Direktori : /proc/self/root/home2/selectio/www/ramali.in/html/assets/vendor/sticky/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home2/selectio/www/ramali.in/html/assets/vendor/sticky/sticky.js |
// Sticky /* Smart Resize */ (function ($, sr) { 'use strict'; // debouncing function from John Hann // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/ var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) { var timeout; return function debounced() { var obj = this, args = arguments; function delayed() { if (!execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = null; } if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); else if (execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100); }; }; // smartresize jQuery.fn[sr] = function (fn) { return fn ? this.bind('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); }; })(jQuery, 'smartresize'); (function ($) { 'use strict'; // jQuery Pin plugin $.fn.themePin = function (options) { var scrollY = 0, lastScrollY = 0, elements = [], disabled = false, $window = $(window), fixedSideTop = [], fixedSideBottom = [], prevDataTo = []; options = options || {}; var recalculateLimits = function () { for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { var $this = elements[i]; if (options.minWidth && $window.width() <= options.minWidth) { if ($this.parent().is(".pin-wrapper")) { $this.unwrap(); } $this.css({ width: "", left: "", top: "", position: "" }); disabled = true; continue; } else { disabled = false; } var $container = options.containerSelector ? ($this.closest(options.containerSelector).length ? $this.closest(options.containerSelector) : $(options.containerSelector)) : $(document.body); var offset = $this.offset(); var containerOffset = $container.offset(); if (typeof containerOffset == 'undefined') { continue; } var parentOffset = $this.parent().offset(); if (!$this.parent().is(".pin-wrapper")) { $this.wrap("<div class='pin-wrapper'>"); } var pad = $.extend({ top: 0, bottom: 0 }, options.padding || {}); var pt = parseInt($this.parent().parent().css('padding-top')), pb = parseInt($this.parent().parent().css('padding-bottom')); if (typeof options.paddingOffsetTop != 'undefined') { pad.top += parseInt(options.paddingOffsetTop, 10); } else { pad.top += 18; } if (typeof options.paddingOffsetBottom != 'undefined') { pad.bottom = parseInt(options.paddingOffsetBottom, 10); } else { pad.bottom = 0; } var bb = $this.css('border-bottom'), h = $this.outerHeight(); $this.css('border-bottom', '1px solid transparent'); var o_h = $this.outerHeight() - h - 1; $this.css('border-bottom', bb); $this.css({ width: $this.outerWidth() <= $this.parent().width() ? $this.outerWidth() : $this.parent().width() }); $this.parent().css("height", $this.outerHeight() + o_h); if ($this.outerHeight() <= $window.height()) { $this.data("themePin", { pad: pad, from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top + pt, pb: pb, parentTop: parentOffset.top - pt, offset: o_h }); } else { $this.data("themePin", { pad: pad, fromFitTop: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top + pt, from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) + $this.outerHeight() - $(window).height() + pt, pb: pb, parentTop: parentOffset.top - pt, offset: o_h }); } } }; var onScroll = function () { if (disabled) { return; } scrollY = $window.scrollTop(); var window_height = window.innerHeight || $window.height(); for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { var $this = $(elements[i]), data = $this.data("themePin"), sidebarTop; if (!data) { // Removed element continue; } var $container = options.containerSelector ? ($this.closest(options.containerSelector).length ? $this.closest(options.containerSelector) : $(options.containerSelector)) : $(document.body), isFitToTop = ($this.outerHeight() + data.pad.top) <= window_height; data.end = $container.offset().top + $container.height(); if (isFitToTop) { data.to = $container.offset().top + $container.height() - $this.outerHeight() - data.pad.bottom - data.pb; } else { data.to = $container.offset().top + $container.height() - window_height - data.pb; data.to2 = $container.height() - $this.outerHeight() - data.pad.bottom - data.pb; } if (prevDataTo[i] === 0) { prevDataTo[i] = data.to; } if (prevDataTo[i] != data.to) { if (fixedSideBottom[i] && $this.outerHeight() + $this.offset().top + data.pad.bottom < scrollY + window_height) { fixedSideBottom[i] = false; } } if (isFitToTop) { var from = data.from - data.pad.bottom, to = data.to - data.pad.top - data.offset; if (typeof data.fromFitTop != 'undefined' && data.fromFitTop) { from = data.fromFitTop - data.pad.bottom; } if (from + $this.outerHeight() > data.end || from >= to) { $this.css({ position: "", top: "", left: "" }); if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); } continue; } if (scrollY > from && scrollY < to) { !