
Mini Shell

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Current File : //home2/selectio/www/dj-dream-studio/assets/css/main.css


    Project Name: Shotop - Photography HTML Template
    Author: XpressRow -->> (https://themeforest.net/user/xpressrow)
    Support: xpressrow@gmail.com
    Description: Photography HTML Template
    Developer: Mohammad Wasim Mia -->> (wasimmia.info@gmail.com)
    Version: 1.0



	01. Theme default CSS
    02. header
    03. slider
    04. about
    05. services
    06. portfolio
    07. team
    08. contact
    09. shop
    10. testimonial
    11. blog
    12. hero
    13. pricing
    14. faq
    15. page title
    16. counter
    17. backtotop
    18. preloader

@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;500;600;700&family=Michroma&display=swap");
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@-webkit-keyframes shake {
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    transform: rotate(0deg); }
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    transform: rotate(7deg); } }
@keyframes shake {
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    transform: rotate(7deg); }
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@-webkit-keyframes down {
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@keyframes down {
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/* reset css start */
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img {
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ul {
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button {
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*:focus {
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button {
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button:focus {
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a {
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table {
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p, li, span {
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/* reset css end */
/* global css start */
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/* global css end */
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.bg_img {
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.dark-bg {
  background-color: #010101; }

.gray-bg {
  background: #f3f3f3; }

.black-bg {
  background: #000; }

.white {
  color: #ffffff; }

.pos-rel {
  position: relative; }

.pos-absolute {
  position: absolute; }

.f-right {
  float: right; }

.sec_title {
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  .sec_title .sub_title {
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    text-transform: uppercase;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    font-weight: 500;
    position: relative;
    padding-left: 80px; }
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      position: absolute;
      left: 0;
      top: 13px;
      width: 60px;
      height: 2px;
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/* play btn animation */
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.video_icon:hover {
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  animation: inner-ripple 2000ms linear infinite; }

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  -moz-animation: outer-ripple 2000ms linear infinite;
  animation: outer-ripple 2000ms linear infinite; }

/* animation */
@keyframes outer-ripple {
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/* order & unorder list reset - start */
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.ul_li {
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.ul_li_center {
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.ul_li_right {
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.sec__shape--2 {
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    display: inline-block;
    position: relative; }
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      top: 50%;
      left: -100px;
      width: 100px;
      height: 1px;
      background: #2a313a;
      content: ""; }
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    - Margin & Padding
/*-- Margin Top --*/
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.mt-none-10 {
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.mt-none-15 {
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.mt-none-20 {
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.mt-none-25 {
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.mt-none-30 {
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.mt-none-35 {
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.mt-none-40 {
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.mt-none-45 {
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.mt-none-50 {
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.mt-none-55 {
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.mt-none-60 {
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.mt-none-65 {
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.mt-none-70 {
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.mt-none-75 {
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.mt-none-80 {
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.mt-none-85 {
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.mt-none-90 {
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.mt-none-95 {
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.mt-none-100 {
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/*-- Margin Top --*/
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.mt-10 {
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.mt-15 {
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.mt-20 {
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.mt-25 {
  margin-top: 25px; }

.mt-30 {
  margin-top: 30px; }

.mt-35 {
  margin-top: 35px; }

.mt-40 {
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.mt-45 {
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.mt-50 {
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.mt-55 {
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.mt-60 {
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.mt-65 {
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.mt-70 {
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.mt-75 {
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.mt-80 {
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.mt-85 {
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.mt-90 {
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.mt-95 {
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.mt-100 {
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.mt-105 {
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.mt-110 {
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.mt-115 {
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.mt-120 {
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.mt-125 {
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.mt-130 {
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.mt-135 {
  margin-top: 135px; }

