Direktori : /home2/selectio/www/thecomponents.in/js/ |
Current File : /home2/selectio/www/thecomponents.in/js/main.js |
/** * Riode Main Javascript File */ "use strict"; var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); /* jQuery easing */ $.extend($.easing, { def: 'easeOutQuad', swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return $.easing[$.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d); }, easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b; }, easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b; } }); /** * Riode Object */ window.Riode = {}; (function () { // Riode Properties Riode.$window = $(window); Riode.$body = $(document.body); Riode.status = ''; // Riode Status Riode.minDesktopWidth = 992; // Detect desktop screen Riode.isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") >= 0; // Detect Internet Explorer Riode.isEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") >= 0; // Detect Edge Riode.isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Detect Mobile Riode.resizeChanged = false; Riode.canvasWidth = window.innerWidth; Riode.resizeTimeStamp = 0; Riode.defaults = { animation: { name: 'fadeIn', duration: '1.2s', delay: '.2s' }, isotope: { itemsSelector: '.grid-item', layoutMode: 'masonry', percentPosition: true, masonry: { columnWidth: '.grid-space' }, sortBy: 'original-order' }, minipopup: { // info message: '', productClass: '', // ' product-cart', ' product-list-sm' imageSrc: '', imageLink: '#', name: '', nameLink: '#', // 'product.html', price: '', count: null, rating: null, actionTemplate: '', isPurchased: false, // option delay: 4000, // milliseconds space: 20, // template priceTemplate: '<span class="product-price">{{price}}</span>', ratingTemplate: '<div class="ratings-container"><div class="ratings-full"><span class="ratings" style="width:{{rating}}"></span><span class="tooltiptext tooltip-top"></span></div></div>', priceQuantityTemplate: '<div class="price-box"><span class="product-quantity">{{count}}</span><span class="product-price">{{price}}</span></div>', purchasedTemplate: '<span class="purchased-time">12 MINUTES AGO</span>', template: '<div class="minipopup-box"><p class="minipopup-title">{{message}}</p>' + '<div class="product product-purchased {{productClass}} mb-0">' + '<figure class="product-media"><a href="{{imageLink}}"><img src="{{imageSrc}}" alt="product" width="90" height="90"></a></figure>' + '<div class="product-detail">' + '<a href="{{nameLink}}" class="product-name">{{name}}</a>' + '{{detailTemplate}}' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '{{actionTemplate}}' + '</div>', }, popup: { removalDelay: 350, callbacks: { open: function () { $('html').css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); $('body').css('overflow-x', 'visible'); $('.mfp-wrap').css('overflow', 'hidden auto'); $('.sticky-header.fixed').css('padding-right', window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth); }, close: function () { $('html').css('overflow-y', ''); $('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden'); $('.mfp-wrap').css('overflow', ''); $('.sticky-header.fixed').css('padding-right', ''); } } }, popupPresets: { login: { type: 'ajax', mainClass: "mfp-login mfp-fade", tLoading: '', preloader: false }, video: { type: 'iframe', mainClass: "mfp-fade", preloader: false, closeBtnInside: false }, img: { type: 'iframe', mainClass: "mfp-fade", preloader: false, closeBtnInside: false }, quickview: { type: 'ajax', mainClass: "mfp-product mfp-fade", tLoading: '', preloader: false } }, slider: { responsiveClass: true, navText: ['<i class="d-icon-angle-left">', '<i class="d-icon-angle-right">'], checkVisible: false, items: 1, smartSpeed: Riode.isEdge ? 200 : 500, autoplaySpeed: Riode.isEdge ? 200 : 1000, autoplayTimeout: 10000 }, sliderPresets: { 'intro-slider': { animateIn: 'fadeIn', animateOut: 'fadeOut' }, 'product-single-carousel': { dots: false, nav: true, }, 'product-gallery-carousel': { dots: false, nav: true, margin: 20, items: 1, responsive: { 576: { items: 2 }, 768: { items: 3 } }, }, 'rotate-slider': { dots: false, nav: true, margin: 0, items: 1, animateIn: '', animateOut: '' } }, sliderThumbs: { margin: 0, items: 4, dots: false, nav: true, navText: ['<i class="fas fa-chevron-left">', '<i class="fas fa-chevron-right">'] }, stickyContent: { minWidth: Riode.minDesktopWidth, maxWidth: 20000, top: 300, hide: false, // hide when it is not sticky. max_index: 1060, // maximum z-index of sticky contents scrollMode: false }, stickyHeader: { // activeScreenWidth: Riode.minDesktopWidth activeScreenWidth: 768 }, stickyFooter: { minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 767, top: 150, hide: true, scrollMode: true }, stickyToolbox: { minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 767, top: false, scrollMode: true }, stickySidebar: { autoInit: true, minWidth: 991, containerSelector: '.sticky-sidebar-wrapper', autoFit: true, activeClass: 'sticky-sidebar-fixed', paddingOffsetTop: 67, paddingOffsetBottom: 0, }, templateCartAddedAlert: '<div class="alert alert-simple alert-btn cart-added-alert">' + '<a href="cart.php" class="btn btn-success btn-md">View Cart</a>' + '<span>"{{name}}" has been added to your cart.</span>' + '<button type="button" class="btn btn-link btn-close"><i class="d-icon-times"></i></button>' + '</div>', zoomImage: { responsive: true, zoomWindowFadeIn: 750, zoomWindowFadeOut: 500, borderSize: 0, zoomType: 'inner', cursor: 'crosshair' } } /** * Get jQuery object * @param {string|jQuery} selector */ Riode.$ = function (selector) { return selector instanceof jQuery ? selector : $(selector); } /** * Make a macro task * @param {function} fn * @param {number} delay */ Riode.call = function (fn, delay) { setTimeout(fn, delay); } /** * Get dom element by id * @param {string} id */ Riode.byId = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); } /** * Get dom elements by tagName * @param {string} tagName * @param {HTMLElement} element this can be omitted. */ Riode.byTag = function (tagName, element) { return element ? element.getElementsByTagName(tagName) : document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); } /** * Get dom elements by className * @param {string} className * @param {HTMLElement} element this can be omitted. */ Riode.byClass = function (className, element) { return element ? element.getElementsByClassName(className) : document.getElementsByClassName(className); } /** * Set cookie * @param {string} name Cookie name * @param {string} value Cookie value * @param {number} exdays Expire period */ Riode.setCookie = function (name, value, exdays) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + date.toUTCString() + ";path=/"; } /** * Get cookie * @param {string} name Cookie name */ Riode.getCookie = function (name) { var n = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(n) == 0) { return c.substring(n.length, c.length); } } return ""; } /** * Parse options string to object * @param {string} options */ Riode.parseOptions = function (options) { return 'string' == typeof options ? JSON.parse(options.replace(/'/g, '"').replace(';', '')) : {}; } /** * Parse html template with variables. * @param {string} template * @param {object} vars */ Riode.parseTemplate = function (template, vars) { return template.replace(/\{\{(\w+)\}\}/g, function () { return vars[arguments[1]]; }); } /** * @function isOnScreen * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {number} dx * @param {number} dy */ Riode.isOnScreen = function (el, dx, dy) { var a = window.pageXOffset, b = window.pageYOffset, o = el.getBoundingClientRect(), x = o.left + a, y = o.top + b, ax = typeof dx == 'undefined' ? 0 : dx, ay = typeof dy == 'undefined' ? 0 : dy; return y + o.height + ay >= b && y <= b + window.innerHeight + ay && x + o.width + ax >= a && x <= a + window.innerWidth + ax; } /** * @function windowResized * @param {number} timeStamp * @returns * @since 1.2.1 */ Riode.windowResized = function (timeStamp) { if (timeStamp == Riode.resizeTimeStamp) { return Riode.resizeChanged; } if (Riode.canvasWidth != window.innerWidth) { Riode.resizeChanged = true; } else { Riode.resizeChanged = false; } Riode.canvasWidth = window.innerWidth; Riode.resizeTimeStamp = timeStamp; return Riode.resizeChanged; } /** * @function doLoading * Show loading overlay * @param {string|jQuery} selector * @param {string} type This can be omitted. */ Riode.doLoading = function (selector, type) { var $selector = Riode.$(selector); if (typeof type == 'undefined') { $selector.append('<div class="d-loading"><i></i></div>'); } else if (type == 'small') { $selector.append('<div class="d-loading small"><i></i></div>'); } else if (type == 'simple') { $selector.append('<div class="d-loading small"></div>'); } if ('static' == $selector.css('position')) { Riode.$(selector).css('position', 'relative'); } } /** * @function endLoading * Hide loading overlay * @param {string|jQuery} selector */ Riode.endLoading = function (selector) { Riode.$(selector).find('.d-loading').remove(); Riode.$(selector).css('position', ''); } /** * @function appear * * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {function} fn * @param {object} options */ Riode.appear = (function () { var checks = [], timerId = false, one; var checkAll = function () { for (var i = checks.length; i--;) { one = checks[i]; if (Riode.isOnScreen(one.el, one.options.accX, one.options.accY)) { typeof $(one.el).data('appear-callback') == 'function' && $(one.el).data('appear-callback').call(one.el, one.data); one.fn && one.fn.call(one.el, one.data); checks.splice(i, 1); } } }; window.addEventListener('scroll', checkAll, { passive: true }); window.addEventListener('resize', checkAll, { passive: true }); $(window).on('appear.check', checkAll); return function (el, fn, options) { var settings = { data: undefined, accX: 0, accY: 0 }; if (options) { options.data && (settings.data = options.data); options.accX && (settings.accX = options.accX); options.accY && (settings.accY = options.accY); } checks.push({ el: el, fn: fn, options: settings }); if (!timerId) { timerId = Riode.requestTimeout(checkAll, 100); } } })(); Riode.zoomImageObjects = []; /** * @function zoomImage * * @requires elevateZoom * @param {string|jQuery} selector */ Riode.zoomImage = function (selector) { if ($.fn.elevateZoom && selector) { Riode.$(selector).find('img').each(function () { var $this = $(this); Riode.defaults.zoomImage.zoomContainer = $this.parent(); $this.elevateZoom(Riode.defaults.zoomImage); Riode.zoomImageObjects.push($this); }); } } /** * @function initZoom */ Riode.initZoom = function () { window.addEventListener('resize', function () { Riode.zoomImageObjects.forEach(function ($img) { $img.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var elevateZoom = $this.data('elevateZoom'); if ($this.closest('.rotate-slider').length > 0 && elevateZoom) { // Refresh elevateZoom plugin after finished resize transition. setTimeout(function () { elevateZoom.refresh(); }, 1200); } else { elevateZoom && elevateZoom.refresh(); } }); }); }, { passive: true }); } /** * @function countTo * * @requires jQuery.countTo * @param {string} selector */ Riode.countTo = function (selector) { if ($.fn.numerator) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this), options = { fromValue: $this.data('fromvalue'), toValue: $this.data('tovalue'), duration: $this.data('duration'), delimiter: $this.data('delimiter'), rounding: $this.data('round') }; Riode.appear(this, function () { setTimeout(function () { $this.numerator(options); }, 300); }) }); } } /** * @function countdown * * @requires jquery-countdown * @param {string} selector */ Riode.countdown = function (selector) { if ($.fn.countdown) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this), untilDate = $this.data('until'), compact = $this.data('compact'), dateFormat = (!$this.data('format')) ? 'DHMS' : $this.data('format'), newLabels = (!$this.data('labels-short')) ? ['Years', 'Months', 'Weeks', 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'] : ['Years', 'Months', 'Weeks', 'Days', 'Hours', 'Mins', 'Secs'], newLabels1 = (!$this.data('labels-short')) ? ['Year', 'Month', 'Week', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second'] : ['Year', 'Month', 'Week', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Min', 'Sec']; var newDate; // Split and created again for ie and edge if (!