Direktori : /home2/selectio/www/renew-right/js/ |
Current File : /home2/selectio/www/renew-right/js/magiccursor.js |
if ($("body").not(".is-mobile").hasClass("tt-magic-cursor")) { if ($(window).width() > 1024) { $(".magnetic-item").wrap('<div class="magnetic-wrap"></div>'); if ($("a.magnetic-item").length) { $("a.magnetic-item").addClass("not-hide-cursor"); } var $mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // Cursor position var $pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // Cursor position var $ratio = 0.15; // delay follow cursor var $active = false; var $ball = $("#ball"); var $ballWidth = 34; // Ball default width var $ballHeight = 34; // Ball default height var $ballScale = 1; // Ball default scale var $ballOpacity = 0.5; // Ball default opacity var $ballBorderWidth = 2; // Ball default border width gsap.set($ball, { // scale from middle and style ball xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, borderWidth: $ballBorderWidth, opacity: $ballOpacity }); document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove); function mouseMove(e) { $mouse.x = e.clientX; $mouse.y = e.clientY; } gsap.ticker.add(updatePosition); function updatePosition() { if (!$active) { $pos.x += ($mouse.x - $pos.x) * $ratio; $pos.y += ($mouse.y - $pos.y) * $ratio; gsap.set($ball, { x: $pos.x, y: $pos.y }); } } $(".magnetic-wrap").mousemove(function(e) { parallaxCursor(e, this, 2); // magnetic ball = low number is more attractive callParallax(e, this); }); function callParallax(e, parent) { parallaxIt(e, parent, parent.querySelector(".magnetic-item"), 25); // magnetic area = higher number is more attractive } function parallaxIt(e, parent, target, movement) { var boundingRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); var relX = e.clientX - boundingRect.left; var relY = e.clientY - boundingRect.top; gsap.to(target, { duration: 0.3, x: ((relX - boundingRect.width / 2) / boundingRect.width) * movement, y: ((relY - boundingRect.height / 2) / boundingRect.height) * movement, ease: Power2.easeOut }); } function parallaxCursor(e, parent, movement) { var rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); var relX = e.clientX - rect.left; var relY = e.clientY - rect.top; $pos.x = rect.left + rect.width / 2 + (relX - rect.width / 2) / movement; $pos.y = rect.top + rect.height / 2 + (relY - rect.height / 2) / movement; gsap.to($ball, {duration: 0.3, x: $pos.x, y: $pos.y }); } // Magic cursor behavior // ====================== // Magnetic item hover. $(".magnetic-wrap").on("mouseenter", function(e) { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: 2, borderWidth: 1, opacity: $ballOpacity }); $active = true; }).on("mouseleave", function(e) { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: $ballScale, borderWidth: $ballBorderWidth, opacity: $ballOpacity }); gsap.to(this.querySelector(".magnetic-item"), { duration: 0.3, x: 0, y: 0, clearProps:"all" }); $active = false; }); // Alternative cursor style on hover. $(".cursor-alter, .tt-main-menu-list > li > a, .tt-main-menu-list > li > .tt-submenu-trigger > a") .not(".magnetic-item") // omit from selection. .on("mouseenter", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, borderWidth: 0, opacity: 0.2, backgroundColor: "#CCC", width: "100px", height: "100px", }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, borderWidth: $ballBorderWidth, opacity: $ballOpacity, backgroundColor: "transparent", width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, clearProps:"backgroundColor" }); }); // Overlay menu caret hover. $(".tt-ol-submenu-caret-wrap .magnetic-wrap").on("mouseenter", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: 1.3, borderWidth: $ballBorderWidth }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: $ballScale }); }); // Cursor view on hover (data attribute "data-cursor="..."). $("[data-cursor]").each(function() { $(this).on("mouseenter", function() { $ball.append('<div class="ball-view"></div>'); $(".ball-view").append($(this).attr("data-cursor")); gsap.to(ball, { duration: 0.3, yPercent: -75, width: 95, height: 95, opacity: 1, borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: "#FFF" }); gsap.to(".ball-view", { duration: 0.3, scale: 1, autoAlpha: 1 }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { