Direktori : /home2/selectio/public_html/fms-worksuite/vendor/froiden/envato/src/Commands/ |
Current File : /home2/selectio/public_html/fms-worksuite/vendor/froiden/envato/src/Commands/NewVersion.php |
<?php namespace Froiden\Envato\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use File; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; class NewVersion extends Command { private $product; /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'script:version {version}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Command to version the script'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->product = config('froiden_envato.envato_product_name'); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $version = $this->argument('version'); $this->clean(); $path = $this->createVersionZip($version); $this->createAutoUpdate($version); $this->comment("\n" . $this->product . '-' . $version.' and '. $this->product . '-auto-' . $version.' is Ready to distribute'); $this->comment("\n" . 'run ./upload.sh to upload to froiden server'); } private function createVersionZip($version) { $folder = $this->product . '-' . $version; $versionFolder = '../versions/'; $path = $versionFolder . $folder . '/script'; $local = '../' . $this->product . '/'; $this->comment("\n\n" . '------Creating Versions------'); $this->info(' Removing Old ' . $folder . ' folder to create the new'); echo exec('rm -rf '.$versionFolder . $folder); echo exec('rm -rf '.$versionFolder . $folder.'.zip'); $this->info(' Creating the directory ' . $folder . '/script'); echo exec('mkdir -p ' . $path); $this->info(' Copying files from ' . $local . ' ' . $path); echo exec('rsync -av --progress ' . $local . ' ' . $path . ' --exclude=".git" --exclude=".phpintel" --exclude=".env" --exclude=".idea"'); $this->info(' Removing installed'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/storage/installed'); $this->info(' Removing Legal and Reviewed file'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . 'storage/legal'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . 'storage/reviewed'); $this->info(' Removing .gitlab folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '.gitlab'); $this->info(' Delete Storage Folder Files'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/public/storage'); if ($this->product == 'recruit-saas') { $this->comment(' Removing user-uploads folders except front-features/feature-* folder for codecanyon zip version'); $this->deleteDir($path . '/public/user-uploads'); } else { $this->info(' Removing user-uploads folders'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/*'); } $this->info(' removing old version.txt file'); echo exec('rm ' . $local . '/public/version.txt'); $this->info(' Copying version to know the version to version.txt file'); echo exec('echo ' . $version . '>> ' . $local . 'public/version.txt'); $this->info(' Removing auto-update zip files from storage folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/storage/app/*.zip'); $this->info(' Removing modules_status.json'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/storage/app/modules_statuses.json'); $this->info(' Removing symlink'); echo exec('find ' . $path . '/storage/app/public \! -name ".gitignore" -delete'); $this->info(' Copying .env.example to .env'); echo exec('cp ' . $path . '/.env.example ' . $path . '/.env'); $this->info(' Copying .htaccess of user-uploads to user-uploads'); echo exec('cp ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/.htaccess ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/.htaccess'); echo exec('chmod -R 755 ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/'); $this->info(' Delete log files'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/logs/*.log'); $this->info(' Delete down files'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/framework/down'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/framework/maintenance.php'); $this->info(' Removing laraupdater and upload.sh file'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/laraupdater.json'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/upload.sh'); $this->info(' gitlab_Ci'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/.gitlab-ci.yml'); $this->info(' Removing old version.txt file'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/public/version.txt'); $this->info(' Removing node_modules folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/node_modules'); $this->info(' Copying '.$version.' version to know the version to version.txt file'); echo exec('echo ' . $version . '>> ' . $path . '/public/version.txt'); $this->info(' Moving script/documentation to separate folder'); echo exec('mv ' . $path . '/documentation ' . $path.'/../documentation/'); $this->comment("\n\n" . '------Emptying Modules Directroy------'."