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Current File : /home2/selectio/public_html/ramali.in/assets/js/main.min.js |
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Wolmart.isIE ? i(o.find(".expanded"), (function() { i(n) })) : (i(o.find(".expanded")), i(n)) : i(n))) })); var i = function(t, i) { var a = t.closest(".card").find(e); t.hasClass("expanded") ? (a.removeClass("collapse").addClass("expand"), t.addClass("collapsing").slideUp(300, (function() { t.removeClass("expanded collapsing").addClass("collapsed"), i && i() }))) : t.hasClass("collapsed") && (a.removeClass("expand").addClass("collapse"), t.addClass("expanding").slideDown(300, (function() { t.removeClass("collapsed expanding").addClass("expanded"), i && i() }))) } }, Wolmart.animationOptions = { name: "fadeIn", duration: "1.2s", delay: ".2s" }, Wolmart.appearAnimate = function(e) { Wolmart.$(e).each((function() { var e = this; Wolmart.appear(e, (function() { if (e.classList.contains("appear-animate")) { var i = t.extend({}, Wolmart.animationOptions, Wolmart.parseOptions(e.getAttribute("data-animation-options"))); setTimeout((function() { e.style["animation-duration"] = i.duration, e.classList.add(i.name), e.classList.add("appear-animation-visible") }), i.delay ? 1e3 * Number(i.delay.slice(0, -1)) : 0) } })) })) }, Wolmart.countDown = function(e) { t.fn.countdown && Wolmart.$(e).each((function() { var e = t(this), i = e.data("until"), a = e.data("compact"), n = e.data("format") ? e.data("format") : "DHMS", o = e.data("labels-short") ? 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["Year", "Month", "Week", "Day", "Hour", "Min", "Sec"] : ["Year", "Month", "Week", "Day", "Hour", "Minute", "Second"]; if (e.data("relative")) l = i; else var r = i.split(", "), l = new Date(r[0], r[1] - 1, r[2]); e.countdown({ until: l, format: n, padZeroes: !0, compact: a, compactLabels: [" y", " m", " w", " days, "], timeSeparator: " : ", labels: o, labels1: s }) })) }, Wolmart.priceSlider = function(e, i) { "object" == typeof noUiSlider && Wolmart.$(e).each((function() { var e = this; noUiSlider.create(e, t.extend(!0, { start: [0, 400], connect: !0, step: 1, range: { min: 0, max: 635 } }, i)), e.noUiSlider.on("update", (function(i, a) { i = i.map((function(t) { return "$" + parseInt(t) })); t(e).parent().find(".filter-price-range").text(i.join(" - ")) })) })) }, Wolmart.stickySidebarOptions = { autoInit: !0, minWidth: 991, containerSelector: ".sticky-sidebar-wrapper", autoFit: !0, activeClass: "sticky-sidebar-fixed", top: 0, bottom: 0 }, Wolmart.stickySidebar = function(e) { if (t.fn.themeSticky) { var i = 0; function a() { Wolmart.$(e).trigger("recalc.pin"), t(window).trigger("appear.check") }!t(".sticky-sidebar > .filter-actions").length && t(window).width() >= 992 && t(".sticky-content.fix-top").each((function(e) { if (!t(this).hasClass("sticky-toolbox")) { var a = t(this).hasClass("fixed"); i += t(this).addClass("fixed").outerHeight(), a || t(this).removeClass("fixed") } })), Wolmart.$(e).each((function() { var e = t(this); e.themeSticky(t.extend({}, Wolmart.stickySidebarOptions, { padding: { top: i } }, Wolmart.parseOptions(e.attr("data-sticky-options")))) })), setTimeout(a, 300), Wolmart.$window.on("click", ".tab .nav-link", (function() { setTimeout(a) })) } }, Wolmart.zoomImageOptions = { responsive: !0, borderSize: 0, zoomType: "inner", onZoomIn: !0, magnify: 1.1 }, Wolmart.zoomImageObjects = [], Wolmart.zoomImage = function(e) { t.fn.zoom && e && ("string" == typeof e ? t(e) : e).find("img").each((function() { var e = t(this); Wolmart.zoomImageOptions.target = e.parent(), Wolmart.zoomImageOptions.url = e.attr("data-zoom-image"), e.zoom(Wolmart.zoomImageOptions), Wolmart.zoomImageObjects.push(e) })) }, Wolmart.zoomImageOnResize = function() { Wolmart.zoomImageObjects.forEach((function(e) { e.each((function() { var e = t(this).data("zoom"); e && e.refresh() })) })) }, Wolmart.lazyLoad = function(t, e) { function i() { this.setAttribute("src", this.getAttribute("data-src")), this.addEventListener("load", (function() { this.style["padding-top"] = "", this.classList.remove("lazy-img") })) } Wolmart.$(t).find(".lazy-img").each((function() { void 0 !== e && e ? i.call(this) : Wolmart.appear(this, i) })) }, Wolmart.initPopup = function(e, i) { Wolmart.$body.hasClass("home") && "true" !== Wolmart.getCookie("hideNewsletterPopup") && setTimeout((function() { /*Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: ".newsletter-popup" }, type: "inline", tLoading: "", mainClass: "mfp-newsletter mfp-fadein-popup", callbacks: { beforeClose: function() { t("#hide-newsletter-popup")[0].checked && Wolmart.setCookie("hideNewsletterPopup", !0, 7) } } })*/ }), 7500), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".btn-iframe", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: '<video src="' + t(e.currentTarget).attr("href") + '" autoplay loop controls>', type: "inline" }, mainClass: "mfp-video-popup" }, "video") })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".sign-in", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: t(e.currentTarget).attr("href") } }, "login") })).on("click", ".register", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: t(e.currentTarget).attr("href") }, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: function() { this.wrap.find('[href="#sign-up"]').click() } } }, "login") })) }, Wolmart.initNotificationAlert = function() { Wolmart.