.mt-140 {
  margin-top: 140px; }

.mt-145 {
  margin-top: 145px; }

.mt-150 {
  margin-top: 150px; }

.mt-155 {
  margin-top: 155px; }

.mt-160 {
  margin-top: 160px; }

.mt-165 {
  margin-top: 165px; }

.mt-170 {
  margin-top: 170px; }

.mt-175 {
  margin-top: 175px; }

.mt-180 {
  margin-top: 180px; }

.mt-185 {
  margin-top: 185px; }

.mt-190 {
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.mt-195 {
  margin-top: 195px; }

.mt-200 {
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/*-- Margin Bottom --*/
.mb-5 {
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.mb-10 {
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.mb-15 {
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.mb-20 {
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.mb-25 {
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.mb-30 {
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.mb-35 {
  margin-bottom: 35px; }

.mb-40 {
  margin-bottom: 40px; }

.mb-45 {
  margin-bottom: 45px; }

.mb-50 {
  margin-bottom: 50px; }

.mb-55 {
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.mb-60 {
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.mb-65 {
  margin-bottom: 65px; }

.mb-70 {
  margin-bottom: 70px; }

.mb-75 {
  margin-bottom: 75px; }

.mb-80 {
  margin-bottom: 80px; }

.mb-85 {
  margin-bottom: 85px; }

.mb-90 {
  margin-bottom: 90px; }

.mb-95 {
  margin-bottom: 95px; }

.mb-100 {
  margin-bottom: 100px; }

.mb-105 {
  margin-bottom: 105px; }

.mb-110 {
  margin-bottom: 110px; }

.mb-115 {
  margin-bottom: 115px; }

.mb-120 {
  margin-bottom: 120px; }

.mb-125 {
  margin-bottom: 125px; }

.mb-130 {
  margin-bottom: 130px; }

.mb-135 {
  margin-bottom: 135px; }

.mb-140 {
  margin-bottom: 140px; }

.mb-145 {
  margin-bottom: 145px; }

.mb-150 {
  margin-bottom: 150px; }

.mb-155 {
  margin-bottom: 155px; }

.mb-160 {
  margin-bottom: 160px; }

.mb-165 {
  margin-bottom: 165px; }

.mb-170 {
  margin-bottom: 170px; }

.mb-175 {
  margin-bottom: 175px; }

.mb-180 {
  margin-bottom: 180px; }

.mb-185 {
  margin-bottom: 185px; }

.mb-190 {
  margin-bottom: 190px; }

.mb-195 {
  margin-bottom: 195px; }

.mb-200 {
  margin-bottom: 200px; }

/*-- Margin Left --*/
.ml-5 {
  margin-left: 5px; }

.ml-10 {
  margin-left: 10px; }

.ml-15 {
  margin-left: 15px; }

.ml-20 {
  margin-left: 20px; }

.ml-25 {
  margin-left: 25px; }

.ml-30 {
  margin-left: 30px; }

.ml-35 {
  margin-left: 35px; }

.ml-40 {
  margin-left: 40px; }

.ml-45 {
  margin-left: 45px; }

.ml-50 {
  margin-left: 50px; }

.ml-55 {
  margin-left: 55px; }

.ml-60 {
  margin-left: 60px; }

.ml-65 {
  margin-left: 65px; }

.ml-70 {
  margin-left: 70px; }

.ml-75 {
  margin-left: 75px; }

.ml-80 {
  margin-left: 80px; }

.ml-85 {
  margin-left: 85px; }

.ml-90 {
  margin-left: 90px; }

.ml-95 {
  margin-left: 95px; }

.ml-100 {
  margin-left: 100px; }

.ml-105 {
  margin-left: 105px; }

.ml-110 {
  margin-left: 110px; }

.ml-115 {
  margin-left: 115px; }

.ml-120 {
  margin-left: 120px; }

.ml-125 {
  margin-left: 125px; }

.ml-130 {
  margin-left: 130px; }

.ml-135 {
  margin-left: 135px; }

.ml-140 {
  margin-left: 140px; }

.ml-145 {
  margin-left: 145px; }

.ml-150 {
  margin-left: 150px; }

.ml-155 {
  margin-left: 155px; }

.ml-160 {
  margin-left: 160px; }

.ml-165 {
  margin-left: 165px; }

.ml-170 {
  margin-left: 170px; }

.ml-175 {
  margin-left: 175px; }

.ml-180 {
  margin-left: 180px; }

.ml-185 {
  margin-left: 185px; }

.ml-190 {
  margin-left: 190px; }

.ml-195 {
  margin-left: 195px; }

.ml-200 {
  margin-left: 200px; }

/*-- Margin Right --*/
.mr-5 {
  margin-right: 5px; }

.mr-10 {
  margin-right: 10px; }

.mr-15 {
  margin-right: 15px; }

.mr-20 {
  margin-right: 20px; }

.mr-25 {
  margin-right: 25px; }

.mr-30 {
  margin-right: 30px; }

.mr-35 {
  margin-right: 35px; }

.mr-40 {
  margin-right: 40px; }