$this.data('relative')) { var untilDateArr = untilDate.split(", "), // data-until 2019, 10, 8 - yy,mm,dd newDate = new Date(untilDateArr[0], untilDateArr[1] - 1, untilDateArr[2]); } else { newDate = untilDate; } $this.countdown({ until: newDate, format: dateFormat, padZeroes: true, compact: compact, compactLabels: [' y', ' m', ' w', ' days, '], timeSeparator: ' : ', labels: newLabels, labels1: newLabels1 }); }); // Pause // $('.countdown').countdown('pause'); } } /** * @function priceSlider * * @requires noUiSlider * @param {string} selector * @param {object} option */ Riode.priceSlider = function (selector, option) { if (typeof noUiSlider === 'object') { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var self = this; noUiSlider.create(self, $.extend(true, { start: [18, 35], connect: true, step: 1, range: { min: 18, max: 35 } }, option)); // Update Price Range self.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values, handle) { var values = values.map(function (value) { return '$' + parseInt(value); }) $(self).parent().find('.filter-price-range').text(values.join(' - ')); }); }); } } Riode.lazyload = function (selector, force) { function load() { this.setAttribute('src', this.getAttribute('data-src')); this.addEventListener('load', function () { this.style['padding-top'] = ''; this.classList.remove('lazy-img'); }); } // Lazyload images Riode.$(selector).find('.lazy-img').each(function () { if ('undefined' != typeof force && force) { load.call(this); } else { Riode.appear(this, load); } }) } /** * @function isotopes * * @requires isotope,imagesLoaded * @param {string} selector * @param {object} options */ Riode.isotopes = function (selector, options) { if (typeof imagesLoaded === 'function' && $.fn.isotope) { var self = this; Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.isotope, Riode.parseOptions($this.attr('data-grid-options')), options ? options : {} ); Riode.lazyload($this); $this.imagesLoaded(function () { settings.customInitHeight && $this.height($this.height()); settings.customDelay && Riode.call(function () { $this.isotope(settings); }, parseInt(settings.customDelay)); $this.isotope(settings); }) }); } } /** * @function initNavFilter * * @requires isotope * @param {string} selector */ Riode.initNavFilter = function (selector) { if ($.fn.isotope) { Riode.$(selector).on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this), filterValue = $this.attr('data-filter'), filterTarget = $this.parent().parent().attr('data-target'); (filterTarget ? $(filterTarget) : $('.grid')) .isotope({ filter: filterValue }) .isotope('on', 'arrangeComplete', function () { Riode.$window.trigger('appear.check'); }); $this.parent().siblings().children().removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }); } } /** * @function initShowVendorSearch * * @param {string} selector */ Riode.initShowVendorSearch = function (selector) { Riode.$body.on('click', selector, function (e) { var $this = $(this), $formWrapper = $this.closest('.toolbox').next('.form-wrapper'); if (!$formWrapper.hasClass('open')) { $formWrapper.slideDown().addClass('open'); } else { $formWrapper.slideUp().removeClass('open'); } e.preventDefault(); }); } /** * @function parallax * Initialize Parallax Background * @requires themePluginParallax * @param {string} selector */ Riode.parallax = function (selector, options) { if ($.fn.themePluginParallax) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.themePluginParallax( $.extend(true, Riode.parseOptions($this.attr('data-parallax-options')), options) ); }); } } /** * Initialize floating elements * @since 1.1 * @param {string|jQuery} selector * @return {void} */ Riode.initFloatingElements = function (selector) { if ($.fn.parallax) { var $selectors = Riode.$(selector); $selectors.each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('data-floating-depth')) $this.children('.layer').attr('data-depth', $this.attr('data-floating-depth')); else $this.children('.layer').attr('data-depth', '.3'); $this.parallax($this.data('options')); }); } } /** * Initialize advanced motions * @param {string} selector * @return {void} */ Riode.initAdvancedMotions = function (selector) { if (Riode.isMobile) { return; } if (typeof skrollr == 'undefined') { return; } var $selectors = Riode.$(selector); $selectors.each(function () { var $this = $(this), options = { 'data-bottom-top': 'transform: translate(10%, 0);', 'data-center': 'transform: translate(-10%, 0);' }, keys = []; if ($this.data('options')) { options = $this.data('options'); keys = Object.keys(options); } if ('object' == typeof options && (keys = Object.keys(options)).length) { keys.forEach(function (key) { $this.attr(key, options[key]); }) } }); if ($selectors.length) { skrollr.init({ forceHeight: false, smoothScrolling: true }); } } /** * @function degree360 * Register events for 360 degree * @param {string} selector */ Riode.degree360 = function (selector) { if (!$.fn.ThreeSixty) { return; } Riode.$(selector).ThreeSixty({ imagePath: 'images/demos/demo-single-product/degree/', filePrefix: '360-', ext: '.png', totalFrames: 32, endFrame: 32, currentFrame: 1, imgList: Riode.$body.find('.product-degree-images'), progress: '.d-loading', height: 500, width: 830, navigation: true }); // if ( !$.fn.ThreeSixty ) { // return; // } // if ( typeof selector == 'undefined' ) { // selector = '.product-gallery-degree'; // } // Riode.$body.find( selector ).each( function() { // var images = $( this ).find( '.riode-360-gallery-wrap' ).attr( 'data-srcs' ).split( ',' ), // $degree_viewport = $( this ); // $degree_viewport.addClass( 'not_loaded' ); // $degree_viewport.ThreeSixty( // { // totalFrames: images.length, // Total no. of image you have for 360 slider // endFrame: images.length, // end frame for the auto spin animation // currentFrame: images.length - 1, // This the start frame for auto spin // imgList: $degree_viewport.find( '.riode-360-gallery-wrap' ), // selector for image list // progress: '.riode-degree-progress-bar', // selector to show the loading progress // imgArray: images, // path of the image assets // height: $degree_viewport.children( '.post-div' ).length ? '' : 500, // width: $degree_viewport.outerWidth(), // navigation: true // } // ); // $degree_viewport.find( '.riode-360-gallery-wrap' ).imagesLoaded( // function() { // console.log( 'image loaded' ); // setTimeout( function() { // $degree_viewport.removeClass( 'not_loaded' ).addClass( 'loaded' ); // $degree_viewport.find( '.nav_bar' ).removeClass( 'hide' ); // }, 200 ); // } // ); // } ); } /** * @function headerToggleSearch * Init header toggle search. * @param {string} selector */ Riode.headerToggleSearch = function (selector) { var $search = Riode.$(selector); $search.find('.form-control') .on('focusin', function (e) { $search.addClass('show'); }) .on('focusout', function (e) { $search.removeClass('show'); }); // Initialize sticky footer's search toggle. Riode.$body.on('click', '.sticky-footer .search-toggle', function (e) { $(this).parent().toggleClass('show'); e.preventDefault(); }); } /** * @function closeTopNotice * Init header toggle search. * @param {string} selector */ Riode.closeTopNotice = function (selector) { var $closeBtn = Riode.$(selector); $closeBtn.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $closeBtn.closest('.top-notice').css('display', 'none'); }); } /** * @function stickyHeader * Init sticky header * @param {string} selector */ Riode.stickyHeader = function (selector) { var $stickyHeader = Riode.$(selector); if ($stickyHeader.length == 0) return; var height, top, isWrapped = false; // define wrap function var stickyHeaderWrap = function () { height = $stickyHeader[0].offsetHeight; top = $stickyHeader.offset().top + height; // if sticky header has category dropdown, increase top if ($stickyHeader.hasClass('has-dropdown')) { var $box = $stickyHeader.find('.category-dropdown .dropdown-box'); if ($box.length) { top += $stickyHeader.find('.category-dropdown .dropdown-box')[0].offsetHeight; } } // wrap sticky header if (!isWrapped && window.innerWidth >= Riode.defaults.stickyHeader.activeScreenWidth) { isWrapped = true; $stickyHeader.wrap('<div class="sticky-wrapper" style="height:' + height + 'px"></div>'); } Riode.$window.off('resize', stickyHeaderWrap); }; // define refresh function var stickyHeaderRefresh = function () { var isFixed = window.innerWidth >= Riode.defaults.stickyHeader.activeScreenWidth && window.pageYOffset >= top; // fix or unfix if (isFixed) { $stickyHeader[0].classList.add('fixed'); document.body.classList.add('sticky-header-active'); } else { $stickyHeader[0].classList.remove('fixed'); document.body.classList.remove('sticky-header-active'); } }; // register events window.addEventListener('scroll', stickyHeaderRefresh, { passive: true }); Riode.$window.on('resize', stickyHeaderWrap); Riode.$window.on('resize', stickyHeaderRefresh); // init Riode.call(stickyHeaderWrap, 500); Riode.call(stickyHeaderRefresh, 500); } /** * @function stickyContent * Init Sticky Content * @param {string, Object} selector * @param {Object} settings */ Riode.stickyContent = function (selector, settings) { var $stickyContents = Riode.$(selector), options = $.extend({}, Riode.defaults.stickyContent, settings), scrollPos = window.pageYOffset; if (0 == $stickyContents.length) return; var setTopOffset = function ($item) { var offset = 0, index = 0; $('.sticky-content.fixed.fix-top').each(function () { offset += $(this)[0].offsetHeight; index++; }); $item.data('offset-top', offset); $item.data('z-index', options.max_index - index); } var setBottomOffset = function ($item) { var offset = 0, index = 0; $('.sticky-content.fixed.fix-bottom').each(function () { offset += $(this)[0].offsetHeight; index++; }); $item.data('offset-bottom', offset); $item.data('z-index', options.max_index - index); } var wrapStickyContent = function ($item, height) { if (window.innerWidth >= options.minWidth && window.innerWidth <= options.maxWidth) { $item.wrap('<div class="sticky-content-wrapper"></div>'); $item.parent().css('height', height + 'px'); $item.data('is-wrap', true); } } var initStickyContent = function () { $stickyContents.each(function (index) { var $item = $(this); if (!$item.data('is-wrap')) { var height = $item.removeClass('fixed').outerHeight(true), top; top = $item.offset().top + height; // if sticky header has category dropdown, increase top if ($item.hasClass('has-dropdown')) { var $box = $item.find('.category-dropdown .dropdown-box'); if ($box.length) { top += $box[0].offsetHeight; } } $item.data('top', top); wrapStickyContent($item, height); } else { if (window.innerWidth < options.minWidth || window.innerWidth >= options.maxWidth) { $item.unwrap('.sticky-content-wrapper'); $item.data('is-wrap', false); } } }); } var refreshStickyContent = function (e) { if (e && !e.isTrusted) return; $stickyContents.each(function (index) { var $item = $(this), showContent = true; if (options.scrollMode) { showContent = scrollPos > window.pageYOffset; scrollPos = window.pageYOffset; } if (window.pageYOffset > (false == options.top ? $item.data('top') : options.top) && window.innerWidth >= options.minWidth && window.innerWidth <= options.maxWidth) { if ($item.hasClass('fix-top')) { if (undefined === $item.data('offset-top')) { setTopOffset($item); } $item.css('margin-top', $item.data('offset-top') + 'px'); } else if ($item.hasClass('fix-bottom')) { if (undefined === $item.data('offset-bottom')) { setBottomOffset($item); } $item.css('margin-bottom', $item.data('offset-bottom') + 'px'); } $item.css('z-index', $item.data('z-index')); if (options.scrollMode) { if ((showContent && $item.hasClass('fix-top')) || (!showContent && $item.hasClass('fix-bottom'))) { $item.addClass('fixed'); if ($item.closest('.page-wrapper').find('.header').hasClass('.header-transparent')) { if (!Riode.$body.hasClass('sidebar-active') && !Riode.$body.hasClass('top-sidebar-active') && !Riode.$body.hasClass('right-sidebar-active')) { $item.closest('.main').css('z-index', '19'); } else { $item.closest('.main').css('z-index', 'unset'); } } } else { $item.removeClass('fixed'); $item.css('margin', ''); if ($item.closest('.page-wrapper').find('.header').hasClass('.header-transparent')) { if (!Riode.$body.hasClass('sidebar-active') && !Riode.$body.hasClass('top-sidebar-active') && !Riode.