$body.hasClass("has-notification") && setTimeout((function() { Wolmart.$body.addClass("show-notification") }), 5e3) }, Wolmart.countTo = function(e) { t.fn.countTo && Wolmart.$(e).each((function() { Wolmart.appear(this, (function() { var e = t(this); setTimeout((function() { e.countTo({ onComplete: function() { e.addClass("complete") } }) }), 300) })) })) }, Wolmart.minipopupOption = { productClass: "", imageSrc: "", imageLink: "#", name: "", nameLink: "#", message: "", actionTemplate: "", isPurchased: !1, delay: 4e3, space: 20, template: '<div class="minipopup-box"><div class="product product-list-sm {{productClass}}"><figure class="product-media"><a href="{{imageLink}}"><img src="{{imageSrc}}" alt="Product" width="80" height="90" /></a></figure><div class="product-details"><h4 class="product-name"><a href="{{nameLink}}">{{name}}</a></h4>{{message}}</div></div><div class="product-action">{{actionTemplate}}</div></div>' }, Wolmart.Minipopup = (i = 0, a = [], n = !1, o = [], s = !1, r = function() { if (!n) for (var t = 0; t < o.length; ++t)(o[t] -= 200) <= 0 && this.close(t--) }, { init: function() { var i = document.createElement("div"); i.className = "minipopup-area", Wolmart.byClass("page-wrapper")[0].appendChild(i), e = t(i), this.close = this.close.bind(this), r = r.bind(this) }, open: function(n, l) { var c, d = this, p = t.extend(!0, {}, Wolmart.minipopupOption, n); c = t(Wolmart.parseTemplate(p.template, p)), d.space = p.space; var u = c.appendTo(e).css("top", -i).find("img"); u.length && u.on("load", (function() { i += c[0].offsetHeight + d.space, c.addClass("show"), c.offset().top - window.pageYOffset < 0 && (d.close(), c.css("top", -i + c[0].offsetHeight + d.space)), c.on("mouseenter", (function() { d.pause() })).on("mouseleave", (function() { d.resume() })).on("touchstart", (function(t) { d.pause(), t.stopPropagation() })).on("mousedown", (function() { t(this).addClass("focus") })).on("mouseup", (function() { d.close(t(this).index()) })), Wolmart.$body.on("touchstart", (function() { d.resume() })), a.push(c), o.length || (s = setInterval(r, 200)), o.push(p.delay), l && l(c) })) }, close: function(t) { var e = void 0 === t ? 0 : t, n = a.splice(e, 1)[0]; o.splice(e, 1)[0]; var r = n[0].offsetHeight; i -= r + this.space, n.removeClass("show"), setTimeout((function() { n.remove() }), 300), a.forEach((function(t, i) { i >= e && t.hasClass("show") && t.stop(!0, !0).animate({ top: parseInt(t.css("top")) + r + 20 }, 600, "easeOutQuint") })), a.length || clearTimeout(s) }, pause: function() { n = !0 }, resume: function() { n = !1 } }), Wolmart.headerToggleSearch = function(t) { var e = Wolmart.$(t); Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".hs-toggle .search-toggle", (function(t) { t.preventDefault() })), "ontouchstart" in document ? 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a > 0 && i > 20 && e.css("margin-left", -a) })) })) }, initCategoryMenu: function() { var e = t(".category-dropdown"); if (e.length) { var i = e.find(".dropdown-box"); if (i.length) { var a = t(".main").offset().top + i[0].offsetHeight; (window.pageYOffset <= a || window.innerWidth < 992) && e.removeClass("show"), window.addEventListener("scroll", (function() { window.pageYOffset <= a && window.innerWidth >= 992 && e.removeClass("show") }), { passive: !0 }), t(".category-toggle").on("click", (function(t) { t.preventDefault() })), e.on("mouseover", (function(t) { (e.hasClass("menu-fixed") && window.pageYOffset > a && window.innerWidth >= 992 || !e.hasClass("menu-fixed") && window.innerWidth >= 992) && e.addClass("show") })), e.on("mouseleave", (function(t) { (e.hasClass("menu-fixed") && window.pageYOffset > a && window.innerWidth >= 992 || !e.hasClass("menu-fixed") && window.innerWidth >= 992) && e.removeClass("show") })) } if (e.hasClass("with-sidebar")) { var n = Wolmart.byClass("sidebar"); n.length && (e.find(".dropdown-box").css("width", n[0].offsetWidth - 20), Wolmart.$window.on("resize", (function() { e.find(".dropdown-box").css("width", n[0].offsetWidth - 20) }))) } } }, initMobileMenu: function() { t(".mobile-menu li, .toggle-menu li").each((function() { if (this.lastElementChild && ("UL" === this.lastElementChild.tagName || this.lastElementChild.classList.contains("megamenu"))) { var t = document.createElement("span"); t.className = "toggle-btn", this.firstElementChild.appendChild(t) } })), t(".mobile-menu-toggle").on("click", e), t(".mobile-menu-overlay").on("click", i), t(".mobile-menu-close").on("click", i), Wolmart.$window.on("resize", i) }, initFilterMenu: function() { t(".search-ul li").each((function() { if (this.lastElementChild && "UL" === this.lastElementChild.tagName) { var t = document.createElement("i"); t.className = "la la-angle-down", this.classList.add("with-ul"), this.firstElementChild.appendChild(t) } })), t(".with-ul > a i, .toggle-btn").on("click", (function(e) { t(this); t(this).parent().next().slideToggle(300).parent().toggleClass("show"), e.preventDefault() })) }, initCollapsibleWidget: function() { t(".widget-collapsible .widget-title").each((function() { var t = document.createElement("span"); t.className = "toggle-btn", this.appendChild(t) })), t(".widget-collapsible .widget-title").on("click", (function(e) { var i = t(this), a = i.siblings(".widget-body"); i.hasClass("collapsed") || a.css("display", "block"), a.stop().slideToggle(300), i.toggleClass("collapsed"), setTimeout((function() { t(".sticky-sidebar").trigger("recalc.pin") }), 300) })) }, initSubmenu: function() { t(".submenu-toggle-btn").on("click", (function(e) { t(this).parent().parent().toggleClass("show"), e.preventDefault() })), Wolmart.