags']['FFMinus']) && $bilp['OTLtags']['FFMinus']) {
                $f = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bilp['OTLtags']['FFMinus']));
                foreach ($f AS $ff) {
                    $ffs[] = "'" . $ff . "' 0";
            if (isset($bilp['OTLtags']['Plus']) && $bilp['OTLtags']['Plus']) {
                $f = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bilp['OTLtags']['Plus']));
                foreach ($f AS $ff) {
                    $ffs[] = "'" . $ff . "' 1";
            if (isset($bilp['OTLtags']['FFPlus']) && $bilp['OTLtags']['FFPlus']) { // May contain numeric value e.g. salt4
                $f = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bilp['OTLtags']['FFPlus']));
                foreach ($f AS $ff) {
                    if (strlen($ff) > 4) {
                        $ffs[] = "'" . substr($ff, 0, 4) . "' " . substr($ff, 4);
                    } else {
                        $ffs[] = "'" . $ff . "' 1";
            $p['FONT-FEATURE-SETTINGS'] = implode(', ', $ffs);

    function PreviewBlockCSS($tag, $attr) {
        // Looks ahead from current block level to a new level
        $p = array();
        $zp = array();
        $oldcascadeCSS = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'];
        $classes = array();
        if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
            $classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $attr['CLASS']);
        // DEFAULT for this TAG set in DefaultCSS
        if (isset($this->mpdf->defaultCSS[$tag])) {
            $zp = $this->fixCSS($this->mpdf->defaultCSS[$tag]);
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($zp, $p);
            } // Inherited overwrites default
        // STYLESHEET TAG e.g. h1  p  div  table
        if (isset($this->CSS[$tag])) {
            $zp = $this->CSS[$tag];
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. .smallone{}  .redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            $zp = array();
            if (isset($this->CSS['CLASS>>' . $class])) {
                $zp = $this->CSS['CLASS>>' . $class];
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET ID e.g. #smallone{}  #redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID']) && isset($this->CSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']])) {
            $zp = $this->CSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']];
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. p.smallone{}  div.redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {
            $zp = array();
            if (isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class])) {
                $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class];
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. p#smallone{}  div#redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID']) && isset($this->CSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']])) {
            $zp = $this->CSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']];
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        // STYLESHEET TAG e.g. div h1    div p

        $this->_set_mergedCSS($oldcascadeCSS[$tag], $p);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. .smallone{}  .redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {

            $this->_set_mergedCSS($oldcascadeCSS['CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. #smallone{}  #redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID'])) {

            $this->_set_mergedCSS($oldcascadeCSS['ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. div.smallone{}  p.redletter{}
        foreach ($classes AS $class) {

            $this->_set_mergedCSS($oldcascadeCSS[$tag . '>>CLASS>>' . $class], $p);
        // STYLESHEET CLASS e.g. div#smallone{}  p#redletter{}
        if (isset($attr['ID'])) {

            $this->_set_mergedCSS($oldcascadeCSS[$tag . '>>ID>>' . $attr['ID']], $p);
        // INLINE STYLE e.g. style="CSS:property"
        if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
            $zp = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
            if (is_array($zp)) {
                $p = array_merge($p, $zp);
        return $p;

// mPDF 5.7.4   nth-child
    function _nthchild($f, $c) {
        // $f is formual e.g. 2N+1 spilt into a preg_match array
        // $c is the comparator value e.g row or column number
        $c += 1;
        $select = false;
        $a = 1;
        $b = 1;
        if ($f[0] == 'ODD') {
            $a = 2;
            $b = 1;
        } else if ($f[0] == 'EVEN') {
            $a = 2;
            $b = 0;
        } else if (count($f) == 2) {
            $a = 0;
            $b = $f[1] + 0;
        }  // e.g. (+6) 
        else if (count($f) == 3) {  // e.g. (2N)
            if ($f[2] == '') {
                $a = 1;
            } else if ($f[2] == '-') {
                $a = -1;
            } else {
                $a = $f[2] + 0;
            $b = 0;
        } else if (count($f) == 4) {  // e.g. (2N+6)
            if ($f[2] == '') {
                $a = 1;
            } else if ($f[2] == '-') {
                $a = -1;
            } else {
                $a = $f[2] + 0;
            $b = $f[3] + 0;
        } else {
            return false;
        if ($a > 0) {
            if (((($c % $a) - $b) % $a) == 0 && $c >= $b) {
                $select = true;
        } else if ($a == 0) {
            if ($c == $b) {
                $select = true;
        } else {  // if ($a<0) 
            if (((($c % $a) - $b) % $a) == 0 && $c <= $b) {
                $select = true;
        return $select;


// end of class

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0