gsap.to(ball, { duration: 0.3, yPercent: -50, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity, borderWidth: $ballBorderWidth, backgroundColor: "transparent" }); gsap.to(".ball-view", { duration: 0.3, scale: 0, autoAlpha: 0, clearProps:"all" }); $ball.find(".ball-view").remove(); }); $(this).addClass("not-hide-cursor"); }); // Cursor drag on hover (class "cursor-drag"). For Swiper sliders. $(".swiper-container").each(function() { if ($(this).parent().attr("data-simulate-touch") == "true") { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("cursor-drag")) { $(this).on("mouseenter", function() { $ball.append('<div class="ball-drag"></div>'); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: 60, height: 60, opacity: 1 }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $ball.find(".ball-drag").remove(); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); }); $(this).addClass("not-hide-cursor"); // Ignore "data-cursor" on hover. $(this).find("[data-cursor]").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $ball.find(".ball-drag").remove(); return false; }).on("mouseleave", function() { $ball.append('<div class="ball-drag"></div>'); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: 60, height: 60, opacity: 1 }); }); } } }); // Cursor drag on mouse down / click and hold effect (class "cursor-drag-mouse-down"). For Swiper sliders. $(".swiper-container").each(function() { if ($(this).parent().attr("data-simulate-touch") == "true") { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("cursor-drag-mouse-down")) { $(this).on("mousedown pointerdown", function(e) { if (e.which === 1) { // Affects the left mouse button only! gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.2, width: 60, height: 60, opacity: 1 }); $ball.append('<div class="ball-drag"></div>'); } }).on("mouseup pointerup", function() { $ball.find(".ball-drag").remove(); if ($(this).find("[data-cursor]:hover").length) { } else { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.2, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); } }).on("mouseleave", function() { $ball.find(".ball-drag").remove(); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.2, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); }); // Ignore "data-cursor" on mousedown. $(this).find("[data-cursor]").on("mousedown pointerdown", function() { return false; }); // Ignore "data-cursor" on hover. $(this).find("[data-cursor]").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $ball.find(".ball-drag").remove(); return false; }); } } }); // Cursor close on hover. $(".cursor-close").each(function() { $(this).addClass("ball-close-enabled"); $(this).on("mouseenter", function() { $ball.addClass("ball-close-enabled"); $ball.append('<div class="ball-close">Close</div>'); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, yPercent: -75, width: 80, height: 80, opacity: 1 }); gsap.from(".ball-close", { duration: 0.3, scale: 0, autoAlpha: 0 }); }).on("mouseleave click", function() { $ball.removeClass("ball-close-enabled"); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, yPercent: -50, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); $ball.find(".ball-close").remove(); }); // Hover on "cursor-close" inner elements. $(".cursor-close a, .cursor-close button, .cursor-close .tt-btn, .cursor-close .hide-cursor") .not(".not-hide-cursor") // omit from selection (class "not-hide-cursor" is for global use). .on("mouseenter", function() { $ball.removeClass("ball-close-enabled"); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $ball.addClass("ball-close-enabled"); }); }); // Portfolio interactive title link hover. $(".portfolio-interactive-item").each(function() { var $piItem = $(this); if ($(this).find(".pi-item-image").length) { $piItem.find(".pi-item-title-link").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $("#magic-cursor").addClass("portfolio-interactive-hover-on"); $piItem.find(".pi-item-image").appendTo($ball); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: "20vw", height: "20vw", opacity: 1 }); $ball.find(".pi-item-image video").each(function() { $(this).get(0).play(); }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $("#magic-cursor").removeClass("portfolio-interactive-hover-on"); $ball.find(".pi-item-image").appendTo($piItem); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); $piItem.find('.pi-item-image video').each(function() { $(this).get(0).pause(); }); }); $(this).find(".pi-item-title-link").addClass("not-hide-cursor"); } }); // Blog interactive title link hover. $(".blog-interactive-item").each(function() { var $biItem = $(this); if ($biItem.find(".bi-item-image").length) { $biItem.find(".bi-item-title a").