$window.on("resize", (function() { window.innerWidth >= 1200 && t(".submenu-toggle-btn").parent().parent().removeClass("show") })) } }; Wolmart.menu = a }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(t, e) { return this.init(t, e) } var i = function(t) { var e = this.wrapperEl, i = e.getAttribute("class"); if (i.match(/row|gutter\-\w\w|cols\-\d|cols\-\w\w-\d/g) && e.setAttribute("class", i.replace(/row|gutter\-\w\w|cols\-\d|cols\-\w\w-\d/g, "").replace(/\s+/, " ")), e.classList.contains("animation-slider")) for (var a = e.children, n = a.length, o = 0; o < n; ++o) a[o].setAttribute("data-index", o + 1) }, a = function(t) { var e, i = this.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.children, a = i.length; for (e = 0; e < a; ++e) if (!i[e].classList.contains("active")) { var n, o = Wolmart.byClass("appear-animate", i[e]); for (n = o.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) o[n].classList.remove("appear-animate") } }, n = function(e) { t(window).trigger("appear.check"); var i = t(e.currentTarget), a = i.find(".swiper-slide.active video"); i.find(".swiper-slide:not(.swiper-slide-active) video").each((function() { this.paused || i.trigger("autoplayStart"), this.pause(), this.currentTime = 0 })), a.length && (!0 === i.data("slider").options.autoplay && i.trigger("autoplayStop"), a.each((function() { this.paused && this.play() }))) }, o = function() { var e = this; t(this.wrapperEl).find(".swiper-slide-active .slide-animate").each((function() { var i = t(this), a = t.extend(!0, {}, Wolmart.animationOptions, Wolmart.parseOptions(i.data("animation-options"))), n = a.duration, o = a.delay, s = a.name; setTimeout((function() { if (i.css("animation-duration", n), i.css("animation-delay", o), i.addClass(s), i.hasClass("maskLeft")) { i.css("width", "fit-content"); var t = i.width(); i.css("width", 0).css("transition", "width " + (n || "0.75s") + " linear " + (o || "0s")), i.css("width", t) } n = n || "0.75s"; var a = Wolmart.requestTimeout((function() { i.addClass("show-content") }), o ? 1e3 * Number(o.slice(0, -1)) + 200 : 200); e.timers.push(a) }), 300) })) }, s = function(e) { t(this.wrapperEl).find(".swiper-slide-active .slide-animate").each((function() { var e = t(this); e.addClass("show-content"), e.attr("style", "") })) }, r = function(e) { var i = this, a = t(this.wrapperEl); i.translateFlag = 1, i.prev = i.next, a.find(".swiper-slide .slide-animate").each((function() { var e = t(this), i = t.extend(!0, {}, Wolmart.animationOptions, Wolmart.parseOptions(e.data("animation-options"))); e.removeClass(i.name) })) }, l = function(e) { var i = this, a = t(this.wrapperEl); if (1 == i.translateFlag) { if (i.next = this.slider.activeIndex, a.find(".show-content").removeClass("show-content"), i.prev != i.next) { if (a.find(".show-content").removeClass("show-content"), a.hasClass("animation-slider")) { for (var n = 0; n < i.timers.length; n++) Wolmart.deleteTimeout(i.timers[n]); i.timers = [] } a.find(".swiper-slide-active .slide-animate").each((function() { var e = t(this), a = t.extend(!0, {}, Wolmart.animationOptions, Wolmart.parseOptions(e.data("animation-options"))), n = a.duration, o = a.delay, s = a.name; e.css("animation-duration", n), e.css("animation-delay", o), e.css("transition-property", "visibility, opacity"), e.css("transition-delay", o), e.css("transition-duration", n), e.addClass(s), n = n || "0.75s"; var r = Wolmart.requestTimeout((function() { e.css("transition-property", ""), e.css("transition-delay", ""), e.css("transition-duration", ""), e.addClass("show-content"), i.timers.splice(i.timers.indexOf(r), 1) }), o ? 1e3 * Number(o.slice(0, -1)) + 500 * Number(n.slice(0, -1)) : 500 * Number(n.slice(0, -1))); i.timers.push(r) })) } else a.find(".swiper-slide").eq(this.slider.activeIndex).find(".slide-animate").addClass("show-content"); i.translateFlag = 0 } }; e.defaults = { slidesPerView: 1, speed: 300 }, e.presets = { "product-thumbs-wrap": { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 10, freeMode: !0, watchSlidesVisibility: !0, watchSlidesProgress: !0, freeModeSticky: !0 } }, e.prototype.init = function(c, d) { this.timers = [], this.translateFlag = 0, this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.container = c[0], this.wrapperEl = c.children()[0]; var p = c.children(".swiper-button-next"), u = c.children(".swiper-button-prev"), m = c.children(".swiper-pagination"), h = c.children(".custom-dots"); if (!c.data("slider")) { Wolmart.lazyLoad(c, !0); var f = c.attr("class").split(" "), g = t.extend(!0, {}, e.defaults); f.forEach((function(i) { var a = e.presets[i]; a && t.extend(!0, g, a) })), p.length && t.extend(!0, g, { navigation: { nextEl: p[0] } }), u.length && t.extend(!0, g, { navigation: { prevEl: u[0] } }), m.length && t.extend(!0, g, { pagination: { el: m[0], clickable: !0 } }), c.find("video").each((function() { this.loop = !1 })), t.extend(!0, g, Wolmart.parseOptions(c.attr("data-swiper-options")), d), i.call(this), this.slider = new Swiper(this.container, g), c.data("slider", this.slider), c.trigger("initialized.slider", this.slider), this.slider.on("afterInit", a).on("transitionEnd", n), c.hasClass("animation-slider") && o.call(this), c.hasClass("animation-slider") && this.slider.on("resize", s).on("transitionStart", r.bind(this)).on("transitionEnd", l.bind(this)), h.length && (this.slider.on("transitionEnd", (function() { var t = this.activeIndex; h.children("a:nth-child(" + ++t + ")").addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active") })), h.children("a").on("click", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var i = t(this); if (!i.hasClass("active")) { var a = i.index(); i.closest(".swiper-container").data("slider").slideTo(a), i.