Direktori : /home2/selectio/www/geniusgroove.in/crm/api/application/helpers/ |
Current File : /home2/selectio/www/geniusgroove.in/crm/api/application/helpers/custom_helper.php |
<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); function isJSON($string) { return is_string($string) && is_array(json_decode($string, true)) && (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) ? true : false; } function convertBaseAmountCurrencyFormat($amount) { $CI = &get_instance(); $currency_price = $CI->customlib->getSchoolCurrencyPrice(); $amount=($amount*$currency_price); return two_digit_float($amount); } function two_digit_float($number) { if($number != ""){ $number = number_format($number, 2, ".", ""); } return $number; } function findExamGrade($exam_grade, $exam_type, $percentage) { foreach ($exam_grade as $exam_grade_key => $exam_grade_value) { if ($exam_grade_value['exam_key'] == $exam_type) { if (!empty($exam_grade_value['exam_grade_values'])) { foreach ($exam_grade_value['exam_grade_values'] as $grade_key => $grade_value) { if ($grade_value->mark_from >= $percentage && $grade_value->mark_upto <= $percentage) { return $grade_value->name; } } } } } return "-"; } function getCalculatedExamGradePoints($array, $exam_id, $exam_grade, $exam_type) { $object = new stdClass(); $return_quality_points = 0; $return_total_points = 0; $return_total_exams = 0; $return_total_credit_hours = 0; if (!empty($array)) { if (!empty($array['exam_result_' . $exam_id])) { foreach ($array['exam_result_' . $exam_id] as $exam_key => $exam_value) { $return_total_exams++; $return_total_credit_hours+=$exam_value->credit_hours; $percentage_grade = ($exam_value->get_marks * 100) / $exam_value->max_marks; $point = findGradePoints($exam_grade, $exam_type, $percentage_grade); $return_quality_points+=($point*$exam_value->credit_hours); $return_total_points = $return_total_points + $point; } } } $object->total_points = $return_total_points; $object->total_exams = $return_total_exams; $object->return_quality_points = $return_quality_points; $object->return_total_credit_hours = $return_total_credit_hours; return $object; } function findGradePoints($exam_grade, $exam_type, $percentage) { foreach ($exam_grade as $exam_grade_key => $exam_grade_value) { if ($exam_grade_value['exam_key'] == $exam_type) { if (!empty($exam_grade_value['exam_grade_values'])) { foreach ($exam_grade_value['exam_grade_values'] as $grade_key => $grade_value) { if ($grade_value->mark_from >= $percentage && $grade_value->mark_upto <= $percentage) { return $grade_value->point; } } } } } return 0; } function getCalculatedExam($array, $exam_id) { $object = new stdClass(); $return_max_marks = 0; $return_get_marks = 0; $return_credit_hours = 0; $return_exam_status = false; if (!empty($array)) { $return_exam_status = 'pass'; if (!empty($array['exam_result_' . $exam_id])) { foreach ($array['exam_result_' . $exam_id] as $exam_key => $exam_value) { if ($exam_value->get_marks < $exam_value->min_marks || $exam_value->attendence != "present") { $return_exam_status = "fail"; } $return_max_marks = $return_max_marks + ($exam_value->max_marks); $return_get_marks = $return_get_marks + ($exam_value->get_marks); $return_credit_hours = $return_credit_hours + ($exam_value->credit_hours); } } } $object->credit_hours = $return_credit_hours; $object->get_marks = $return_get_marks; $object->max_marks = $return_max_marks; $object->exam_status = $return_exam_status; return $object; } function getConsolidateRatio($exam_connection_list, $examid, $get_marks,$max_marks) { if (!empty($exam_connection_list)) { foreach ($exam_connection_list as $exam_connection_key => $exam_connection_value) { if ($exam_connection_value->exam_group_class_batch_exams_id == $examid) { $percentage=($get_marks*100)/$max_marks; return ['marks_weight'=>(($get_marks * $exam_connection_value->exam_weightage) / 100), 'percentage_weight'=>(($percentage * $exam_connection_value->exam_weightage) / 100), 'exam_weightage'=>$exam_connection_value->exam_weightage ]; // return ($get_marks * $exam_connection_value->exam_weightage) / 100; } } } return 0; } function checkDuplicateTeacher($array, $staff_id) { if (!empty($array)) { return array_count_values(array_column($array, 'staff_id'))[$staff_id]; } } function getExamDivision($percentage) { $division = ""; if ($percentage >= 60) { $division = "first"; } elseif ($percentage >= 50 && $percentage < 60) { $division = "second"; } elseif ($percentage >= 0 && $percentage < 50) { $division = "third"; } else { } return $division; } function check_student_field_status($sch_setting_detail, $field_value) { if (array_key_exists($field_value->name, $sch_setting_detail) && $sch_setting_detail->{$field_value->name} && $field_value->status) { return 1; } elseif ($field_value->status) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function getSecondsFromHMS($time) { $timeArr = array_reverse(explode(":", $time)); $seconds = 0; foreach ($timeArr as $key => $value) { if ($key > 2) break; $seconds += pow(60, $key) * $value; } return $seconds; } function getHMSFromSeconds($seconds) { $t = round($seconds); return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', ($t/3600),($t/60%60), $t%60); } function getFullName($firstname, $middlename, $lastname, $is_middlename,$is_lastname) { $name=""; if ($is_middlename) { $name= ($middlename == "") ? $firstname : $firstname . " " . $middlename; } else { $name= $firstname; } if ($is_lastname) { $name= ($lastname == "") ? $name : $name . " " . $lastname; } return $name; } function amountFormat($amount) { $CI = &get_instance(); $currency_format = $CI->customlib->getCurrencyFormat(); $currency_symbol = $CI->customlib->getCurrencySymbol(); $currency_price = $CI->customlib->getSchoolCurrencyPrice(); $amount=($amount*$currency_price); if ($currency_format == "#,###.##") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ','); } elseif ($currency_format == "#.###,##") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 2, ',', '.'); } elseif ($currency_format == "# ###.##") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ' '); } elseif ($currency_format == "#.###.##") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '.'); } elseif ($currency_format == "#,###.###") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 3, '.', ','); } elseif ($currency_format == "####.##") { $return_amt = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ''); } elseif ($currency_format == "#,##,###.##") { $return_amt = indian_money_format($amount); } return $currency_symbol.$return_amt; } function indian_money_format($num) { $explrestunits = ""; $num = preg_replace('/,+/', '', $num); $words = explode(".", $num); $des = "00"; if (count($words) <= 2) { $num = $words[0]; if (count($words) >= 2) {$des = $words[1];} if (strlen($des) < 2) {$des = "$des";} else { $des = substr($des, 0, 2);} } if (strlen($num) > 3) { $lastthree = substr($num, strlen($num) - 3, strlen($num)); $restunits = substr($num, 0, strlen($num) - 3); // extracts the last three digits $restunits = (strlen($restunits) % 2 == 1) ? "0" . $restunits : $restunits; // explodes the remaining digits in 2's formats, adds a zero in the beginning to maintain the 2's grouping. $expunit = str_split($restunits, 2); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($expunit); $i++) { // creates each of the 2's group and adds a comma to the end if ($i == 0) { $explrestunits .= (int) $expunit[$i] . ","; // if is first value , convert into integer } else { $explrestunits .= $expunit[$i] . ","; } } $thecash = $explrestunits . $lastthree; } else { $thecash = $num; } return "$thecash.$des"; // writes the final format where $currency is the currency symbol. } ?>