.mr-45 {
  margin-right: 45px; }

.mr-50 {
  margin-right: 50px; }

.mr-55 {
  margin-right: 55px; }

.mr-60 {
  margin-right: 60px; }

.mr-65 {
  margin-right: 65px; }

.mr-70 {
  margin-right: 70px; }

.mr-75 {
  margin-right: 75px; }

.mr-80 {
  margin-right: 80px; }

.mr-85 {
  margin-right: 85px; }

.mr-90 {
  margin-right: 90px; }

.mr-95 {
  margin-right: 95px; }

.mr-100 {
  margin-right: 100px; }

.mr-105 {
  margin-right: 105px; }

.mr-110 {
  margin-right: 110px; }

.mr-115 {
  margin-right: 115px; }

.mr-120 {
  margin-right: 120px; }

.mr-125 {
  margin-right: 125px; }

.mr-130 {
  margin-right: 130px; }

.mr-135 {
  margin-right: 135px; }

.mr-140 {
  margin-right: 140px; }

.mr-145 {
  margin-right: 145px; }

.mr-150 {
  margin-right: 150px; }

.mr-155 {
  margin-right: 155px; }

.mr-160 {
  margin-right: 160px; }

.mr-165 {
  margin-right: 165px; }

.mr-170 {
  margin-right: 170px; }

.mr-175 {
  margin-right: 175px; }

.mr-180 {
  margin-right: 180px; }

.mr-185 {
  margin-right: 185px; }

.mr-190 {
  margin-right: 190px; }

.mr-195 {
  margin-right: 195px; }

.mr-200 {
  margin-right: 200px; }

/*-- Padding Top --*/
.pt-5 {
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.pt-10 {
  padding-top: 10px; }

.pt-15 {
  padding-top: 15px; }

.pt-20 {
  padding-top: 20px; }

.pt-25 {
  padding-top: 25px; }

.pt-30 {
  padding-top: 30px; }

.pt-35 {
  padding-top: 35px; }

.pt-40 {
  padding-top: 40px; }

.pt-45 {
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.pt-50 {
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.pt-55 {
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.pt-60 {
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.pt-65 {
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.pt-70 {
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.pt-75 {
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.pt-80 {
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.pt-85 {
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.pt-90 {
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.pt-95 {
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.pt-100 {
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.pt-105 {
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.pt-110 {
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.pt-115 {
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.pt-120 {
  padding-top: 120px; }

.pt-125 {
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.pt-130 {
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.pt-135 {
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.pt-140 {
  padding-top: 140px; }

.pt-145 {
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.pt-150 {
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.pt-155 {
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.pt-160 {
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.pt-165 {
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.pt-170 {
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.pt-175 {
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.pt-180 {
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.pt-185 {
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.pt-190 {
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.pt-195 {
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.pt-200 {
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/*-- Padding Bottom --*/
.pb-5 {
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.pb-10 {
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.pb-15 {
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.pb-20 {
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.pb-25 {
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.pb-30 {
  padding-bottom: 30px; }

.pb-35 {
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.pb-40 {
  padding-bottom: 40px; }