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active") } }))) } }, Wolmart.slider = function(i, a = {}, n = !1) { Wolmart.$(i).each((function() { var i = t(this); n ? new e(i, a) : Wolmart.call((function() { new e(i, a) })) })) }, Wolmart.slider.pgToggle = function() { t(".swiper-container:not([class*='pg-']) .swiper-pagination").each((function() { var e = t(this); e.find("*").length <= 1 ? e.css("display", "none") : e.css("display", "block") })) } }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(t) { return this.init(t) } var i = function() { window.innerWidth < 992 && (this.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-content").removeAttr("style"), this.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-content").attr("style", ""), this.$sidebar.find(".toolbox").children(":not(:first-child)").removeAttr("style")) }; e.prototype.init = function(e) { var a = this; return a.name = e, a.$sidebar = t("." + e), a.isNavigation = !1, a.$sidebar.length && (a.isNavigation = a.$sidebar.hasClass("sidebar-fixed") && a.$sidebar.parent().hasClass("toolbox-wrap"), a.isNavigation && (i = i.bind(this), Wolmart.$window.on("resize", i)), Wolmart.$window.on("resize", (function(t) { Wolmart.windowResized(t.timeStamp) && Wolmart.$body.removeClass(e + "-active") })), a.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-toggle, .sidebar-toggle-btn").add("sidebar" === e ? ".left-sidebar-toggle" : "." + e + "-toggle").on("click", (function(e) { a.toggle(), t(this).blur(), e.preventDefault() })), a.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-overlay, .sidebar-close").on("click", (function(t) { Wolmart.$body.removeClass(e + "-active"), t.preventDefault() }))), !1 }, e.prototype.toggle = function() { var e = this, i = 992; if (e.$sidebar.hasClass("sidebar-switch-xl") && (i = 1200), window.innerWidth >= i && e.$sidebar.hasClass("sidebar-fixed")) { var a = e.$sidebar.hasClass("closed"); if (e.isNavigation && (a || e.$sidebar.find(".filter-clean").hide(), e.$sidebar.siblings(".toolbox").children(":not(:first-child)").fadeToggle("fast"), e.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-content").stop().animate({ height: "toggle", "margin-bottom": a ? "toggle" : -6 }, (function() { t(this).css("margin-bottom", ""), a && e.$sidebar.find(".filter-clean").fadeIn("fast") }))), e.$sidebar.hasClass("shop-sidebar")) { var n = t(".main-content .product-wrapper"); n.length && n.hasClass("product-lists") && n.toggleClass("row cols-xl-2", !a) } } else e.$sidebar.find(".sidebar-overlay .sidebar-close").css("margin-left", -(window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth)), Wolmart.$body.toggleClass(e.name + "-active").removeClass("closed"); setTimeout((function() { t(window).trigger("appear.check") }), 400) }, Wolmart.sidebar = function(t) { return (new e).init(t) } }(jQuery), function(t) { var e = { init: function() { var e; Wolmart.call(Wolmart.ratingTooltip, 500), Wolmart.call(Wolmart.setProgressBar(".progress-bar"), 500), this.initVariation(), this.initProductsScrollLoad(".scroll-load"), Wolmart.$body.on("mousedown", ".select-menu", (function(e) { var i = t(e.currentTarget), a = t(e.target), n = i.hasClass("opened"); t(".select-menu").removeClass("opened"), i.is(a.parent()) ? (!n && i.addClass("opened"), e.stopPropagation()) : (a.parent().toggleClass("active"), a.parent().hasClass("active") ? (t(".selected-items").children().length < 2 && t(".selected-items").show(), t('<a href="#" class="selected-item">' + a.text().split("(")[0] + '<i class="w-icon-times-solid"></i></a>').insertBefore(".selected-items .filter-clean").hide().fadeIn().data("link", a.parent())) : t(".selected-items > .selected-item").filter((function(t, e) { return e.innerText == a.text().split("(")[0] })).fadeOut((function() { t(this).remove(), t(".selected-items").children().length < 2 && t(".selected-items").hide() }))) })).on("click", ".selected-item", (function(e) { var i = t(this), a = i.data("link"); a && a.removeClass("active").fadeOut((function() { i.remove() })), e.preventDefault() })), t(".selected-items .filter-clean").on("click", (function(e) { var i = t(this); i.siblings().each((function() { var e = t(this).data("link"); e && e.removeClass("active") })), i.parent().fadeOut((function() { i.siblings().remove() })), e.preventDefault() })), t(".filter-clean").on("click", (function(e) { t(".shop-sidebar .filter-items .active").removeClass("active"), e.preventDefault() })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".select-menu a", (function(t) { t.preventDefault() })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".selected-item i", (function(e) { t(e.currentTarget).parent().fadeOut((function() { var e = t(this), i = e.data("link"); i && i.toggleClass("active"), e.remove(), t(".select-items").children().length < 2 && t(".select-items").hide() })), e.preventDefault() })), Wolmart.