\n\n"); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/Modules/*'); // Zipping the folder $this->info(' Zipping the folder'); echo exec('cd ../versions; zip -r ' . $folder . '.zip ' . $folder . '/'); return $path; } private function createAutoUpdate($version) { //start quick update version $this->output->progressStart(8); $folder = $this->product . '-auto-' . $version; $path = '../versions/auto-update/' . $this->product; $local = '../' . $this->product . '/'; $this->comment("\n\n\n" . '------Creating Auto update version------'); $this->info(' Removing Old ' . $folder . ' folder to create the new'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path); echo exec('mkdir -p ' . $path); $this->info(' Copying files from ' . $local . ' to ' . $path); echo exec('rsync -av --progress ' . $local . ' ' . $path . ' --exclude=".git" --exclude=".phpintel" --exclude=".env" --exclude="public/.htaccess" --exclude="public/favicon" --exclude="public/favicon.ico" --exclude=".gitignore" --exclude=".idea"'); $this->info(' Delete Storage and public uploads Folder Files'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/public/storage'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/*'); $this->info(' Removing .gitlab folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '.gitlab'); $this->info(' Delete Language Folder Files'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/resources/lang/*'); $this->info(' Creating the en directory ' . $path . '/resources/lang'); echo exec('mkdir -p ' . $path . '/resources/lang/en'); $this->info(' Copy English Language Folder Files'); echo exec('cp ' . $local . 'resources/lang/en/* ' . $path . '/resources/lang/en/'); $this->info(' Copying .htaccess of user-uploads to user-uploads'); echo exec('cp ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/.htaccess ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/.htaccess'); echo exec('chmod -R 755 ' . $path . '/public/user-uploads/'); $this->info(' Removing symlink'); echo exec('find ' . $path . '/storage/app/public \! -name ".gitignore" -delete'); $this->info(' Delete log files'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/logs/*.log'); $this->info(' Delete down files'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/framework/down'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/storage/framework/maintenance.php'); $this->info(' Removing modules_status.json'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/storage/app/modules_statuses.json'); $this->info(' Removing Zip files'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/storage/app/*.zip'); $this->info(' Removing Legal and Reviewed file'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . 'storage/legal'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . 'storage/reviewed'); $this->info(' Removing Documentation folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/documentation'); $this->info(' Removing node_modules folder'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/node_modules'); $this->info(' Removing laraupdater and upload.sh file'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/laraupdater.json'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/upload.sh'); $this->info(' gitlab_Ci'); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/.gitlab-ci.yml'); $this->info(' removing old version.txt file'); echo exec('rm ' . $path . '/public/version.txt'); $this->info(' Copying version to know the version to version.txt file'); echo exec('echo ' . $version . '>> ' . $path . '/public/version.txt'); $this->comment("\n\n" . '------Emptying Modules Directroy------'."\n\n"); echo exec('rm -rf ' . $path . '/Modules/*'); return $path; } private function clean() { $this->comment("\n" . '------Cleaning------'); $this->info(' php artisan debugbar:clear'); try { Artisan::call('debugbar:clear'); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->info(' Debugbar not present'); } $this->info(' php artisan vendor:cleanup'); Artisan::call('vendor:cleanup'); $this->info(' php artisan cache:clear'); Artisan::call('cache:clear'); $this->info(' php artisan view:clear'); Artisan::call('view:clear'); $this->info(' php artisan config:clear'); Artisan::call('config:clear'); $this->info('php artisan up'); Artisan::call('up'); } private function deleteDir($dirPath) { if (substr($dirPath, strlen($dirPath) - 1, 1) != '/') { $dirPath .= '/'; } $files = glob($dirPath . '*', GLOB_MARK); foreach ($files as $file) { echo $file . "\n"; if (is_dir($file)) { // This is required from recruit-saas if ($file == 'front-features') continue; echo exec('rm -rf ' . $file); self::deleteDir($file); } else { if (strpos($file, 'feature-') !== false || strpos($file, '.gitignore') !== false) { continue; } unlink($file); } } } }