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                        <h1 class="wptb-page-title">About Company</h1>
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                                <h2><a href="index1.php">
                                    <strong>Sqarex - About Us</strong></a>
                                <!--is a digital agency that specializes in helping businesses improve their online presence.-->
                                <li>350M+ Data Repository of Business Records</li>
                                <li>Data from 160+ Countries</li>
                                <li>5000+ Clients Served Globally Since Inception</li>
                                <li>4M+ Verification Mails Sent Every Month</li>
                                <li>300K+ Verification Calls Made Every Month</li>
                                <li>Proud Member of the Direct Marketing Association</li>

            <!-- Why Choose Us -->
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                                    <!--<div class="wptb-heading--subtitle thirteen wow fadeInUp">Why Choose Us</div>-->
                                    <h2 class="wptb-heading--title light wow fadeInUp ps-5"> Save Time and <br>
                                        Effort with Sqarex</h2>
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                            <!--            <h3 class="wptb-item--title">Experience and Expertise</h3>-->
                            <!--            <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty">We have years of experience and a team of experts in DATA services who are dedicated to providing you with top-notch service.</div>-->
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                            <!--            <h3 class="wptb-item--title">Customized Solutions</h3>-->
                            <!--            <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty">We understand that every client is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.</div>-->
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                            <!--            <h3 class="wptb-item--title">Trust and Reliability</h3>-->
                            <!--            <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty">We take pride in being a trusted and reliable partner for our clients. You can count on us to deliver on our promises.</div>-->
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                                 <p class="ps-5" style="font-size: 16px !important;color: white;text-align: justify;">We, Sqarex have been in the industry for more than 12+ years
                                 and are today considered one of the leading database providers.
                                 We have been catering to small, medium, and large organizations,
                                 across various industries. With our various e-mail marketing and
                                 Database Marketing services, you can connect with people across
                                 the globe to promote your brands and boost your sales and marketing opportunities.</p>                    
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                                <img src="images/data-management/manufacturing4.png" alt="img">

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                        <desc>Created with Snap</desc>
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     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--value"><span class="odometer" data-count="100"></span><span class="suffix">%</span></div>-->
     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--text">client satisfaction</div>-->
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     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--value"><span class="odometer" data-count="200"></span><span class="suffix">+</span></div>-->
     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--text">DATA campaigns</div>-->
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     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--value"><span class="odometer" data-count="50"></span><span class="suffix">%</span></div>-->
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     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--value"><span class="odometer" data-count="24"></span><span class="suffix">/7</span></div>-->
     <!--                               <div class="wptb-counter--text">customer support</div>-->
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                            <div class="wptb-heading--subtitle thirteen wow fadeInUp">Work Process</div>
                            <h2 class="wptb-heading--title wow fadeInUp">How to get Started</h2>

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                                        <h5 class="wptb-item--title">Our Goal</h5>
                                        <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty" style="text-align: justify;">
                                            Our main objective is to deliver the finest of service to our clients,
                                            therefore today we are one of the highly trusted sources
                                            offering the best quality sales and marketing data across the globe.
                                            Our data helps generate sales leads, drive conversations and achieve greater returns on your investments.
                                            Apart from the USA we serve clients across the globe such as Europe,
                                            the Middle East, Asia, Australia, etc., to get a radical response.

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                                        <h5 class="wptb-item--title">Our Services</h5>
                                        <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty" style="text-align: justify;">
                                            We offer data consultancy and data-driven marketing processes and services, for industries and top technology firms across the globe.
                                            We serve industries such as healthcare,
                                            technology, real estate, food and beverage,
                                            education, finance and banking, and many more.

                        <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6">
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                                        <h5 class="wptb-item--title">Our Team</h5>
                                        <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty" style="text-align: justify;">
                                            We are an experienced and trained team of data experts and senior-level consultants who offer winning business strategies to produce recognizable results. The source data from trusted global contacts to provide
                                            the latest and most relevant business contacts that will enable you to reach out
                                            to your marketing and sales prospects efficiently.

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                        <!--                <h5 class="wptb-item--title">Reporting</h5>-->
                        <!--                <div class="wptb-item--description el-empty">We provide regular, transparent reports that detail the results achieved and the impact of our efforts on your business's bottom line.</div>-->
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            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item--desc el-empty">"Sqarex helped us improve our online visibility and we saw a significant increase in website traffic. They are great to work with and I highly recommend their services."</div>-->
            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item-meta">-->
            <!--                            <h4 class="wptb-item--title">Johannes Times</h4>-->
            <!--                            <div class="wptb-item--position el-empty">CEO of REx Company</div>-->
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            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item--desc el-empty">"Sqarex helped us improve our online visibility and we saw a significant increase in website traffic. They are great to work with and I highly recommend their services."</div>-->
            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item-meta">-->
            <!--                            <h4 class="wptb-item--title">Johannes Times</h4>-->
            <!--                            <div class="wptb-item--position el-empty">CEO of REx Company</div>-->
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            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item--desc el-empty">"Sqarex helped us improve our online visibility and we saw a significant increase in website traffic. They are great to work with and I highly recommend their services."</div>-->
            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item-meta">-->
            <!--                            <h4 class="wptb-item--title">Johannes Times</h4>-->
            <!--                            <div class="wptb-item--position el-empty">CEO of REx Company</div>-->
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            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item--desc el-empty">"Sqarex helped us improve our online visibility and we saw a significant increase in website traffic. They are great to work with and I highly recommend their services."</div>-->
            <!--                        <div class="wptb-item-meta">-->
            <!--                            <h4 class="wptb-item--title">Johannes Times</h4>-->
            <!--                            <div class="wptb-item--position el-empty">CEO of REx Company</div>-->
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                            <h2 class="wptb-heading--title wow fadeInUp">Why Choose Us?</h2>

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                            <!--    <div class="progress-box">-->
                            <!--        <div class="progress-title">On-page optimization</div>-->
                            <!--        <div class="progress-content">The ability to optimize website content, meta tags, images, and other elements to improve search engine rankings.</div>-->
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                            <!--            <text class="countervalue start" x="50%" y="57%" transform="matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 80, 0)">75</text>-->
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                            <!--    <div class="progress-box">-->
                            <!--        <div class="progress-title">Technical DATA</div>-->
                            <!--        <div class="progress-content">The ability to optimize website content, meta tags, images, and other elements to improve search engine rankings.</div>-->
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                            <!--        <div class="progress-title">DATA Analysis</div>-->
                            <!--        <div class="progress-content">The ability to optimize website content, meta tags, images, and other elements to improve search engine rankings.</div>-->
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              <p class="font-size-18">Today, Sqarex is a trusted brand globally offering pre-built and customized B2B marketing solutions for your sales and marketing needs. </p>
              <ul class="font-size-18">
                <li>Covers extensive industry segments</li>
                <li>High data accuracy</li>
                <li>Easily connects with key decision-makers, top professionals, management officials, etc.</li>
                <li>Saves your valuable time spent on research </li>
                <li>All databases are updated every 60 days to ensure high data quality and accuracy </li>
                <li>We are in compliance with CAN-SPAM laws and assure 100% spam free leads</li>
                        <div class="col-xl-5 offset-xl-2 col-lg-5">
                            <div class="wptb-image--inner position-relative text-center">
                                <img src="images/data-management/manufacturing4.png" alt="img">
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<?php include 'footer1.php';?>

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0