Direktori : /home2/selectio/www/fms-worksuite/app/DataTables/ |
Current File : //home2/selectio/www/fms-worksuite/app/DataTables/LeaveDataTable.php |
<?php namespace App\DataTables; use App\DataTables\BaseDataTable; use App\Models\EmployeeDetails; use App\Models\Leave; use App\Models\LeaveSetting; use App\Models\User; use Carbon\Carbon; use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Button; use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Column; class LeaveDataTable extends BaseDataTable { private $editLeavePermission; private $deleteLeavePermission; private $deleteApproveLeavePermission; private $viewLeavePermission; private $approveRejectPermission; private $reportingPermission; private $reportingTo; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->editLeavePermission = user()->permission('edit_leave'); $this->deleteLeavePermission = user()->permission('delete_leave'); $this->deleteApproveLeavePermission = user()->permission('delete_approve_leaves'); $this->viewLeavePermission = user()->permission('view_leave'); $this->approveRejectPermission = user()->permission('approve_or_reject_leaves'); $this->reportingPermission = LeaveSetting::value('manager_permission'); $this->reportingTo = EmployeeDetails::where('reporting_to', user()->id)->get(); } /** * Build DataTable class. * * @param mixed $query Results from query() method. * @return \Yajra\DataTables\DataTableAbstract */ public function dataTable($query) { return datatables() ->eloquent($query) ->addIndexColumn() ->addColumn('check', function ($row) { return '<input type="checkbox" class="select-table-row" data-unique-id="'.$row->unique_id.'" id="datatable-row-' . $row->id . '" name="datatable_ids[]" value="' . $row->id . '" onclick="dataTableRowCheck(' . $row->id . ')">'; }) ->addColumn('employee_name', function ($row) { return $row->user->name; }) ->editColumn('employee', function ($row) { return view('components.employee', [ 'user' => $row->user ]); }) ->editColumn('paid', function ($row) { return $row->type->paid == 1 ? __('app.yes') : __('app.no'); }) ->addColumn('leave_date', function ($row) { return Carbon::parse($row->leave_date)->translatedFormat($this->company->date_format) .' ('.Carbon::parse($row->leave_date)->translatedFormat('l').')'; }) ->addColumn('status', function ($row) { if ($row->status == 'approved') { $class = 'text-light-green'; $status = __('app.approved'); } else if ($row->status == 'pending') { $class = 'text-yellow'; $status = __('app.pending'); } else { $class = 'text-red'; $status = __('app.rejected'); } $leaveStatus = ' <div class="media-bod1y">'; if($row->duration == 'multiple' && !is_null($row->unique_id)){ $leaveStatus = '<h5 class="mb-0 f-13 "> <a class="view-related-leave text-darkest-grey ml-2" data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-unique-id="' . $row->unique_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" href="javascript:;"> ' . __('app.view') . ' '.__('app.status').' </a></h5>'; } else{ $leaveStatus = '<i class="fa fa-circle mr-1 ' . $class . ' f-10"></i> ' . $status; if($row->manager_status_permission === 'pre-approve'){ $leaveStatus .= '<div><span class="badge badge-success">'.__('modules.leaves.preApproved').'</span></div>'; } } $leaveStatus .= ' </div>'; return $leaveStatus; }) ->addColumn('duration', function ($row) { $leave = ' <div class="media-body"> <span class="mb-0 f-13 "> '.(($row->duration == 'half day') ? __('modules.leaves.halfDay') : (($row->duration == 'multiple') ? __('modules.leaves.multiple') : __('app.'.$row->duration))) .' </span></br>'; if($row->count_multiple_leaves != 0){ $leave .= '<span class="badge badge-secondary">' . $row->count_multiple_leaves .' '.__('app.leave').'</span>'; } $leave .= ' </div>'; return $leave; }) ->addColumn('leave_type', function ($row) { $type = '<span class="badge badge-success" style="background-color:' . $row->color . '">' . $row->type_name . '</span>'; if ($row->duration == 'half day') { if (!is_null($row->half_day_type)) { $type .= ' <div class="badge-inverse badge">' . (($row->half_day_type == 'first_half') ? __('modules.leaves.firstHalf') : __('modules.leaves.secondHalf')) . '</div>'; } else { $type .= ' <div class="badge-inverse badge">' . __('modules.leaves.halfDay') . '</div>'; } } return $type; }) ->addColumn('action', function ($row) { $actions = '<div class="task_view"> <div class="dropdown"> <a class="task_view_more d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center dropdown-toggle" type="link" id="dropdownMenuLink-41" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="icon-options-vertical icons"></i> </a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuLink-41" tabindex="0" x-placement="bottom-end" style="position: absolute; transform: translate3d(-137px, 26px, 0px); top: 0px; left: 0px; will-change: transform;">'; if ($row->duration == 'multiple' && !is_null($row->unique_id)) { $actions .= '<a href="' . route('leaves.show', [$row->unique_id]) .'" class="dropdown-item"><i class="fa fa-eye mr-2"></i>' . __('app.view') . '</a>'; } else { $actions .= '<a href="' . route('leaves.show', [$row->id]).'?type=single" class="dropdown-item"><i class="fa fa-eye mr-2"></i>' . __('app.view') . '</a>'; } if ($row->status == 'pending' && ($row->duration != 'multiple' || is_null($row->unique_id)) && $this->approveRejectPermission == 'all') { $actions .= '<a class="dropdown-item leave-action-approved" data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-leave-action="approved" data-user-id="' . $row->user_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-check mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.approve') . ' </a> <a data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-leave-action="rejected" data-user-id="' . $row->user_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" class="dropdown-item leave-action-reject" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-times mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.reject') . ' </a>'; } if ($row->duration == 'multiple' && !is_null($row->unique_id)) { $actions .