$body.hasClass('right-sidebar-active')) { $item.closest('.main').css('z-index', '19'); } else { $item.closest('.main').css('z-index', 'unset'); } } } } else { $item.addClass('fixed'); } options.hide && $item.parent('.sticky-content-wrapper').css('display', ''); } else { $item.removeClass('fixed'); $item.css('margin-top', ''); $item.css('margin-bottom', ''); options.hide && $item.parent('.sticky-content-wrapper').css('display', 'none'); } }); } var resizeStickyContent = function (e) { $stickyContents.removeData('offset-top') .removeData('offset-bottom') .removeClass('fixed') .css('margin', '') .css('z-index', ''); Riode.call(function () { initStickyContent(); refreshStickyContent(); }); } setTimeout(initStickyContent, 550); setTimeout(refreshStickyContent, 600); Riode.call(function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', refreshStickyContent, { passive: true }); Riode.$window.on('resize', resizeStickyContent); }, 700); } /** * @function alert * Register events for alert * @param {string} selector */ Riode.initAlert = function (selector) { Riode.$body.on('click', selector + ' .btn-close', function (e) { $(this).closest(selector).fadeOut(function () { $(this).remove(); }); }); } /** * @function accordion * Register events for accordion * @param {string} selector */ Riode.initAccordion = function (selector) { Riode.$body.on('click', selector, function (e) { var $this = $(this), $header = $this, $body = $this.closest('.card').find($this.attr('href')), $parent = $this.closest('.accordion'); e.preventDefault(); if (0 === $parent.find(".collapsing").length && 0 === $parent.find(".expanding").length) { if ($body.hasClass('expanded')) { if (!$parent.hasClass('radio-type')) slideToggle($body); } else if ($body.hasClass('collapsed')) { if ($parent.find('.expanded').length > 0) { if (Riode.isIE) { slideToggle($parent.find('.expanded'), function () { slideToggle($body); }); } else { slideToggle($parent.find('.expanded')); slideToggle($body); } } else { slideToggle($body); } } } }); // define slideToggle method var slideToggle = function ($wrap, callback) { var $header = $wrap.closest('.card').find(selector); if ($wrap.hasClass("expanded")) { $header .removeClass("collapse") .addClass("expand"); $wrap .addClass("collapsing") .slideUp(300, function () { $wrap.removeClass("expanded collapsing").addClass("collapsed"); callback && callback(); }) } else if ($wrap.hasClass("collapsed")) { $header .removeClass("expand") .addClass("collapse"); $wrap .addClass("expanding") .slideDown(300, function () { $wrap.removeClass("collapsed expanding").addClass("expanded"); callback && callback(); }) } }; } /** * @function tab * Register events for tab * @param {string} selector */ Riode.initTab = function (selector) { Riode.$body // tab nav link .on('click', '.tab .nav-link', function (e) { var $this = $(this); e.preventDefault(); if (!$this.hasClass("active")) { var $panel = $($this.attr('href')); $panel.siblings().removeClass('in active'); $panel.addClass('active in'); // owl-carousel init Riode.slider($panel.find('.owl-carousel')); $this.parent().parent().find('.active').removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); } }) // link to tab .on('click', '.single-product:not(.element-single-product) .link-to-tab', function (e) { var selector = $(e.currentTarget).attr('href'), $tab = $(selector), $nav = $tab.parent().siblings('.nav'); e.preventDefault(); $tab.siblings().removeClass('active in'); $tab.addClass('active in'); $nav.find('.nav-link').removeClass('active'); $nav.find('[href="' + selector + '"]').addClass('active'); $('html').animate({ scrollTop: $tab.offset().top - 150 }); }); } /** * @function playableVideo * * @param {string} selector */ Riode.playableVideo = function (selector) { $(selector + ' .video-play').on('click', function (e) { var $video = $(this).closest(selector); if ($video.hasClass('playing')) { $video.removeClass('playing') .addClass('paused') .find('video')[0].pause(); } else { $video.removeClass('paused') .addClass('playing') .find('video')[0].play(); } e.preventDefault(); }); $(selector + ' video').on('ended', function () { $(this).closest(selector).removeClass('playing'); }); } /** * @function appearAnimate * * @param {string} selector */ Riode.appearAnimate = function (selector) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var el = this; Riode.appear(el, function () { if (el.classList.contains('appear-animate')) { var settings = $.extend({}, Riode.defaults.animation, Riode.parseOptions(el.getAttribute('data-animation-options'))); Riode.call(function () { setTimeout( function () { el.style['animation-duration'] = settings.duration; el.classList.add(settings.name); el.classList.add('appear-animation-visible'); }, settings.delay ? Number(settings.delay.slice(0, -1)) * 1000 : 0 ); }); } }); }); } /** * @function stickySidebar * * @requires themeSticky * @param {string} selector */ Riode.stickySidebar = function (selector) { if ($.fn.themeSticky) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.themeSticky($.extend(Riode.defaults.stickySidebar, Riode.parseOptions($this.attr('data-sticky-options')))); $this.trigger('recalc.pin'); }); } } /** * @function refreshSidebar * * @param {string} selector */ Riode.refreshSidebar = function (selector) { if ($.fn.themeSticky) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { $(this).trigger('recalc.pin'); }); } } /** * @function ratingTooltip * Find all .ratings-full from root, and initialize tooltip. * * @param {HTMLElement} root */ Riode.ratingTooltip = function (root) { var els = Riode.byClass('ratings-full', root ? root : document.body), len = els.length; var ratingHandler = function () { var res = parseInt(this.firstElementChild.style.width.slice(0, -1)) / 20; this.lastElementChild.innerText = res ? res.toFixed(2) : res; } for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { els[i].addEventListener('mouseover', ratingHandler, { passive: true }); els[i].addEventListener('touchstart', ratingHandler, { passive: true }); } } /** * @function popup * @requires magnificPopup * @params {object} options * @params {string|undefined} preset */ Riode.popup = function (options, preset) { var mpInstance = $.magnificPopup.instance, opt = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.popup, ('undefined' != typeof preset) ? Riode.defaults.popupPresets[preset] : {}, options ); // if something is already opened ( except login popup ) if (mpInstance.isOpen && mpInstance.content) { mpInstance.close(); // close current setTimeout(function () { // and open new after a moment $.magnificPopup.open(opt); }, 500); } else { $.magnificPopup.open(opt); // if nothing is opened, open new } } /** * @function initPopups */ Riode.initPopups = function () { Riode.$body // Register Login Popup .on('click', 'a.login, .login-link', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Riode.popup({ items: { src: $(e.currentTarget).attr('href') } }, 'login'); }) // Register "Register" Popup .on('click', '.register-link', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Riode.popup({ items: { src: $(e.currentTarget).attr('href') }, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: function () { this.wrap.find('[href="#register"]').click(); } } }, 'login'); }) // Register "Image" Popup // .on( 'click', '.btn-img', function ( e ) { // e.preventDefault(); // Riode.popup( { // items: { // src: '<img src="' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'href' ) + '" alt="popup"> ', // type: "inline" // }, // mainClass: "mfp-img-popup" // }, "img" ) // } ) // Register "Play Video" Popup .on('click', '.btn-iframe', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Riode.popup({ items: { src: '<video src="' + $(e.currentTarget).attr('href') + '" autoplay loop controls>', type: "inline" }, mainClass: "mfp-video-popup" }, "video") }); // Open newsletter Popup after 7.5s in home pages if ($('.home > #newsletter-popup').length > 0 && Riode.getCookie('hideNewsletterPopup') !== 'true') { setTimeout(function () { Riode.popup({ items: { src: '#newsletter-popup' }, type: 'inline', tLoading: '', mainClass: 'mfp-newsletter mfp-flip-popup', callbacks: { beforeClose: function () { // if "do not show" is checked $('#hide-newsletter-popup')[0].checked && Riode.setCookie('hideNewsletterPopup', true, 7); } }, }); }, 7500); } } /** * @function initPurchasedMinipopup */ Riode.initPurchasedMinipopup = function () { setInterval(function () { Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Someone Purchased', productClass: 'product-cart', name: 'Daisy Shoes Sonia by Sonia-Blue', nameLink: 'product.html', imageSrc: 'images/cart/product-1.jpg', isPurchased: true }, function ($box) { Riode.ratingTooltip($box[0]); }); }, 60000); } /** * @function initScrollTopButton */ Riode.initScrollTopButton = function () { // register scroll top button var domScrollTop = Riode.byId('scroll-top'); if (domScrollTop) { domScrollTop.addEventListener('click', function (e) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600); e.preventDefault(); }); var refreshScrollTop = function () { if (window.pageYOffset > 400) { domScrollTop.classList.add('show'); } else { domScrollTop.classList.remove('show'); } } Riode.call(refreshScrollTop, 500); window.addEventListener('scroll', refreshScrollTop, { passive: true }); } } /** * Scroll To * * @param {string} arg * @param {number} duration */ Riode.scrollTo = function (arg, duration) { var offset = 0; var _duration = typeof duration == 'undefined' ? 600 : duration; if (typeof arg == 'number') { offset = arg; } else { offset = Riode.$(arg).offset().top; } $('html,body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: offset }, _duration); } /** * @function scrollSet */ Riode.scrollSet = function (selector) { var $selector = $(selector); Riode.$window.on('scroll', function (e) { var $this = $(this), pos = $this.scrollTop(), height = $this.outerHeight(); $('.section').each(function (index) { var $item = $(this), itemPos = $(this).offset().top; if (pos <= itemPos && itemPos <= pos + height / 2) { $selector.filter('[href="#' + $item.attr('id') + '"]').parent().addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); return; } }); }); Riode.$body.on('click', selector, function (e) { var $this = $(this), link = e.currentTarget, hash = link.hash ? link.hash : link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('#')); if (hash.startsWith('#')) { $('.mobile-menu-overlay').click(); Riode.scrollTo(hash); e.preventDefault(); } $this.closest('li').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); }) } /** * @function requestTimeout * @param {function} fn * @param {number} delay */ Riode.requestTimeout = function (fn, delay) { var handler = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame; if (!handler) { return setTimeout(fn, delay); } var start, rt = new Object(); function loop(timestamp) { if (!start) { start = timestamp; } var progress = timestamp - start; progress >= delay ? fn() : rt.val = handler(loop); }; rt.val = handler(loop); return rt; } /** * @function requestInterval * @param {function} fn * @param {number} step * @param {number} timeOut */ Riode.requestInterval = function (fn, step, timeOut) { var handler = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame; if (!handler) { if (!timeOut) return setTimeout(fn, timeOut); else return setInterval(fn, step); } var start, last, rt = new Object(); function loop(timestamp) { if (!start) { start = last = timestamp; } var progress = timestamp - start; var delta = timestamp - last; if (!timeOut || progress < timeOut) { if (delta > step) { rt.val = handler(loop); fn(); last = timestamp; } else { rt.val = handler(loop); } } else { fn(); } }; rt.val = handler(loop); return rt; } /** * @function deleteTimeout * @param {number} timerID */ Riode.deleteTimeout = function (timerID) { if (!timerID) { return; } var handler = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame; if (!handler) { return clearTimeout(timerID); } if (timerID.val) { return handler(timerID.val); } } /** * @function sidebar */ Riode.sidebar = (function () { var is_mobile = window.innerWidth < Riode.minDesktopWidth; var onResizeNavigationStyle = function () { if (window.innerWidth < Riode.minDesktopWidth && !is_mobile) { this.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-content, .filter-clean').removeAttr('style'); this.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-content').attr('style', ''); this.$sidebar.siblings('.toolbox').children(':not(:first-child)').removeAttr('style'); } else if (window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth) { if (!this.