$body.on("mousedown", (function(e) { t(".select-menu").removeClass("opened") })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".filter-items a", (function(e) { var i = t(this).closest(".filter-items"); i.hasClass("search-ul") || i.parent().hasClass("select-menu") || (t(this).parent().toggleClass("active"), e.preventDefault()) })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".product:not(.product-select) .btn-cart, .product-popup .btn-cart, .home .product-single .btn-cart", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var i = t(this), a = i.closest(".product, .product-popup"); i.hasClass("disabled") ? alert("Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.") : (i.toggleClass("added").addClass("load-more-overlay loading"), setTimeout((function() { i.removeClass("load-more-overlay loading"), Wolmart.Minipopup.open({ productClass: " product-cart", name: a.find(".product-name, .product-title").text(), nameLink: a.find(".product-name > a, .product-title > a").attr("href"), imageSrc: a.find(".product-media img, .product-image:first-child img").attr("src"), imageLink: a.find(".product-name > a").attr("href"), message: "<p>has been added to cart:</p>", actionTemplate: '<a href="cart.html" class="btn btn-rounded btn-sm">View Cart</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-dark btn-rounded btn-sm">Checkout</a>' }) }), 500)) })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".product:not(.product-single) .btn-wishlist", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var i = t(this); i.toggleClass("added").addClass("load-more-overlay loading"), setTimeout((function() { i.removeClass("load-more-overlay loading"), i.toggleClass("w-icon-heart").toggleClass("w-icon-heart-full") }), 500) })), (e = t(".product-popup")).length && Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".btn-quickview", (function(i) { i.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: e[0].outerHTML }, callbacks: { open: function() { Wolmart.productSingle(t(".mfp-product .product-single")) }, close: function() { t(".mfp-product .swiper-container").data("slider").destroy() } } }, "quickview") })), function() { var e, i = [], a = t(".page-wrapper > .compare-popup"); function n() { a.find(".title").after('<p class="compare-count text-center text-light mb-0">(' + e + " Products)</p>"), a.find(".compare-count").length > 1 && a.find("p:last-child").remove() } a.length || document.body.classList.contains("docs") || (t(".page-wrapper").append('<div class="compare-popup"> <div class="container"> <div class="compare-title"> <h4 class="title title-center">Compare Products</h4> </div> <ul class="compare-product-list list-style-none"> <li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li> </ul> <a href="#" class="btn btn-clean">Clean All</a> <a href="compare.html" class="btn btn-dark btn-rounded">Start Compare !</a> </div> </div> <div class="compare-popup-overlay"> </div>'), a = t(".page-wrapper > .compare-popup")), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".product .btn-compare", (function(o) { var s = t(this); s.hasClass("added") && returne(), o.preventDefault(), s.toggleClass("added").addClass("load-more-overlay loading"), setTimeout((function() { s.removeClass("load-more-overlay loading"), s.toggleClass("w-icon-compare").toggleClass("w-icon-check-solid"), s.attr("href", "compare.html"), a.addClass("show") }), 500); var r = s.closest(".product").find("img").eq(0).attr("src"); i.length >= 4 && i.shift(), i.push(r), t(".compare-popup li").each((function(t) { i[t] && (this.innerHTML = '<a href="product-default.html"><figure><img src="' + i[t] + '"/></figure></a> <a href="#" class="btn btn-remove"><i class="w-icon-times-solid"></i></a>') })), e = i.length, n() })).on("click", ".compare-popup .btn-remove", (function(a) { a.preventDefault(); var o = t(a.currentTarget).closest("li"), s = o.index(), r = o.find("img").attr("src"); r && t(".page-wrapper .product img").each((function() { if (this.getAttribute("src") == r) { var e = t(this).closest(".product").find(".btn-compare"); e.length && (e.removeClass("added").attr("href", "#"), e.toggleClass("w-icon-check-solid").toggleClass("w-icon-compare")) } })), i.splice(s, 1), 3 == s && o.empty(), o.nextAll().each((function() { t(this).prev().html(t(this).html()) })).last().empty(), e = i.length, n() })).on("click", ".compare-popup .btn-clean", (function(a) { a.preventDefault(), t(".page-wrapper .product img").each((function() { var e = t(this), a = this.getAttribute("src"); i.forEach((function(t) { if (a == t) { var i = e.closest(".product").find(".btn-compare"); i.length && (i.removeClass("added").attr("href", "#"), i.toggleClass("w-icon-check-solid").toggleClass("w-icon-compare")) } })) })), i.splice(0, 4), e = i.length, t(this).parent().find(".compare-product-list li").empty(), n() })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".compare-popup-overlay", (function() { a.removeClass("show") })) }(), Wolmart.priceSlider(".filter-price-slider") }, initVariation: function(e) { t(".product:not(.product-single) .product-variations > a").on("click", (function(e) { var i = t(this), a = i.closest(".product").find(".product-media img"); a.data("image-src") || a.data("image-src", a.attr("src")), i.toggleClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"), i.hasClass("active") ? a.attr("src", i.data("src")) : (a.attr("src", a.data("image-src")), i.blur()), e.preventDefault() })) }, initProductsScrollLoad: function(e) { var i, a = Wolmart.