.pb-45 {
  padding-bottom: 45px; }

.pb-50 {
  padding-bottom: 50px; }

.pb-55 {
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.pb-60 {
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.pb-65 {
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.pb-70 {
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.pb-75 {
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.pb-80 {
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.pb-85 {
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.pb-90 {
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.pb-95 {
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.pb-100 {
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.pb-105 {
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.pb-110 {
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.pb-115 {
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.pb-120 {
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.pb-125 {
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.pb-130 {
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.pb-135 {
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.pb-140 {
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.pb-145 {
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.pb-150 {
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.pb-155 {
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.pb-160 {
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.pb-165 {
  padding-bottom: 165px; }

.pb-170 {
  padding-bottom: 170px; }

.pb-175 {
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.pb-180 {
  padding-bottom: 180px; }

.pb-185 {
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.pb-190 {
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.pb-195 {
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.pb-200 {
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/*-- Padding Left --*/
.pl-5 {
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.pl-10 {
  padding-left: 10px; }

.pl-15 {
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.pl-20 {
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.pl-25 {
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.pl-30 {
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.pl-35 {
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.pl-40 {
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.pl-45 {
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.pl-50 {
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.pl-55 {
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.pl-60 {
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.pl-65 {
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.pl-70 {
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.pl-75 {
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.pl-80 {
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.pl-85 {
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.pl-90 {
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.pl-95 {
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.pl-100 {
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.pl-105 {
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.pl-110 {
  padding-left: 110px; }

.pl-115 {
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.pl-120 {
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.pl-125 {
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.pl-130 {
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.pl-135 {
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.pl-140 {
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.pl-145 {
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.pl-150 {
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.pl-155 {
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.pl-160 {
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.pl-165 {
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.pl-170 {
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.pl-175 {
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.pl-180 {
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.pl-185 {
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.pl-190 {
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.pl-195 {
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.pl-200 {
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/*-- Padding Right --*/
.pr-5 {
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.pr-10 {
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.pr-15 {
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.pr-20 {
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.pr-25 {
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.pr-30 {
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.pr-35 {
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.pr-40 {
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.pr-45 {
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.pr-50 {
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.pr-55 {
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.pr-60 {
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.pr-65 {
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.pr-70 {
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.pr-75 {
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.pr-80 {
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.pr-85 {
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.pr-90 {
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.pr-95 {
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.pr-100 {
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.pr-105 {
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.pr-110 {
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.pr-115 {
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.pr-120 {
  padding-right: 120px; }

.pr-125 {
  padding-right: 125px; }

.pr-130 {
  padding-right: 130px; }

.pr-135 {
  padding-right: 135px; }

.pr-140 {
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.pr-145 {
  padding-right: 145px; }

.pr-150 {
  padding-right: 150px; }

.pr-155 {
  padding-right: 155px; }

.pr-160 {
  padding-right: 160px; }

.pr-165 {
  padding-right: 165px; }

.pr-170 {
  padding-right: 170px; }

.pr-175 {
  padding-right: 175px; }

.pr-180 {
  padding-right: 180px; }

.pr-185 {
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.pr-190 {
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.pr-195 {
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.pr-200 {
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/* typography css start */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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h2 {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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h6 {
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/* typography css end */
    - Overlay
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/*-- Overlay Color --*/
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[data-overlay="dark"]::before {
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/*-- Overlay Opacity --*/
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[data-opacity="2"]::before {
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[data-opacity="3"]::before {
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[data-opacity="9"]::before {
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/*  02. header
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.header__area--3.sticky-header {
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/* Navigation css */
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.menu_area {
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@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1500px) {
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/* social link */
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/* buttons */
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/* search */
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/* side info */
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/*  04. about
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/*  05. services
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/*  06. portfolio
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/*  07. team
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/*  08. contact
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/* contact css */
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/*  09. shop
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/*  10. testimonial
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/*  11. blog
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/*  14. faq
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/* form */
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