$sidebar.hasClass('closed') && is_mobile) { this.$sidebar.addClass('closed') this.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-content').css('display', 'none'); } } is_mobile = window.innerWidth < Riode.minDesktopWidth; } /** * @class Sidebar * Sidebar active class will be added to body tag : "sidebar class" + "-active" */ function Sidebar(name) { return this.init(name); } Sidebar.prototype.init = function (name) { var self = this; self.name = name; self.$sidebar = $('.' + name); self.isNavigation = false; // If sidebar exists if (self.$sidebar.length) { // check if navigation style self.isNavigation = self.$sidebar.hasClass('sidebar-fixed') && self.$sidebar.parent().hasClass('toolbox-wrap'); if (self.isNavigation) { onResizeNavigationStyle = onResizeNavigationStyle.bind(this); Riode.$window.on('resize', onResizeNavigationStyle); } if (Riode.$body.find('.header').hasClass('header-transparent')) { Riode.$body.find('.main').css('z-index', '19'); } Riode.$window.on('resize', function () { Riode.$body.removeClass(name + '-active'); if (Riode.$body.find('.header').hasClass('header-transparent')) { setTimeout(function () { Riode.$body.find('.main').css('z-index', '19'); }, 400); } }); // Register toggle event self.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-toggle, .sidebar-toggle-btn') .add(name === 'sidebar' ? '.left-sidebar-toggle' : ('.' + name + '-toggle')) .on('click', function (e) { self.toggle(); $(this).blur(); $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin.left', [400]); if (Riode.$body.find('.header').hasClass('header-transparent') && $(window).innerWidth() < 992) { Riode.$body.find('.main').css('z-index', 'unset'); } e.preventDefault(); }); // Register close event self.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-overlay, .sidebar-close') .on('click', function (e) { Riode.$body.removeClass(name + '-active'); if (Riode.$body.find('.header').hasClass('header-transparent')) { setTimeout(function () { Riode.$body.find('.main').css('z-index', '19'); }, 400); } $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin.left', [400]); e.preventDefault(); }); setTimeout(function () { $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin', [400]); }) } return false; } Sidebar.prototype.toggle = function () { var self = this; // if fixed sidebar if (window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth && self.$sidebar.hasClass('sidebar-fixed')) { // is closed ? var isClosed = self.$sidebar.hasClass('closed'); // if navigation style's sidebar if (self.isNavigation) { isClosed || self.$sidebar.find('.filter-clean').hide(); self.$sidebar.siblings('.toolbox').children(':not(:first-child)').fadeToggle('fast'); self.$sidebar .find('.sidebar-content') .stop() .animate( { 'height': 'toggle', 'margin-bottom': isClosed ? 'toggle' : -6 }, function () { $(this).css('margin-bottom', ''); isClosed && self.$sidebar.find('.filter-clean').fadeIn('fast'); } ); } // if shop sidebar if (self.$sidebar.hasClass('shop-sidebar')) { // change columns var $wrapper = $('.main-content .product-wrapper'); if ($wrapper.length) { if ($wrapper.hasClass('product-lists')) { // if list type, toggle 2 cols or 1 col $wrapper.toggleClass('row cols-xl-2', !isClosed); } else { // if grid type var colData = $wrapper.data('toggle-cols'), colsClasses = $wrapper.attr('class').match(/cols-\w*-*\d/g), // get max cols count maxColsCount = colsClasses ? Math.max.apply(null, colsClasses.map(function (cls) { return cls.match(/\d/)[0]; })) : 0; if (isClosed) { // when open 4 === maxColsCount && 3 == colData && $wrapper.removeClass('cols-md-4'); } else { // when close if (3 === maxColsCount) { $wrapper.addClass('cols-md-4'); if (!colData) { $wrapper.data('toggle-cols', 3); } } } } } } // finally, toggle fixed sidebar self.$sidebar.toggleClass('closed'); } else { self.$sidebar.find('.sidebar-overlay .sidebar-close').css('margin-left', - (window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth)); // activate sidebar Riode.$body .toggleClass(self.name + '-active') .removeClass('closed'); // issue if (window.innerWidth >= 1200 && Riode.$body.hasClass('with-flex-container')) { $('.owl-carousel').trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } } } return function (name) { return new Sidebar(name); } })(); /** * @function initProductSingle * * @param {jQuery} $el * @param {object} options * * @requires OwlCarousel * @requires ImagesLoaded (only quickview needs) * @requires elevateZoom * @instance multiple */ Riode.initProductSingle = (function () { /** * @class ProductSingle */ function ProductSingle($el) { return this.init($el); } var thumbsInit = function (self) { // members for thumbnails self.$thumbs = self.$wrapper.find('.product-thumbs'); self.$thumbsWrap = self.$thumbs.closest('.product-thumbs-wrap'); self.$thumbUp = self.$thumbsWrap.find('.thumb-up'); self.$thumbDown = self.$thumbsWrap.find('.thumb-down'); self.$thumbsDots = self.$thumbs.children(); self.thumbsCount = self.$thumbsDots.length; self.$productThumb = self.$thumbsDots.eq(0); self._isPgvertical = self.$thumbsWrap.parent().hasClass('pg-vertical'); self.thumbsIsVertical = self._isPgvertical && window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth; // register events self.$thumbDown.on('click', function (e) { self.thumbsIsVertical && thumbsDown(self); }); self.$thumbUp.on('click', function (e) { self.thumbsIsVertical && thumbsUp(self); }); self.$thumbsDots.on('click', function () { var $this = $(this), index = ($this.parent().filter(self.$thumbs).length ? $this : $this.parent()).index(); self.$wrapper.find('.product-single-carousel').trigger('to.owl.carousel', index); }); // refresh thumbs thumbsRefresh(self); Riode.$window.on('resize', function () { thumbsRefresh(self); }); } var thumbsDown = function (self) { var maxBottom = self.$thumbsWrap.offset().top + self.$thumbsWrap[0].offsetHeight, curBottom = self.$thumbs.offset().top + self.thumbsHeight; if (curBottom >= maxBottom + self.$productThumb[0].offsetHeight) { self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) - self.$productThumb[0].offsetHeight); self.$thumbUp.removeClass('disabled'); } else if (curBottom > maxBottom) { self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) - Math.ceil(curBottom - maxBottom)); self.$thumbUp.removeClass('disabled'); self.$thumbDown.addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$thumbDown.addClass('disabled'); } } var thumbsUp = function (self) { var maxTop = self.$thumbsWrap.offset().top, curTop = self.$thumbs.offset().top; if (curTop <= maxTop - self.$productThumb[0].offsetHeight) { self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) + self.$productThumb[0].offsetHeight); self.$thumbDown.removeClass('disabled'); } else if (curTop < maxTop) { self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) - Math.ceil(curTop - maxTop)); self.$thumbDown.removeClass('disabled'); self.$thumbUp.addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$thumbUp.addClass('disabled'); } } var thumbsRefresh = function (self) { if (typeof self.$thumbs == 'undefined') { return; } var oldIsVertical = 'undefined' == typeof self.thumbsIsVertical ? false : self.thumbsIsVertical; // is vertical? self.thumbsIsVertical = self._isPgvertical && window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth; if (self.thumbsIsVertical) { // enable vertical product gallery thumbs. // disable thumbs carousel self.$thumbs.hasClass('owl-carousel') && self.$thumbs .trigger('destroy.owl.carousel') .removeClass('owl-carousel'); // enable thumbs vertical nav self.thumbsHeight = self.$productThumb[0].offsetHeight * self.thumbsCount + parseInt(self.$productThumb.css('margin-bottom')) * (self.thumbsCount - 1); self.$thumbUp.addClass('disabled'); self.$thumbDown.toggleClass('disabled', self.thumbsHeight <= self.$thumbsWrap[0].offsetHeight); self.isQuickview && recalcDetailsHeight(); } else { // if not vertical, remove top property oldIsVertical && self.$thumbs.css('top', ''); // enable thumbs carousel self.$thumbs.hasClass('owl-carousel') || self.$thumbs.addClass('owl-carousel').owlCarousel( $.extend( true, self.isQuickview ? { onInitialized: recalcDetailsHeight, onResized: recalcDetailsHeight } : {}, Riode.defaults.sliderThumbs )); } } var initVariation = function (self) { self.$selects = self.$wrapper.find('.product-variations select'); self.$items = self.$wrapper.find('.product-variations'); self.$priceWrap = self.$wrapper.find('.product-variation-price'); self.$clean = self.$wrapper.find('.product-variation-clean'), self.$btnCart = self.$wrapper.find('.btn-cart'); // check self.variationCheck(); self.$selects.on('change', function (e) { self.variationCheck(); }); self.$items.children('a').on('click', function (e) { $(this).toggleClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); self.variationCheck(); }); // clean self.$clean.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.variationClean(true); }); } var initCartAction = function (self) { // Product Single's Add To Cart Button self.$wrapper.on('click', '.btn-cart', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $product = self.$wrapper, name = $product.find('.product-name').text(); // minipopup if only quickview or home pages if ( $product.closest('.product-popup').length || document.body.classList.contains('home') ) { Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added', productClass: 'product-cart', name: name, nameLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-image img').eq(0).attr('src'), imageLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), price: $product.find('.product-variation-price').length > 0 ? $product.find('.product-variation-price').children('span').html() : $product.find('.product-price .price').html(), count: $product.find('.quantity').val(), actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex mt-3"><a href="cart.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded mr-2">View Cart</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); } }); } var initCompareAction = function (self) { // Product Single's Add To Cart Button self.$wrapper.on('click', '.btn-compare', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $product = self.$wrapper, name = $product.find('.product-name').text(); // minipopup if only quickview or home pages if ( (($product.closest('.product-popup').length || document.body.classList.contains('home'))) & ($product.find('.btn-product.btn-cart').attr('disabled') != 'disabled') ) { Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added', productClass: 'product-compare', name: name, nameLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-image img').eq(0).attr('src'), imageLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), price: $product.find('.product-variation-price').length > 0 ? $product.find('.product-variation-price').children('span').html() : $product.find('.product-price .price').html(), count: $product.find('.quantity').val(), actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex mt-3"><a href="compare.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded mr-2">Compare</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); } }); } // For only Quickview var recalcDetailsHeight = function () { var self = this; self.$wrapper.find('.product-details').css( 'height', window.innerWidth > 767 ? self.$wrapper.find('.product-gallery')[0].clientHeight : '' ); } // Public Properties ProductSingle.prototype.init = function ($el) { var self = this, $slider = $el.find('.product-single-carousel'); // members self.$wrapper = $el; self.isQuickview = !!$el.closest('.mfp-content').length; self._isPgvertical = false; // bind if (self.isQuickview) { recalcDetailsHeight = recalcDetailsHeight.bind(this); Riode.ratingTooltip(); } // init thumbs $slider.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function (e) { //run on only single product if (!document.body.classList.contains('home')) { // if not quickview, make full image toggle self.isQuickview || $slider.append('<a href="#" class="product-image-full"><i class="d-icon-zoom"></i></a>'); } if ($slider.parent().hasClass('product-gallery-degree')) { self.isQuickView || $slider.append('<a href="#" class="product-gallery-btn product-degree-viewer" title="Product 360 Degree Gallery"><i class="w-icon-rotate-3d"></i></a>'); } // init thumbnails thumbsInit(self); }).on('translate.owl.carousel', function (e) { var currentIndex = (e.item.index - $(e.currentTarget).find('.cloned').length / 2 + e.item.count) % e.item.count; self.thumbsSetActive(currentIndex); }); // if this is created after document ready, init plugins if ('complete' === Riode.status) { Riode.slider($slider); Riode.quantityInput($el.find('.quantity')); } // if ( $slider.length == 0 ) { // Riode.zoomImage( this.