$(e), n = t(e).data("url"); n || (n = "assets/ajax/products.html"); var o = function(e) { window.pageYOffset > i + a.outerHeight() - window.innerHeight - 150 && "loading" != a.data("load-state") && t.ajax({ url: n, success: function(e) { var i = t(e); a.data("load-state", "loading"), a.next().hasClass("load-more-overlay") ? a.next().addClass("loading") : t('<div class="mt-4 mb-4 load-more-overlay loading"></div>').insertAfter(a), setTimeout((function() { a.next().removeClass("loading"), a.append(i), setTimeout((function() { a.find(".product-wrap.fade:not(.in)").addClass("in") }), 200), a.data("load-state", "loaded"), Wolmart.countDown(i.find(".product-countdown")) }), 500); var n = parseInt(a.data("load-count") ? a.data("load-count") : 0); a.data("load-count", ++n), n > 2 && window.removeEventListener("scroll", o, { passive: !0 }) }, failure: function() { $this.text("Sorry something went wrong.") } }) }; a.length > 0 && (i = a.offset().top, window.addEventListener("scroll", o, { passive: !0 })) } }; Wolmart.shop = e }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(t) { return this.init(t) } e.min = 1, e.max = 1e6, e.value = 1, e.prototype.init = function(t) { var i = this; i.$minus = !1, i.$plus = !1, i.$value = !1, i.value = !1, i.startIncrease = i.startIncrease.bind(i), i.startDecrease = i.startDecrease.bind(i), i.stop = i.stop.bind(i), i.min = parseInt(t.attr("min")), i.max = parseInt(t.attr("max")), i.min || t.attr("min", i.min = e.min), i.max || t.attr("max", i.max = e.max), i.$value = t.val(i.value = e.value), i.$minus = t.parent().find(".quantity-minus").on("mousedown", (function(t) { t.preventDefault(), i.startDecrease() })).on("touchstart", (function(t) { t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(), i.startDecrease() })).on("mouseup", i.stop), i.$plus = t.parent().find(".quantity-plus").on("mousedown", (function(t) { t.preventDefault(), i.startIncrease() })).on("touchstart", (function(t) { t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(), i.startIncrease() })).on("mouseup", i.stop), Wolmart.$body.on("mouseup", i.stop).on("touchend", i.stop).on("touchcancel", i.stop) }, e.prototype.startIncrease = function(t) { t && t.preventDefault(); var e = this; e.value = e.$value.val(), e.value < e.max && e.$value.val(++e.value), e.increaseTimer = Wolmart.requestTimeout((function() { e.speed = 1, e.increaseTimer = Wolmart.requestInterval((function() { e.$value.val(e.value = Math.min(e.value + Math.floor(e.speed *= 1.05), e.max)) }), 50) }), 400) }, e.prototype.startDecrease = function(t) { t && t.preventDefault(); var e = this; e.value = e.$value.val(), e.value > e.min && e.$value.val(--e.value), e.decreaseTimer = Wolmart.requestTimeout((function() { e.speed = 1, e.decreaseTimer = Wolmart.requestInterval((function() { e.$value.val(e.value = Math.max(e.value - Math.floor(e.speed *= 1.05), e.min)) }), 50) }), 400) }, e.prototype.stop = function(t) { Wolmart.deleteTimeout(this.increaseTimer), Wolmart.deleteTimeout(this.decreaseTimer) }, Wolmart.initQtyInput = function(i) { Wolmart.$(i).each((function() { var i = t(this); i.data("quantityInput") || i.data("quantityInput", new e(i)) })) } }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(t, e) { return this.init(t, e) } e.defaults = { removalDelay: 300, closeOnBgClick: !1, callbacks: { open: function() { t("html").css("overflow-y", "hidden"), t("body").css("overflow-x", "visible"), t(".mfp-wrap").css("overflow", "hidden auto"), t(".sticky-header.fixed").css("padding-right", window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth) }, close: function() { t("html").css("overflow-y", ""), t("body").css("overflow-x", "hidden"), t(".mfp-wrap").css("overflow", ""), t(".sticky-header.fixed").css("padding-right", "") } } }, e.presets = { quickview: { type: "inline", mainClass: "mfp-product mfp-fade", tLoading: "Loading..." }, video: { type: "iframe", mainClass: "mfp-fade", preloader: !1, closeBtnInside: !1 }, login: { type: "ajax", mainClass: "mfp-login-popup mfp-fade ", tLoading: "", preloader: !1 } }, e.prototype.init = function(i, a) { var n = t.magnificPopup.instance; function o(e) { !t(e.target).closest(".mfp-content").length || t(e.target).hasClass("mfp-content") ? t.magnificPopup.instance.close() : (n.st.closeOnBgClick = !1, n.st.closeOnBgContentClick = !1) } n.isOpen ? n.content ? setTimeout((function() { Wolmart.popup(i, a) }), 5e3) : t.magnificPopup.close() : t.magnificPopup.open(t.extend(!0, {}, e.defaults, a ? e.presets[a] : {}, i)), Wolmart.$body.on("mousedown", ".mfp-wrap", o), "ontouchstart" in document && document.addEventListener("touchstart", o, { passive: !0 }) }, Wolmart.popup = function(t, i) { return new e(t, i) } }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(t) { return this.init(t) } var i = function() { this.$wrapper.find(".product-details").css("height", window.innerWidth > 767 ? this.