($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({ left: $this.offset().left, top: data.pad.top }).css("position", "fixed"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else if (scrollY >= to) { $this.css({ left: "", top: to - data.parentTop + data.pad.top }).css("position", "absolute"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else { $this.css({ position: "", top: "", left: "" }); if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); } } } else if (($this.outerHeight() + data.pad.top + data.pad.bottom) > window_height || fixedSideTop[i] || fixedSideBottom[i]) { var padTop = parseInt($this.parent().parent().css('padding-top')); // Reset the sideSortables style when scrolling to the top. if (scrollY + data.pad.top - padTop <= data.parentTop) { $this.css({ position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: "" }); fixedSideTop[i] = fixedSideBottom[i] = false; if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); } } else if (scrollY >= data.to) { $this.css({ left: "", top: data.to2, bottom: "" }).css("position", "absolute"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else { // When scrolling down. if (scrollY >= lastScrollY) { if (fixedSideTop[i]) { // Let it scroll. fixedSideTop[i] = false; sidebarTop = $this.offset().top - data.parentTop; $this.css({ left: "", top: sidebarTop, bottom: "" }).css("position", "absolute"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else if (!fixedSideBottom[i] && $this.outerHeight() + $this.offset().top + data.pad.bottom < scrollY + window_height) { // Pin the bottom. fixedSideBottom[i] = true; !($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({ left: $this.offset().left, bottom: data.pad.bottom, top: "" }).css("position", "fixed"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } // When scrolling up. } else if (scrollY < lastScrollY) { if (fixedSideBottom[i]) { // Let it scroll. fixedSideBottom[i] = false; sidebarTop = $this.offset().top - data.parentTop; $this.css({ left: "", top: sidebarTop, bottom: "" }).css("position", "absolute"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else if (!fixedSideTop[i] && $this.offset().top >= scrollY + data.pad.top) { // Pin the top. fixedSideTop[i] = true; !($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({ left: $this.offset().left, top: data.pad.top, bottom: '' }).css("position", "fixed"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else if ( ! fixedSideBottom[i] && fixedSideTop[i] && $this.css('position') == 'absolute' && $this.offset().top >= scrollY + data.pad.top) { fixedSideTop[i] = false; } } else { fixedSideTop[i] = false; fixedSideTop[i] = false; } } } else { // If the sidebar container is smaller than the viewport, then pin/unpin the top when scrolling. if (scrollY >= (data.parentTop - data.pad.top)) { $this.css({ position: 'fixed', top: data.pad.top }); } else { $this.css({ position: "", top: "", bottom: "", left: "" }); } fixedSideTop[i] = fixedSideBottom[i] = false; } prevDataTo[i] = data.to; } lastScrollY = scrollY; }; var recalculateLeft = function (timeout) { if (typeof timeout == 'undefined') { timeout = 400; } for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { var $this = $(elements[i]), data = $this.data("themePin"), sidebarTop; if (!data) { // Removed element continue; } var $container = options.containerSelector ? ($this.closest(options.containerSelector).length ? $this.closest(options.containerSelector) : $(options.containerSelector)) : $(document.body); if ($this.css("position") == "fixed") { var offset = $this.offset().top - $container.offset().top; $this.css({ 'position': 'absolute', left: '', top: offset, bottom: '' }); setTimeout(function () { $this.css({ left: $this.offset().left, top: data.pad.top, bottom: '' }).css('position', 'fixed'); }, timeout); } } }; var update = function () { recalculateLimits(); onScroll(); }, r_timer = null; this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $(this).data('themePin') || {}; if (data && data.update) { return; } elements.push($this); $( "img", this ).one( "load", function () { if ( r_timer ) { Wolmart.deleteTimeout( r_timer ); } r_timer = Wolmart.requestTimeout( recalculateLimits, 20 ); } ); data.update = update; $(this).data('themePin', data); fixedSideTop.push(false); fixedSideBottom.push(false); prevDataTo.push(0); }); $window.on('touchmove scroll', onScroll); recalculateLimits(); $window.on('load', update); $(this).on('recalc.pin', function () { recalculateLimits(); onScroll(); }); $(this).on('recalc.pinleft', function (e, timeout) { recalculateLeft(timeout); }); return this; }; var instanceName = '__sticky'; var Sticky = function ($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; Sticky.defaults = { autoInit: false, minWidth: 767, padding: { top: 0, bottom: 0 }, offsetTop: 0, offsetBottom: 0 }; Sticky.prototype = { initialize: function ($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function () { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function (opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Sticky.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function () { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.themePin))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, stickyResizeTrigger; $el.themePin(this.options); setTimeout(function() { if ( typeof Wolmart.sticky_top_height != 'undefined' && $el.data('themePin').pad ) { $el.data('themePin').pad.top = Wolmart.sticky_top_height; } }, 300); $(window).smartresize(function () { if (stickyResizeTrigger) { clearTimeout(stickyResizeTrigger); } stickyResizeTrigger = setTimeout(function () { $el.trigger('recalc.pin'); }, 800); var $parent = $el.parent(); if ( typeof Wolmart.sticky_top_height != 'undefined' && $el.data('themePin').pad) { $el.data('themePin').pad.top = Wolmart.sticky_top_height; } $el.outerWidth($parent.width()); if ($el.css('position') == 'fixed') { $el.css('left', $parent.offset().left); } }); return this; } }; // jquery plugin $.fn.themeSticky = function (opts) { return this.map(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { $this.trigger('recalc.pin'); setTimeout(function () { $this.trigger('recalc.pin'); }, 800); return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new Sticky($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [jQuery]);