$wrapper ); // } initVariation(this); initCartAction(this); initCompareAction(this); } ProductSingle.prototype.thumbsSetActive = function (index) { var self = this, $curThumb = self.$thumbsDots.eq(index); self.$thumbsDots.filter('.active').removeClass('active'); $curThumb.addClass('active'); // show current thumb if (self.thumbsIsVertical) { // if vertical var offset = parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) + index * self.thumbsHeight; if (offset < 0) { // if above self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) - offset); } else { offset = self.$thumbs.offset().top + self.$thumbs[0].offsetHeight - $curThumb.offset().top - $curThumb[0].offsetHeight; if (offset < 0) { // if below self.$thumbs.css('top', parseInt(self.$thumbs.css('top')) + offset); } } } else { // if thumb carousel self.$thumbs.trigger('to.owl.carousel', index, 100); } } ProductSingle.prototype.variationCheck = function () { var self = this, isAllSelected = true; // check all select variations are selected self.$selects.each(function () { return this.value || (isAllSelected = false); }); // check all item variations are selected self.$items.each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.children('a:not(.size-guide)').length) { return $this.children('.active').length || (isAllSelected = false); } }); isAllSelected ? self.variationMatch() : self.variationClean(); } ProductSingle.prototype.variationMatch = function () { var self = this; self.$priceWrap.find('span').text('$' + (Math.round(Math.random() * 50) + 200) + '.00'); self.$priceWrap.slideDown(); self.$clean.slideDown(); self.$btnCart.removeAttr('disabled'); } ProductSingle.prototype.variationClean = function (reset) { reset && this.$selects.val(''); reset && this.$items.children('.active').removeClass('active'); this.$priceWrap.slideUp(); this.$clean.css('display', 'none'); this.$btnCart.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } return function ($el, options) { if ($el) { return new ProductSingle($el.eq(0), options); } return null; } })(); /** * @function initProductSinglePage * * @requires Slider * @requires ProductSingle * @requires PhotoSwipe * @instance single */ Riode.initProductSinglePage = (function () { function alertCartAdded(e) { var $product = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.product-single'); $('.cart-added-alert').remove(); $(Riode.parseTemplate(Riode.defaults.templateCartAddedAlert, { name: $product.find('h1.product-name').text() })) .insertBefore($product).fadeIn(); $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin'); } function compareAdded(e) { var $product = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.product-single'); if ($product.find('.btn-product.btn-cart').attr('disabled') != 'disabled') { Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added', productClass: 'product-compare', name: $product.find('h1.product-name').text(), nameLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-image img').eq(0).attr('src'), imageLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), price: $product.find('.product-variation-price').length > 0 ? $product.find('.product-variation-price').children('span').html() : $product.find('.product-price').html(), count: $product.find('.quantity').val(), actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex mt-3"><a href="compare.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded mr-2">Compare</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); } } function openFullImage(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(e.currentTarget), $product = $this.closest('.product-single'), $images, images; if ($product.find('.product-single-carousel').length) { // single carousel $images = $product.find('.product-single-carousel .owl-item:not(.cloned) img'); } else if ($product.find('.product-gallery-carousel').length) { // gallery carousel $images = $product.find('.product-gallery-carousel .owl-item:not(.cloned) img'); } else { // simple gallery $images = $product.find('.product-gallery img'); } // if images exist if ($images.length) { var images = $images.map(function () { var $this = $(this); return { src: $this.attr('data-zoom-image'), w: 800, h: 899, title: $this.attr('alt') }; }).get(), carousel = $product.find('.product-single-carousel, .product-gallery-carousel').data('owl.carousel'), currentIndex = carousel ? // Carousel Type ((carousel.current() - carousel.clones().length / 2 + images.length) % images.length) : // Gallery Type ($product.find('.product-gallery > *').index()); if (typeof PhotoSwipe !== 'undefined') { var pswpElement = $('.pswp')[0]; //if( ! pswpElement ) return; var photoswipe = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, images, { index: currentIndex, closeOnScroll: false, }); photoswipe.init(); Riode.photoswipe = photoswipe; } } } // Open 360 Degree function open360DegreeView(e) { e.preventDefault(); Riode.popup({ type: 'inline', mainClass: "product-popupbox wm-fade product-360-popup", preloader: false, items: { src: '<div class="product-gallery-degree">\ <div class="w-loading"><i></i></div>\ <ul class="product-degree-images"></ul>\ </div>' }, callbacks: { open: function () { this.container.find('.product-gallery-degree').ThreeSixty({ imagePath: 'images/product/shoes/', filePrefix: 'filename_', ext: '.jpg', totalFrames: 36, endFrame: 36, currentFrame: 1, imgList: this.container.find('.product-degree-images'), progress: '.w-loading', height: 500, width: 830, navigation: true }); }, beforeClose: function () { this.container.empty(); } } }); } function ratingForm() { Riode.$body.on('click', '.rating-form .rating-stars > a', function (e) { var $star = $(this); $star.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); $star.parent().addClass('selected'); $star.closest('.rating-form').find('select').val($star.text()); e.preventDefault(); }); } function initWishlistAction(e) { var $this = $(e.currentTarget); if ($this.hasClass('added')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); $this.addClass('load-more-overlay loading'); setTimeout(function () { $this .removeClass('load-more-overlay loading') .html('<i class="d-icon-heart-full"></i> Browse wishlist') .addClass('added') .attr('title', 'Browse wishlist') .attr('href', 'wishlist.html'); }, 500); } function reviewOpenToggler() { Riode.$body.on('click', '.submit-review-toggle', function (e) { $('.review-form-section').toggleClass('opened'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); Riode.$body.on('click', '.review-overlay', function (e) { $('.review-form-section').removeClass('opened'); e.stopPropagation(); }); Riode.$body.on('click', '.btn.like', function (e) { var $this = $(this), val = $this.find('.count').text(); $this.toggleClass('active'); $this.find('.count').text(1 - val); $this.closest('.feeling').find('.btn.unlike').removeClass('active'); $this.closest('.feeling').find('.btn.unlike .count').text('0'); }); Riode.$body.on('click', '.btn.unlike', function (e) { var $this = $(this), val = $this.find('.count').text(); $this.toggleClass('active'); $this.find('.count').text(1 - val); $this.closest('.feeling').find('.btn.like').removeClass('active'); $this.closest('.feeling').find('.btn.like .count').text('0'); }); } function openLightBox(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $img = $(e.currentTarget); var images = $img.parent().children('img').map(function () { return { src: this.getAttribute('src'), w: this.getAttribute('width'), h: this.getAttribute('height'), title: this.getAttribute('alt') || '' }; }).get(); if (typeof PhotoSwipe !== 'undefined') { var pswpElement = $('.pswp')[0]; var photoSwipe = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, images, { index: $img.index(), closeOnScroll: false }); // show image at first. photoSwipe.listen('afterInit', function () { photoSwipe.shout('initialZoomInEnd'); }); photoSwipe.init(); } } // Public Properties return function () { var $product = $('.product-single'); // Wishlist button Riode.$body.on('click', '.product-single .btn-wishlist', initWishlistAction); if ($product.length) { // if home page, init single products if (document.body.classList.contains('home')) { $product.each(function () { Riode.initProductSingle($(this)); }); // image zoom for grid type Riode.zoomImage('.product-gallery.row'); return null; // else, init single product page } else { if (Riode.initProductSingle($product) === null) { return null; } } } else { // if no single product exists, return return null; } // image full Riode.$body.on('click', '.product-single .product-image-full', openFullImage); // cart added alert and compare popup { Riode.$body.on('click', '.single-product .btn-cart:not(.disabled)', alertCartAdded); Riode.$body.on('click', '.single-product .btn-compare', compareAdded); } // image zoom for grid type Riode.zoomImage('.product-gallery.row'); // 360 degree Riode.$body.on('click', '.product-degree-viewer', open360DegreeView); // image pswp Riode.$body.on('click', '.btn-img', openLightBox); // init rating from.(new) ratingForm(); reviewOpenToggler(); } })(); /** * @class CommentWithMedia */ Riode.CommentWithMedia = { /** * Initialize * @since 1.0 */ init: function () { // Register events. Riode.$body .on('change', '.review-medias input[type="file"]', this.uploadMedia) .on('click', '.review-medias .btn-remove', this.removeMedia); }, uploadMedia: function (e) { if (!$(this)[0].files.length) { return; } var $this = $(this), file = $(this)[0].files[0], reader = new FileReader(), $control = $this.closest('.file-input'); var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var src = URL.createObjectURL(file); if (src) { if ($control.hasClass('image-input')) { $control.find('.file-input-wrapper').css('background-image', 'url(' + src + ')'); } else if ($control.hasClass('video-input')) { $control.find('video').attr('src', src); } } }, removeMedia: function (e) { var $this = $(this), $fileInput = $this.closest('.file-input'); $fileInput.find('input[type="file"]').val(''); $fileInput.find('.file-input-wrapper').css('background-image', ''); $fileInput.find('video').attr('src', ''); } } /** * @function slider * * @requires OwlCarousel */ Riode.slider = (function () { /** * @class Slider */ function Slider($el, options) { return this.init($el, options); } var onInitialize = function (e) { var i, j, breaks = ['', '-xs', '-sm', '-md', '-lg', '-xl', '-xxl']; this.classList.remove('row'); for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { for (j = 1; j <= 12; ++j) { this.classList.remove('cols' + breaks[i] + '-' + j); } } this.classList.remove('gutter-no'); this.classList.remove('gutter-sm'); this.classList.remove('gutter-lg'); if (this.classList.contains("animation-slider")) { var els = this.children, len = els.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { els[i].setAttribute('data-index', i + 1); } } } var onInitialized = function (e) { var els = this.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.children, i, len = els.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!els[i].classList.contains('active')) { var animates = Riode.byClass('appear-animate', els[i]), j; for (j = animates.