$wrapper.find(".product-gallery")[0].clientHeight : "") }, a = function(e) { var i = t(this); i.hasClass("added") || (e.preventDefault(), i.addClass("load-more-overlay loading"), setTimeout((function() { i.removeClass("load-more-overlay loading").toggleClass("w-icon-heart").toggleClass("w-icon-heart-full").addClass("added").attr("href", "wishlist.html") }), 500)) }, n = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), Wolmart.scrollTo(t('.product-tabs > .nav a[href="' + this.getAttribute("href") + '"]').trigger("click")) }; e.prototype.init = function(e) { var o = this, s = e.find(".product-single-swiper"); o.$wrapper = e, o.isQuickView = !!e.closest(".mfp-content").length, o._isPgVertical = !1, o.isQuickView && (i = i.bind(this), Wolmart.ratingTooltip()), function(t) { t.$thumbs = t.$wrapper.find(".product-thumbs"), t.$thumbsWrap = t.$thumbs.parent(), t.$thumbUp = t.$thumbsWrap.find(".thumb-up"), t.$thumbDown = t.$thumbsWrap.find(".thumb-down"), t.$thumbsDots = t.$thumbs.children(), t.thumbsCount = t.$thumbsDots.length, t.$productThumb = t.$thumbsDots.eq(0), t._isPgVertical = t.$thumbsWrap.parent().hasClass("product-gallery-vertical"), t.thumbsIsVertical = t._isPgVertical && window.innerWidth >= 992, Wolmart.slider(t.$thumbsWrap, {}, !0) }(o), document.body.classList.contains("home") || s.parent().hasClass("product-gallery-video") && (o.isQuickView || s.append('<a href="#" class="product-gallery-btn product-degree-viewer" title="Product 360 Degree Gallery"><i class="w-icon-rotate-3d"></i></a>'), o.isQuickView || s.append('<a href="#" class="product-gallery-btn product-video-viewer" title="Product Video Thumbnail"><i class="w-icon-movie"></i></a>')), o.$wrapper.on("click", ".btn-wishlist", a), o.$wrapper.on("click", ".rating-reviews", n), "complete" === Wolmart.status && (Wolmart.slider(s, { thumbs: { swiper: o.$thumbsWrap.data("slider") } }), Wolmart.initQtyInput(e.find(".quantity"))), s.length && window.addEventListener("resize", (function() { Wolmart.requestTimeout((function() { null != s.data("slider") && (s.data("slider").update(), o.$thumbsWrap.data("slider").update()) }), 100) }), { passive: !0 }), o.$wrapper.find(".product-single-swiper").on("initialized.slider", (function(e) { t(e.target).find(".product-image").zoom(Wolmart.zoomImageOptions) })), o.$wrapper.find(".product-thumbs-sticky").length && (o.isStickyScrolling = !1, o.$wrapper.on("click", ".product-thumb:not(.active)", o.clickStickyThumbnail.bind(this)), window.addEventListener("scroll", o.scrollStickyThumbnail.bind(this), { passive: !0 })), function(e) { e.$selects = e.$wrapper.find(".product-variations select"), e.$items = e.$wrapper.find(".product-variations"), e.$priceWrap = e.$wrapper.find(".product-variation-price"), e.$clean = e.$wrapper.find(".product-variation-clean"), e.$btnCart = e.$wrapper.find(".btn-cart"), e.variationCheck(), e.$selects.on("change", (function(t) { e.variationCheck() })), e.$items.children("a").on("click", (function(i) { t(this).toggleClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"), i.preventDefault(), e.variationCheck(), e.$items.parent(".product-image-swatch") && e.swatchImage() })), e.$clean.on("click", (function(t) { t.preventDefault(), e.variationClean(!0) })) }(this) }, e.prototype.variationCheck = function() { var e = this, i = !0; e.$selects.each((function() { return this.value || (i = !1) })), e.$items.each((function() { var e = t(this); if (e.children("a:not(.size-guide)").length) return e.children(".active").length || (i = !1) })), i ? e.variationMatch() : e.variationClean() }, e.prototype.variationMatch = function() { var t = this; t.$priceWrap.find("span").text("$" + (Math.round(50 * Math.random()) + 200) + ".00"), t.$priceWrap.slideDown(), t.$clean.slideDown(), t.$btnCart.removeClass("disabled") }, e.prototype.variationClean = function(t) { t && this.$selects.val(""), t && this.$items.children(".active").removeClass("active"), this.$priceWrap.slideUp(), this.$clean.css("display", "none"), this.$btnCart.addClass("disabled") }, e.prototype.clickStickyThumbnail = function(e) { var i = this, a = t(e.currentTarget), n = (a.parent().children(".active").index(), a.index() + 1); a.addClass("active").siblings(".active").removeClass("active"), this.isStickyScrolling = !0; var o = a.closest(".product-thumbs-sticky").find(".product-image-wrapper > :nth-child(" + n + ")"); o.length && (o = o.offset().top + 10, Wolmart.scrollTo(o, 500)), setTimeout((function() { i.isStickyScrolling = !1 }), 300) }, e.prototype.scrollStickyThumbnail = function() { var e = this; this.isStickyScrolling || e.$wrapper.find(".product-image-wrapper .product-image").each((function() { if (Wolmart.isOnScreen(this)) return e.$wrapper.find(".product-thumbs > :nth-child(" + (t(this).index() + 1) + ")").addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"), !1 })) }, e.prototype.swatchImage = function() { var t = this.$items.find(".active img").attr("src"), e = this.$wrapper.find(".swiper-slide:first-child .product-image img"), i = this.$wrapper.find(".swiper-slide:first-child .product-thumb img"); e.attr("src", t), i.attr("src", t) }, Wolmart.productSingle = function(i) { return Wolmart.