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $("#magic-cursor").addClass("blog-interactive-hover-on"); $biItem.find(".bi-item-image").appendTo($ball); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: "20vw", height: "20vw", opacity: 1 }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $("#magic-cursor").removeClass("blog-interactive-hover-on"); $ball.find(".bi-item-image").appendTo($biItem); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); }); $biItem.find(".bi-item-title a").addClass("not-hide-cursor"); $biItem.addClass("bi-item-image-on"); } }); // Page nav hover. $(".tt-page-nav").each(function() { if ($(this).find(".tt-pn-image").length) { $(this).find(".tt-pn-link").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $("#magic-cursor").addClass("tt-pn-hover-on"); $(this).parent().find(".tt-pn-image").appendTo($ball); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: "20vw", height: "20vw", opacity: 1 }); $ball.find(".tt-pn-image video").each(function() { $(this).get(0).play(); }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $("#magic-cursor").removeClass("tt-pn-hover-on"); $ball.find(".tt-pn-image").appendTo(this); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); $(this).parent().find('.tt-pn-image video').each(function() { $(this).get(0).pause(); }); }); $(this).find(".tt-pn-link").addClass("not-hide-cursor"); } else { $(this).find(".tt-pn-link").removeClass("not-hide-cursor"); } }); // Page nav title hover. if ($(".tt-pn-image").length) { $(".tt-page-nav").each(function() { $(this).find(".tt-pn-link").on("mouseenter mouseover", function() { $("#magic-cursor").addClass("tt-page-nav-hover-on"); $(this).parent().find(".tt-pn-image").appendTo($ball); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: "20vw", height: "20vw", opacity: 1 }); if ($(".tt-pn-image video").length) { $(".tt-pn-image video").get(0).play(); } }).on("mouseleave", function() { $("#magic-cursor").removeClass("tt-page-nav-hover-on"); $ball.find(".tt-pn-image").appendTo(this); gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, width: $ballWidth, height: $ballHeight, opacity: $ballOpacity }); if ($(".tt-pn-image video").length) { $(".tt-pn-image video").get(0).pause(); } }); }); $(".tt-pn-link").addClass("not-hide-cursor"); } else { $(".tt-pn-link").removeClass("not-hide-cursor"); } // Show/hide magic cursor // ======================= // Hide on hover. $("a, button, .tt-btn, .tt-form-control, .tt-form-radio, .tt-form-check, .hide-cursor") // class "hide-cursor" is for global use. .not(".not-hide-cursor") // omit from selection (class "not-hide-cursor" is for global use). .not(".cursor-alter") // omit from selection .not(".tt-main-menu-list > li > a") // omit from selection .not(".tt-main-menu-list > li > .tt-submenu-trigger > a") // omit from selection .on("mouseenter", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: 0, opacity: 0 }); }).on("mouseleave", function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: $ballScale, opacity: $ballOpacity }); }); // Hide on click. $("a") .not('[target="_blank"]') // omit from selection. .not('[href^="#"]') // omit from selection. .not('[href^="mailto"]') // omit from selection. .not('[href^="tel"]') // omit from selection. .not(".lg-trigger") // omit from selection. .on('click', function() { gsap.to($ball, { duration: 0.3, scale: 1.3, autoAlpha: 0 }); }); // Show/hide on document leave/enter. $(document).on("mouseleave", function() { gsap.to("#magic-cursor", { duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0 }); }).on("mouseenter", function() { gsap.to("#magic-cursor", {duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 1 }); }); // Show as the mouse moves. $(document).mousemove(function() { gsap.to("#magic-cursor", {duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 1 }); }); } }