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { animates[j].classList.remove('appear-animate'); } } } // Video var $el = $(e.currentTarget); $el.find('video').on('ended', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.closest('.owl-item').hasClass('active')) { if (true === $el.data('owl.carousel').options.autoplay) { if (false === $el.data('owl.carousel').options.loop && ($el.data().children - 1) === $el.find('.owl-item.active').index()) { this.loop = true; this.play(); } $el.trigger('next.owl.carousel'); $el.trigger('play.owl.autoplay'); } else { this.loop = true; this.play(); } } }); } var onTranslated = function (e) { $(window).trigger('appear.check'); // Video Play var $el = $(e.currentTarget), $activeVideos = $el.find('.owl-item.active video'); $el.find('.owl-item:not(.active) video').each(function () { if (!this.paused) { $el.trigger('play.owl.autoplay'); } this.pause(); this.currentTime = 0; }); if ($activeVideos.length) { if (true === $el.data('owl.carousel').options.autoplay) { $el.trigger('stop.owl.autoplay'); } $activeVideos.each(function () { this.paused && this.play(); }); } } var onSliderInitialized = function (e) { var self = this, $el = $(e.currentTarget); // carousel content animation $el.find('.owl-item.active .slide-animate').each(function () { var $animation_item = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.animation, Riode.parseOptions($animation_item.data('animation-options')) ), duration = settings.duration, delay = settings.delay, aniName = settings.name; $animation_item.css('animation-duration', duration); var temp = Riode.requestTimeout(function () { $animation_item.addClass(aniName); $animation_item.addClass('show-content'); }, (delay ? Number((delay).slice(0, -1)) * 1000 : 0)); self.timers.push(temp); }); } var onSliderResized = function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).find('.owl-item.active .slide-animate').each(function () { var $animation_item = $(this); $animation_item.addClass('show-content'); $animation_item.attr('style', ''); }); } var onSliderTranslate = function (e) { var self = this, $el = $(e.currentTarget); self.translateFlag = 1; self.prev = self.next; $el.find('.owl-item .slide-animate').each(function () { var $animation_item = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.animation, Riode.parseOptions($animation_item.data('animation-options'))); $animation_item.removeClass(settings.name); }); } var onSliderTranslated = function (e) { var self = this, $el = $(e.currentTarget); if (1 == self.translateFlag) { self.next = $el.find('.owl-item').eq(e.item.index).children().attr('data-index'); $el.find('.show-content').removeClass('show-content'); if (self.prev != self.next) { $el.find('.show-content').removeClass('show-content'); /* clear all animations that are running. */ if ($el.hasClass("animation-slider")) { for (var i = 0; i < self.timers.length; i++) { Riode.deleteTimeout(self.timers[i]); } self.timers = []; } $el.find('.owl-item.active .slide-animate').each(function () { var $animation_item = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.animation, Riode.parseOptions($animation_item.data('animation-options'))), duration = settings.duration, delay = settings.delay, aniName = settings.name; $animation_item.css('animation-duration', duration); $animation_item.css('animation-delay', delay); $animation_item.css('transition-property', 'visibility, opacity'); $animation_item.css('transition-delay', delay); $animation_item.css('transition-duration', duration); $animation_item.addClass(aniName); duration = duration ? duration : '0.75s'; $animation_item.addClass('show-content'); var temp = Riode.requestTimeout(function () { $animation_item.css('transition-property', ''); $animation_item.css('transition-delay', ''); $animation_item.css('transition-duration', ''); self.timers.splice(self.timers.indexOf(temp), 1) }, (delay ? Number((delay).slice(0, -1)) * 1000 + Number((duration).slice(0, -1)) * 500 : Number((duration).slice(0, -1)) * 500)); self.timers.push(temp); }); } else { $el.find('.owl-item').eq(e.item.index).find('.slide-animate').addClass('show-content'); } self.translateFlag = 0; } } // Public Properties Slider.zoomImage = function () { Riode.zoomImage(this.$element); } Slider.zoomImageRefresh = function () { this.$element.find('img').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($.fn.elevateZoom) { var elevateZoom = $this.data('elevateZoom'); if (typeof elevateZoom !== 'undefined') { elevateZoom && elevateZoom.refresh(); } else { Riode.defaults.zoomImage.zoomContainer = $this.parent(); $this.elevateZoom($this.elevateZoom); } } }); } Riode.defaults.sliderPresets['product-single-carousel'].onInitialized = Riode.defaults.sliderPresets['product-gallery-carousel'].onInitialized = Slider.zoomImage; Riode.defaults.sliderPresets['product-single-carousel'].onRefreshed = Riode.defaults.sliderPresets['product-gallery-carousel'].onRefreshed = Slider.zoomImageRefresh; Slider.prototype.init = function ($el, options) { this.timers = []; this.translateFlag = 0; this.prev = 1; this.next = 1; Riode.lazyload($el, true); var classes = $el.attr('class').split(' '), settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.slider); // extend preset options classes.forEach(function (className) { var preset = Riode.defaults.sliderPresets[className]; preset && $.extend(true, settings, preset); }); var $videos = $el.find('video'); $videos.each(function () { this.loop = false; }); // extend user options $.extend(true, settings, Riode.parseOptions($el.attr('data-owl-options')), options); onSliderInitialized = onSliderInitialized.bind(this); onSliderTranslate = onSliderTranslate.bind(this); onSliderTranslated = onSliderTranslated.bind(this); // init $el.on('initialize.owl.carousel', onInitialize) .on('initialized.owl.carousel', onInitialized) .on('translated.owl.carousel', onTranslated); // if animation slider $el.hasClass('animation-slider') && $el.on('initialized.owl.carousel', onSliderInitialized) .on('resized.owl.carousel', onSliderResized) .on('translate.owl.carousel', onSliderTranslate) .on('translated.owl.carousel', onSliderTranslated); $el.owlCarousel(settings); } return function (selector, options) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this); Riode.call(function () { new Slider($this, options); }); }); } })(); /** * @function quantityInput */ Riode.quantityInput = (function () { /** * @class QuantityInput */ function QuantityInput($el) { return this.init($el); } QuantityInput.min = 1; QuantityInput.max = 1000000; QuantityInput.value = 1; QuantityInput.prototype.init = function ($el) { var self = this; self.$minus = false; self.$plus = false; self.$value = false; self.value = false; // Bind Events self.startIncrease = self.startIncrease.bind(self); self.startDecrease = self.startDecrease.bind(self); self.stop = self.stop.bind(self); // Variables self.min = parseInt($el.attr('min')), self.max = parseInt($el.attr('max')); self.min || ($el.attr('min', self.min = QuantityInput.min)) self.max || ($el.attr('max', self.max = QuantityInput.max)) // Add DOM elements and event listeners self.$value = $el.val(self.value = QuantityInput.value); self.$minus = $el.prev() .on('mousedown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.startDecrease(); }) .on('touchstart', function (e) { if (e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } self.startDecrease(); }) .on('mouseup', self.stop); self.$plus = $el.next() .on('mousedown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.startIncrease(); }) .on('touchstart', function (e) { if (e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } self.startIncrease(); }) .on('mouseup', self.stop); Riode.$body.on('mouseup', self.stop) .on('touchend', self.stop) .on('touchcancel', self.stop); } QuantityInput.prototype.startIncrease = function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(); var self = this; self.value = self.$value.val(); self.value < self.max && self.$value.val(++self.value); self.increaseTimer = Riode.requestTimeout(function () { self.speed = 1; self.increaseTimer = Riode.requestInterval(function () { self.$value.val(self.value = Math.min(self.value + Math.floor(self.speed *= 1.05), self.max)); }, 50); }, 400); } QuantityInput.prototype.stop = function (e) { Riode.deleteTimeout(this.increaseTimer); Riode.deleteTimeout(this.decreaseTimer); } QuantityInput.prototype.startDecrease = function () { var self = this; self.value = self.$value.val(); self.value > self.min && self.$value.val(--self.value); self.decreaseTimer = Riode.requestTimeout(function () { self.speed = 1; self.decreaseTimer = Riode.requestInterval(function () { self.$value.val(self.value = Math.max(self.value - Math.floor(self.speed *= 1.05), self.min)); }, 50); }, 400); } return function (selector) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this); // if not initialized $this.data('quantityInput') || $this.data('quantityInput', new QuantityInput($this)); }); } })(); /** * @class Menu */ Riode.Menu = { init: function () { this.initMenu(); this.initMobileMenu(); this.initFilterMenu(); this.initCategoryMenu(); this.initCollapsibleWidget(); }, initMenu: function () { // setup menu $('.menu li').each(function () { if (this.lastElementChild && ( this.lastElementChild.tagName === 'UL' || this.lastElementChild.classList.contains('megamenu')) ) { this.classList.add('submenu'); } }); $('.menu > li > a').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.text() == "Elements") { var $parent = $this.closest('li'); $parent.addClass('submenu-container'); } }); $('.main-nav .megamenu, .main-nav .submenu > ul').each(function () { var $this = $(this), left = $this.offset().left, outerWidth = $this.outerWidth(), offset = (left + outerWidth) - (window.innerWidth - 20); if ($this.closest('li').hasClass('submenu-container')) { var winWidth = $(window).innerWidth(); if (winWidth <= 1200) { $this.css('width', winWidth - 40); } $this.css('margin-left', ((winWidth - outerWidth) / 2 - left)); } else { if (offset >= 0 && left > 20) { $this.css('margin-left', '-=' + offset); } } }); // calc megamenu position Riode.$window.on('resize', function () { $('.main-nav .megamenu, .main-nav .submenu > ul').each(function () { var $this = $(this), left = $this.offset().left, outerWidth = $this.outerWidth(), offset = (left + outerWidth) - (window.innerWidth - 20); if ($this.closest('li').hasClass('submenu-container')) { var winWidth = $(window).innerWidth(); if (winWidth <= 1200) { $this.css('width', winWidth - 40); outerWidth = $this.innerWidth(); } $this.css('margin-left', 0); left = $this.offset().left; $this.css('margin-left', ((winWidth - outerWidth) / 2 - left)); } else { if (offset >= 0 && left > 20) { $this.css('margin-left', '-=' + offset); } } }); }); }, initMobileMenu: function () { function showMobileMenu() { Riode.$body.addClass('mmenu-active'); }; function hideMobileMenu(e) { if (e && e.type && 'resize' == e.type && !Riode.windowResized(e.timeStamp)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); Riode.$body.removeClass('mmenu-active'); }; $('.mobile-menu li, .toggle-menu li').each(function () { if (this.lastElementChild && ( this.lastElementChild.tagName === 'UL' || this.lastElementChild.classList.contains('megamenu')) ) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = "toggle-btn"; this.firstElementChild.appendChild(span); } }); $('.mobile-menu-toggle').on('click', showMobileMenu); $('.mobile-menu-overlay').on('click', hideMobileMenu); $('.mobile-menu-close').on('click', hideMobileMenu); Riode.$window.on('resize', hideMobileMenu); }, initFilterMenu: function () { $('.search-ul li').each(function () { if (this.lastElementChild && this.lastElementChild.tagName === 'UL') { var i = document.createElement('i'); i.className = "fas fa-chevron-down"; this.classList.add('with-ul'); this.firstElementChild.appendChild(i); } }); $('.with-ul > a i, .toggle-btn').on('click', function (e) { $(this).parent().next().slideToggle(300).parent().toggleClass("show"); setTimeout(function () { $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin'); }, 320); e.preventDefault(); }); }, initCategoryMenu: function () { // cat dropdown var $menu = $('.category-dropdown'); if ($menu.length) { var $box = $menu.find('.dropdown-box'); if ($box.length) { var top = $('.main').offset().top + $box[0].offsetHeight; if (window.pageYOffset > top || window.innerWidth < Riode.minDesktopWidth) { $menu.removeClass('show'); } window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (window.pageYOffset <= top && window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth) { $menu.removeClass('show'); } }, { passive: true }); $('.category-toggle').on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }) $menu.on("mouseover", function (e) { if (window.pageYOffset > top && window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth) { $menu.addClass('show'); } }) $menu.on("mouseleave", function (e) { if (window.pageYOffset > top && window.innerWidth >= Riode.minDesktopWidth) { $menu.removeClass('show'); } }) } if ($menu.hasClass('with-sidebar')) { var sidebar = Riode.byClass('sidebar'); if (sidebar.length) { $menu.find('.dropdown-box').css('width', sidebar[0].offsetWidth - 20); // set category menu's width same as sidebar. Riode.