$(i).each((function() { var i = t(this); i.is("body > *") || i.data("product-single", new e(i)) })), null } }(jQuery), function(t) { function e(e) { e.preventDefault(); var i, a, n = t(e.currentTarget), o = n.closest(".product-single"), s = n.closest(".review-image"); if ((i = n.closest(".review-image").length ? n.closest(".review-image").find("img") : o.find(".product-single-swiper").length ? o.find(".product-single-swiper .swiper-slide:not(.cloned) img:first-child") : o.find(".product-gallery-carousel").length ? o.find(".product-gallery-carousel .swiper-slide:not(.cloned) img") : o.find(".product-image img:first-child")).length) { a = i.map((function() { var e = t(this); return { src: e.attr("data-zoom-image"), w: 800, h: 900, title: e.attr("alt") } })).get(); var r = o.find(".product-single-swiper").data("slider"), l = r ? r.activeIndex : o.find(".product-gallery .product-gallery-btn").index(n); if (1 == s.length) l = s.find("img").index(n); if ("undefined" != typeof PhotoSwipe) { var c = t(".pswp")[0]; if ("rtl" == Wolmart.$body.attr("dir")) var d = new PhotoSwipe(c, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, a, { index: l, closeOnScroll: !1, showAnimationDuration: 0, rtl: !0 }); else d = new PhotoSwipe(c, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, a, { index: l, closeOnScroll: !1, showAnimationDuration: 0 }); d.init(), Wolmart.photoSwipe = d } } } function i(t) { t.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ items: { src: '<video src="assets/video/memory-of-a-woman.mp4" autoplay loop controls>', type: "inline" }, mainClass: "mfp-video-popup" }, "video") } function a(e) { var i = t(this); i.addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"), i.parent().addClass("selected"), i.closest(".rating-form").find("select").val(i.text()), e.preventDefault() } function n(e) { var i = t(this), a = t(".main-content > .alert, .container > .alert"); if (i.hasClass("disabled")) alert("Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart."); else { if (a.length) a.fadeOut((function() { a.fadeIn() })); else { var n = '<div class="alert alert-success alert-cart-product mb-2"> <a href="cart.html" class="btn btn-success btn-rounded">View Cart</a> <p class="mb-0 ls-normal">“' + i.closest(".product-single").find(".product-title").text() + '” has been added to your cart.</p> <a href="#" class="btn btn-link btn-close" aria-label="button"><i class="close-icon"></i></a> </div>'; i.closest(".product-single").before(n) } t(".product-sticky-content").trigger("recalc.pin") } } Wolmart.initProductSinglePage = function() { t(".product-gallery").each((function() { var e = t(this), i = e.find(".product-image"); i.length && 0 == e.find(".swiper-container").length && i.zoom(Wolmart.zoomImageOptions) })), function(e) { var i = t(e), a = i.closest(".product-single"), n = '<div class="product product-list-sm mr-auto"> <figure class="product-media"> <img src="' + a.find(".product-image img").eq(0).attr("src") + '" alt="Product" width="85" height="85" /> </figure> <div class="product-details pt-0 pl-2 pr-2"> <h4 class="product-name font-weight-normal mb-1">' + a.find(".product-details .product-title").text() + '</h4> <div class="product-price mb-0"> <ins class="new-price">' + a.find(".new-price").text() + '</ins><del class="old-price">' + a.find(".old-price").text() + "</del></div> </div></div>"; function o() { i.hasClass("fix-top") && window.innerWidth > 767 && i.removeClass("fix-top").addClass("fix-bottom"), i.hasClass("fix-bottom") && window.innerWidth > 767 || (i.hasClass("fix-bottom") && window.innerWidth < 768 && i.removeClass("fix-bottom").addClass("fix-top"), i.hasClass("fix-top") && window.innerWidth) } i.find(".product-qty-form").before(n), window.addEventListener("resize", o, { passive: !0 }), o() }(".product-sticky-content"), document.body.classList.contains("home") || Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".product-image-full", e).on("click", ".review-image img", e).on("click", ".product-video-viewer", i).on("click", ".product-degree-viewer", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(e), t.fn.ThreeSixty && function(t) { t.preventDefault(), Wolmart.popup({ type: "inline", mainClass: "product-popupbox wm-fade product-360-popup", preloader: !1, items: { src: '<div class="product-gallery-degree">\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="w-loading"><i></i></div>\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class="product-degree-images"></ul>\t\t\t\t\t</div>' }, callbacks: { open: function() { this.container.find(".product-gallery-degree").ThreeSixty({ imagePath: "assets/images/products/video/", filePrefix: "360-", ext: ".jpg", totalFrames: 18, endFrame: 18, currentFrame: 1, imgList: this.container.find(".product-degree-images"), progress: ".w-loading", height: 500, width: 830, navigation: !0 }) }, beforeClose: function() { this.container.empty() } } }) }(e) })).on("click", ".rating-form .rating-stars > a", a).on("click", ".product-single:not(.product-popup) .btn-cart", n) } }(jQuery), function(t) { Wolmart.initCodePopup = function() { t(".box-btn.showcode span").each((function() { t(this).text("</>") })), t(".show-code-action").each((function() { var e, i, a = t(this), n = a[0].outerHTML.replace("show-code-action", ""), o = n.slice(1, n.length - 1).indexOf("<"), s = n.indexOf(">"); o - s > 6 ? (e = new RegExp("\n" + String(" ").repeat(o - s - 6), "gi"), i = n.replace(e, "\n")) : i = n, a.data("codepopup", i) })), Wolmart.$body.on("click", ".box-btn.showcode", (function() { var e = t(this); e.hasClass("enabled") ? 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