$window.on('resize', function () { $menu.find('.dropdown-box').css('width', (sidebar[0].offsetWidth - 20)); }); } } } }, initCollapsibleWidget: function () { // generate toggle icon $('.widget-collapsible .widget-title').each(function () { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'toggle-btn'; this.appendChild(span); }); // slideToggle $('.widget-collapsible .widget-title').on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.hasClass('sliding')) { var $body = $this.siblings('.widget-body'); $this.hasClass("collapsed") || $body.css('display', 'block'); $this.addClass("sliding"); $body.slideToggle(300, function () { $this.removeClass("sliding"); }); $this.toggleClass("collapsed"); setTimeout(function () { $('.sticky-sidebar').trigger('recalc.pin'); }, 320); } }); } }; /** * @class StickyLink */ Riode.StickyLink = { init: function () { this.initShowDemos(); }, initShowDemos: function () { function showStickyLinks() { $('.demos-list').addClass('show'); var $demos = $('.demos-list .demos'), $content = $('.demos-list .demos-content'); //call demos list if (0 == $demos.children().length) { Riode.doLoading($content); $.ajax({ url: "ajax/demos-list.html", method: 'post', data: { action: "riode_demos_list", }, success: function (data) { if (data) { Riode.endLoading($content); $demos.html(data); } } }) } }; function hideStickyLinks() { $('.demos-list').removeClass('show'); }; $('.demo-toggle').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); showStickyLinks(); }); $('.demos-overlay').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); hideStickyLinks(); }); $('.demos-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); hideStickyLinks(); }); }, }; /** * @class MiniPopup */ /*Riode.Minipopup = (function () { var $area, offset = 0, boxes = [], isPaused = false, timers = [], timerId = false, timerInterval = 200, timerClock = function () { if (isPaused) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < timers.length; ++i) { (timers[i] -= timerInterval) <= 0 && this.close(i--); } } return { init: function () { // init area var area = document.createElement('div'); area.className = "minipopup-area"; Riode.byClass('page-wrapper')[0].appendChild(area); $area = $(area); $area.on('click', '.btn-close', function (e) { self.close($(this).closest('.minipopup-box').index()); }); // bind methods this.close = this.close.bind(this); timerClock = timerClock.bind(this); }, open: function (options, callback) { var self = this, settings = $.extend(true, {}, Riode.defaults.minipopup, options), $box; if (!settings.isPurchased) { settings.detailTemplate = Riode.parseTemplate( (null != settings.count ? settings.priceQuantityTemplate : settings.priceTemplate), settings ) } else { settings.detailTemplate = Riode.parseTemplate( settings.purchasedTemplate, settings ) } if (null != settings.rating) { settings.detailTemplate += Riode.parseTemplate(settings.ratingTemplate, settings); } $box = $(Riode.parseTemplate(settings.template, settings)); self.space = settings.space; // open $box .appendTo($area) .css('top', - offset) .find("img")[0] .onload = function () { offset += $box[0].offsetHeight + self.space; $box.addClass('show'); if ($box.offset().top - window.pageYOffset < 0) { self.close(); $box.css('top', - offset + $box[0].offsetHeight + self.space); } $box.on('mouseenter', function () { self.pause() }) .on('mouseleave', function () { self.resume() }) .on('touchstart', function (e) { self.pause(); e.stopPropagation(); }) .on('mousedown', function () { $(this).addClass('focus'); }) .on('mouseup', function () { self.close($(this).index()); }); Riode.$body.on('touchstart', function () { self.resume(); }); boxes.push($box); timers.push(settings.delay); (timers.length > 1) || ( timerId = setInterval(timerClock, timerInterval) ) callback && callback($box); }; }, close: function (indexToClose) { var self = this, index = ('undefined' === typeof indexToClose) ? 0 : indexToClose, $box = boxes.splice(index, 1)[0]; // remove timer timers.splice(index, 1)[0]; // remove box offset -= $box[0].offsetHeight + self.space; $box.removeClass('show'); setTimeout(function () { $box.remove(); }, 300); // slide down other boxes boxes.forEach(function ($box, i) { if (i >= index && $box.hasClass('show')) { $box.stop(true, true).animate({ top: parseInt($box.css('top')) + $box[0].offsetHeight + 20 }, 600, 'easeOutQuint'); } }); // clear timer boxes.length || clearTimeout(timerId); }, pause: function () { isPaused = true; }, resume: function () { isPaused = false; } } })();*/ /** * @function floatSVG * @param {string|jQuery} selector * @param {object} options */ Riode.floatSVG = (function () { function FloatSVG(svg, options) { this.$el = $(svg); this.set(options); this.start(); } FloatSVG.prototype.set = function (options) { this.options = $.extend({ delta: 15, speed: 10, size: 1, }, typeof options == 'string' ? Riode.parseOptions(options) : options); } FloatSVG.prototype.getDeltaY = function (dx) { return Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * dx / this.width * this.options.size) * this.options.delta; } FloatSVG.prototype.start = function () { this.update = this.update.bind(this); this.timeStart = Date.now() - parseInt(Math.random() * 100); this.$el.find('path').each(function () { $(this).data('original', this.getAttribute('d').replace(/([\d])\s*\-/g, '$1,-')); }); window.addEventListener('resize', this.update, { passive: true }); window.addEventListener('scroll', this.update, { passive: true }); Riode.$window.on('check_float_svg', this.update); this.update(); } FloatSVG.prototype.update = function () { var self = this; if (this.$el.length && Riode.isOnScreen(this.$el[0])) { // && $.contains(this.$el, document.body)) { Riode.requestTimeout(function () { self.draw(); }, 16); } } FloatSVG.prototype.draw = function () { var self = this, _dx = (Date.now() - this.timeStart) * this.options.speed / 200; this.width = this.$el.width(); if (!this.width) { return; } this.$el.find('path').each(function () { var dx = _dx, dy = 0; this.setAttribute('d', $(this).data('original') .replace(/M([\d|\.]*),([\d|\.]*)/, function (match, p1, p2) { if (p1 && p2) { return 'M' + p1 + ',' + (parseFloat(p2) + (dy = self.getDeltaY(dx += parseFloat(p1)))).toFixed(3); } return match; }) .replace(/([c|C])[^A-Za-z]*/g, function (match, p1) { if (p1) { var v = match.slice(1).split(',').map(parseFloat); if (v.length == 6) { if ('C' == p1) { v[1] += self.getDeltaY(_dx + v[0]); v[3] += self.getDeltaY(_dx + v[2]); v[5] += self.getDeltaY(dx = _dx + v[4]); } else { v[1] += self.getDeltaY(dx + v[0]) - dy; v[3] += self.getDeltaY(dx + v[2]) - dy; v[5] += self.getDeltaY(dx += v[4]) - dy; } dy = self.getDeltaY(dx); return p1 + v.map(function (v) { return v.toFixed(3); }).join(','); } } return match; }) ); }); this.update(); } return function (selector) { Riode.$(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this), float; if (this.tagName == 'svg') { float = $this.data('float-svg'); if (float) { float.set($this.attr('data-float-options')); } else { $this.data('float-svg', new FloatSVG(this, $this.attr('data-float-options'))); } } }) }; })(); /** * @class Shop * * @requires Minipopup * @requires noUiSlider * @instance single */ Riode.Shop = { init: function () { // Functions for products this.initProductsQuickview(); this.initProductsCartAction(); this.initProductsCompareAction(); this.initProductsWishlistAction(); this.initProductsLoginAction(); this.initProductsLoad(); this.initProductsScrollLoad('.scroll-load'); this.initProductType('slideup'); this.initVariation(); this.initWishlistButton('.product:not(.product-single) .btn-wishlist'); Riode.call(Riode.ratingTooltip, 500); // Functions for shop page this.initSelectMenu('.select-menu'); Riode.priceSlider('.filter-price-slider'); this.topCategoryOpener(); }, topCategoryOpener: function () { Riode.$body.find('.toolbox-horizontal .widget-title').on('click', function (e) { $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('opened'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('opened'); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, initVariation: function (type) { $('.product:not(.product-single) .product-variations > a').on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $image = $this.closest('.product').find('.product-media img'); if (!$image.data('image-src')) $image.data('image-src', $image.attr('src')); $this.toggleClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); if ($this.hasClass('active')) { $image.attr('src', $this.data('src')) } else { $image.attr('src', $image.data('image-src')); $this.blur(); } e.preventDefault(); }) }, initProductType: function (type) { // "slideup" type if (type === 'slideup') { $('.product-slideup-content .product-details').each(function (e) { var $this = $(this), hidden_height = $this.find('.product-hide-details').outerHeight(true); $this.height($this.height() - hidden_height); }); $(Riode.byClass('product-slideup-content')) .on('mouseenter touchstart', function (e) { var $this = $(this), hidden_height = $this.find('.product-hide-details').outerHeight(true); $this.find('.product-details').css('transform', 'translateY(' + (-hidden_height) + 'px)'); $this.find('.product-hide-details').css('transform', 'translateY(' + (-hidden_height) + 'px)'); }) .on('mouseleave touchleave', function (e) { var $this = $(this), hidden_height = $this.find('.product-hide-details').outerHeight(true); $this.find('.product-details').css('transform', 'translateY(0)'); $this.find('.product-hide-details').css('transform', 'translateY(0)'); }); } }, initSelectMenu: function () { Riode.$body // open select menu .on('click', '.select-menu', function (e) { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.hasClass('toolbox-sort')) { var $selectMenu = $(e.currentTarget), $target = $(e.target), isOpened = $selectMenu.hasClass('opened'); if ($selectMenu.hasClass('fixed')) { e.stopPropagation() } else { // close all select menu if ($this.closest('.sidebar-content').length != 0) { $('.select-menu').removeClass('opened'); } } if ($selectMenu.is($target.parent())) { // if toggle is clicked isOpened || $selectMenu.addClass('opened'); e.stopPropagation(); } else { // if item is clicked $target.parent().toggleClass('active'); if ($target.parent().hasClass('active')) { // add select-item, and show $('.select-items').show(); $('<a href="#" class="select-item">' + $target.text() + '<i class="d-icon-times"></i></a>') .insertBefore('.select-items .filter-clean') .hide().fadeIn() .data('link', $target.parent()); // link to anchor's parent - li tag } else { // remove select-item $('.select-items > .select-item').filter(function (i, el) { return el.innerText == $target.text(); }).fadeOut(function () { $(this).remove(); // if only clean all button remains, // then hide select-items if ($('.select-items').children().length < 2) { $('.select-items').hide(); } }); } } } e.preventDefault(); }) // Close select menu .on('click', function (e) { if ($(e.target).closest('.filter-items').length == 0 || $(e.target).hasClass('select-menu')) { $('.select-menu').removeClass('opened'); } }) // Remove all filters in navigation .on('click', '.select-items .filter-clean', function (e) { var $clean = $(this); $clean.siblings().each(function () { var $link = $(this).data('link'); $link && $link.removeClass('active'); }); $clean.parent().fadeOut(function () { $clean.siblings().remove(); }); e.preventDefault(); }) // Remove one filter in navigation .on('click', '.select-item i', function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).parent().fadeOut(function () { var $this = $(this), $link = $this.data('link'); $link && $link.toggleClass('active'); $this.remove(); // if only clean all button remains, then hide select-items if ($('.select-items').children().length < 2) { $('.select-items').hide(); } }); e.preventDefault(); }) // Remove all filters .on('click', '.filter-clean', function (e) { $('.shop-sidebar .filter-items .active').removeClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }) // Toggle filter .on('click', '.filter-items a', function (e) { var $ul = $(this).closest('.filter-items'); if (!$ul.hasClass('search-ul') && !$ul.parent().hasClass('select-menu')) { if ($ul.hasClass('filter-price')) { $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); } else { $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); } } }) }, initProductsQuickview: function () { Riode.$body.on('click', '.btn-quickview', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).closest('.dark-theme').length > 0) { //dark theme Riode.popup({ items: { src: "ajax/quickview-dark.html" }, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: function () { this.wrap.imagesLoaded(function () { Riode.initProductSingle($('.mfp-product .product-single')); }); } } }, 'quickview'); } else { //light theme Riode.popup({ items: { src: "ajax/quickview.html" }, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: function () { this.wrap.imagesLoaded(function () { Riode.initProductSingle($('.mfp-product .product-single')); }); } } }, 'quickview'); } }); }, initProductsCartAction: function () { Riode.$body // Cart dropdown is offcanvas type .on('click', '.off-canvas .cart-toggle', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.cart-dropdown').addClass('opened'); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-header .btn-close', function (e) { $('.cart-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-overlay', function (e) { $('.cart-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) // Add to cart in products .on('click', '.product:not(.product-variable) .btn-product-icon.btn-cart, .product:not(.product-variable) .btn-product.btn-cart', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $product = $(this).closest('.product'), $compareCol = $(this).closest('.compare-col'), $compareRow = $(this).closest('.compare-row'), productPrice, $productName; if ($compareCol.length > 0) { productPrice = $('.riode-compare-table > .compare-row').eq(2).children().eq($compareCol.index()).find('.product-price .new-price, .product-price .price').html(); $productName = $('.riode-compare-table > .compare-row').eq(1).children().eq($compareCol.index()); // if not product single, then open minipopup $product.hasClass('product-single') || Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added', productClass: 'product-cart', name: $productName.find('a').text(), nameLink: $productName.find(' a ').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-media img').attr('src'), imageLink: $productName.find(' a ').attr('href'), price: productPrice, count: $product.find('.quantity').length > 0 ? $product.find('.quantity').val() : 1, actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex"><a href="cart.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded">View Cart</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); } else { // if not product single, then open minipopup $product.hasClass('product-single') || Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added', productClass: 'product-cart', name: $product.find('.product-name').text(), nameLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-media img').attr('src'), imageLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), price: $product.find('.product-price .new-price, .product-price .price').html(), count: $product.find('.quantity').length > 0 ? $product.find('.quantity').val() : 1, actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex"><a href="cart.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded">View Cart</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); } }) // Add to cart in hotspot .on('click', '.hotspot .btn-cart', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $tooltip = $(this).closest('.tooltip'); Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Successfully Added To Cart', productClass: 'product-cart', name: $tooltip.find('.tooltip-name').text(), nameLink: $tooltip.find('.tooltip-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $tooltip.find('.tooltip-media img').attr('src'), imageLink: $tooltip.find('.tooltip-name > a').attr('href'), price: $tooltip.find('.tooltip-price .new-price, .tooltip-price .price').html(), count: $tooltip.find('.quantity').length > 0 ? $tooltip.find('.quantity').val() : 1, actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex"><a href="cart.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded">View Cart</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); }); }, initProductsCompareAction: function () { Riode.$body // Compare dropdown is offcanvas type .on('click', '.off-canvas .compare-toggle', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.compare-dropdown').addClass('opened'); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-header .btn-close', function (e) { $('.compare-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-overlay', function (e) { $('.compare-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) // Add to compare in products .on('click', '.product .btn-product-icon.btn-compare', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $product = $(this).closest('.product'); // if not product single, then open minipopup $product.hasClass('product-single') || Riode.Minipopup.open({ message: 'Added To Compare List', productClass: ' product-compare', name: $product.find('.product-name').text(), nameLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), imageSrc: $product.find('.product-media img').attr('src'), imageLink: $product.find('.product-name > a').attr('href'), price: $product.find('.product-price .new-price, .product-price .price').html(), count: $product.find('.quantity').length > 0 ? $product.find('.quantity').val() : 1, actionTemplate: '<div class="action-group d-flex"><a href="compare.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline btn-primary btn-rounded">Compare</a><a href="checkout.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded">Check Out</a></div>' }); }); }, initProductsWishlistAction: function () { Riode.$body // Compare dropdown is offcanvas type .on('click', '.off-canvas .wishlist-toggle', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.wishlist-dropdown').addClass('opened'); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-header .btn-close', function (e) { $('.wishlist-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-overlay', function (e) { $('.wishlist-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) }, initProductsLoginAction: function () { Riode.$body // Compare dropdown is offcanvas type .on('click', '.login-toggle, .register-toggle', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.login-dropdown').addClass('opened'); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-header .btn-close', function (e) { $('.login-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) .on('click', '.off-canvas .canvas-overlay', function (e) { $('.login-dropdown').removeClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }) }, initProductsLoad: function () { $('.btn-load').on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $wrapper = $($this.data('load-to')), loadText = $this.html(); $this.text('Loading ...'); $this.addClass('btn-loading'); $('.d-loading').css('display', 'block'); e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: $this.attr('href'), success: function (result) { var $newItems = $(result); setTimeout(function () { if ($.fn.isotope) { $wrapper.isotope('insert', $newItems); } else { $wrapper.append($newItems); } $this.html(loadText); var loadCount = parseInt($this.data('load-count') ? $this.data('load-count') : 0); $this.data('load-count', ++loadCount); //remove loading class $this.removeClass('btn-loading'); $('.d-loading').css('display', 'none'); // do not load more than 2 times loadCount >= 2 && $this.hide(); }, 350); }, failure: function () { $this.text("Sorry something went wrong."); } }); }); }, initProductsScrollLoad: function ($obj) { var $wrapper = Riode.$($obj) , top; var url = $($obj).data('url'); if (!url) { url = 'ajax/ajax-products.html'; } var loadProducts = function (e) { if (window.pageYOffset > top + $wrapper.outerHeight() - window.innerHeight - 150 && 'loading' != $wrapper.data('load-state')) { $.ajax({ url: url, success: function (result) { var $newItems = $(result); $wrapper.data('load-state', 'loading'); if (!$wrapper.next().hasClass('load-more-overlay')) { $('<div class="mt-4 mb-4 load-more-overlay loading"></div>').insertAfter($wrapper); } else { $wrapper.next().addClass('loading'); } setTimeout(function () { $wrapper.next().removeClass('loading'); $wrapper.append($newItems); setTimeout(function () { $wrapper.find('.product-wrap.fade:not(.in)').addClass('in'); }, 200); $wrapper.data('load-state', 'loaded'); }, 500); var loadCount = parseInt($wrapper.data('load-count') ? $wrapper.data('load-count') : 0); $wrapper.data('load-count', ++loadCount); loadCount > 2 && window.removeEventListener('scroll', loadProducts, { passive: true }); }, failure: function () { $this.text("Sorry something went wrong."); } }); } } if ($wrapper.length > 0) { top = $wrapper.offset().top; window.addEventListener('scroll', loadProducts, { passive: true }); } }, initWishlistButton: function (selector) { Riode.$body.on('click', selector, function (e) { var $this = $(this); $this.toggleClass('added').addClass('load-more-overlay loading'); setTimeout(function () { $this.removeClass('load-more-overlay loading').find('i').toggleClass('d-icon-heart') .toggleClass('d-icon-heart-full'); if ($this.hasClass('added')) { $this.attr('title', 'Remove from wishlist'); } else { $this.attr('title', 'Add to wishlist'); } }, 500); e.preventDefault(); }) } } /** * Riode Initializer */ // Initialize Method while document is being loaded. Riode.prepare = function () { if (Riode.$body.hasClass('with-flex-container') && window.innerWidth >= 1200) { Riode.$body.addClass('sidebar-active'); } }; // Initialize Method while document is interactive Riode.initLayout = function () { Riode.isotopes('.grid:not(.grid-float)'); Riode.stickySidebar('.sticky-sidebar'); } // Initialize Method after document has been loaded Riode.init = function () { Riode.appearAnimate('.appear-animate'); // Runs appear animations Riode.Minipopup.init(); // Initialize minipopup Riode.Shop.init(); // Initialize shop Riode.initProductSinglePage(); // Initialize single product page Riode.slider('.owl-carousel'); // Initialize slider Riode.headerToggleSearch('.hs-toggle'); // Initialize header toggle search Riode.closeTopNotice('.btn-notice-close'); // Initialize header toggle search Riode.stickyContent('.product-sticky-content, .sticky-header', { top: false }); // Initialize sticky content Riode.stickyContent('.sticky-footer', Riode.defaults.stickyFooter); // Initialize sticky footer Riode.stickyContent('.sticky-toolbox', Riode.defaults.stickyToolbox); // Initialize sticky toolbox Riode.sidebar('sidebar'); // Initialize left sidebar Riode.sidebar('right-sidebar'); // Initialize right sidebar Riode.sidebar('top-sidebar'); // Initialize top sidebar Riode.quantityInput('.quantity'); // Initialize quantity input Riode.playableVideo('.inner-video'); // Initialize playable video Riode.initAccordion('.card-header > a'); // Initialize accordion Riode.initTab('.nav-tabs'); // Initialize tab Riode.initAlert('.alert'); // Initialize alert Riode.parallax('.parallax'); // Initialize parallax Riode.countTo('.count-to'); // Initialize countTo Riode.countdown('.product-countdown, .countdown'); // Initialize countdown Riode.Menu.init(); // Initialize menus Riode.StickyLink.init(); // Initialize StickyLink Riode.initZoom(); // Initialize zoom Riode.initNavFilter('.nav-filters .nav-filter'); // Initialize navigation filters for blog, products Riode.initPopups(); // Initialize popups: login, register, play video, newsletter popup Riode.initPurchasedMinipopup(); // Initialize minipopup for purchased event Riode.initScrollTopButton(); // Initialize scroll top button. Riode.floatSVG('.float-svg'); // Floating SVG Riode.initShowVendorSearch('.toolbox .form-toggle-btn'); // Initialize show vendor search form Riode.initFloatingElements('.floating'); // Initialize floating widgets Riode.initAdvancedMotions('.skrollr'); // Initialize scrolling widgets Riode.degree360('.product-gallery-degree'); // Initialize 360 degree Riode.scrollSet('.scroll-menu a'); // Initialize Scroll Menu Riode.CommentWithMedia.init(); // Initialize Comment with Media Riode.status = 'complete'; } /** * Setup Riode */ // Prepare Riode Theme Riode.prepare(); // Initialize Riode Theme window.onload = function () { Riode.status = 'loaded'; Riode.$body.addClass('loaded'); Riode.$window.trigger('riode_load'); Riode.call(Riode.initLayout); Riode.call(Riode.init); Riode.$window.trigger('riode_complete'); Riode.refreshSidebar(); } })();