= '<a class="dropdown-item view-related-leave" data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-unique-id="' . $row->unique_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-eye mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.view') . ' '.__('modules.leaves.relatedLeave').' </a>'; } if ($row->status == 'pending' && $this->reportingTo && $row->user_id != user()->id && !in_array('admin', user_roles())) { if ($row->manager_status_permission == '' && !($this->reportingPermission == 'cannot-approve')) { $actions .= '<a data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-leave-action="rejected" data-user-id="' . $row->user_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" class="dropdown-item leave-action-reject" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-times mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.reject') . ' </a>'; } if ($this->reportingPermission == 'approved' && $row->manager_status_permission == '') { $actions .= '<a class="dropdown-item leave-action-approved" data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-leave-action="approved" data-user-id="' . $row->user_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-check mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.approve') . ' </a>'; } elseif ($this->reportingPermission == 'pre-approve' && !$row->manager_status_permission) { $actions .= '<a data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-leave-action="pre-approve" data-user-id="' . $row->user_id . '" data-leave-type-id="' . $row->leave_type_id . '" class="dropdown-item leave-action-preapprove" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-check mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.preApprove') . ' </a>'; } } if ($row->status == 'pending' && ($row->duration != 'multiple' || is_null($row->unique_id))) { if ($this->editLeavePermission == 'all' || ($this->editLeavePermission == 'added' && user()->id == $row->added_by) || ($this->editLeavePermission == 'owned' && user()->id == $row->user_id) || ($this->editLeavePermission == 'both' && (user()->id == $row->user_id || user()->id == $row->added_by)) ) { $actions .= '<a class="dropdown-item openRightModal" href="' . route('leaves.edit', [$row->id]) . '"> <i class="fa fa-edit mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.edit') . ' </a>'; } } if ($this->deleteLeavePermission == 'all' || ($this->deleteLeavePermission == 'added' && user()->id == $row->added_by) || ($this->deleteLeavePermission == 'owned' && user()->id == $row->user_id) || ($this->deleteLeavePermission == 'both' && (user()->id == $row->user_id || user()->id == $row->added_by))) { if($row->status != 'approved'){ $actions .= '<a data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-unique-id="'.$row->unique_id.'" data-duration="'.$row->duration.'" class="dropdown-item delete-table-row" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-trash mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.delete') . ' </a>'; } else { ($this->deleteApproveLeavePermission == 'all') ? $actions .= '<a data-leave-id=' . $row->id . ' data-unique-id="'.$row->unique_id.'" data-duration="'.$row->duration.'" class="dropdown-item delete-table-row" href="javascript:;"> <i class="fa fa-trash mr-2"></i> ' . __('app.delete') . ' </a>' : ''; } } $actions .= '</div> </div> </div>'; return $actions; }) ->smart(false) ->setRowId(function ($row) { return 'row-' . $row->id; }) ->rawColumns(['status', 'leave_type', 'action', 'check', 'employee', 'duration']); } /** * @param Leave $model * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function query(Leave $model) { // Will check count leave from the start of the year or nor $setting = company(); $leavesList = $model->with('user', 'user.employeeDetail', 'user.employeeDetail.designation', 'user.session', 'type') ->join('leave_types', 'leave_types.id', 'leaves.leave_type_id') ->join('users', 'leaves.user_id', 'users.id') ->join('employee_details', 'employee_details.user_id', 'users.id') ->selectRaw('leaves.*, leave_types.color, leave_types.type_name, ( select count("lvs.id") from leaves as lvs where lvs.unique_id = leaves.unique_id and lvs.duration = \'multiple\') as count_multiple_leaves', ) ->groupByRaw('ifnull(leaves.unique_id, leaves.id)'); if (!is_null(request()->startDate)) { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, request()->startDate)->toDateString(); $leavesList->whereRaw('Date(leaves.leave_date) >= ?', [$startDate]); } if (!is_null(request()->endDate)) { $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, request()->endDate)->toDateString(); $leavesList->whereRaw('Date(leaves.leave_date) <= ?', [$endDate]); } if (request()->employeeId != 'all' && request()->employeeId != '') { $leavesList->where('users.id', request()->employeeId); } if (request()->leave_year != '') { $leavesList->whereYear('leaves.leave_date', request()->leave_year); } if (request()->leaveTypeId != 'all' && request()->leaveTypeId != '') { $leavesList->where('leave_types.id', request()->leaveTypeId); } if (request()->status != 'all' && request()->status != '') { $leavesList->where('leaves.status', request()->status); } if (request()->searchText != '') { $leavesList->where('users.name', 'like', '%' . request()->searchText . '%'); } if ($this->viewLeavePermission == 'owned') { $leavesList->where(function ($q) { $q->orWhere('leaves.user_id', '=', user()->id); ($this->reportingPermission != 'cannot-approve') ? $q->orWhere('employee_details.reporting_to', user()->id) : ''; }); } if ($this->viewLeavePermission == 'added') { $leavesList->where(function ($q) { $q->orWhere('leaves.added_by', '=', user()->id); ($this->reportingPermission != 'cannot-approve') ? $q->orWhere('employee_details.reporting_to', user()->id) : ''; }); } if ($this->viewLeavePermission == 'both') { $leavesList->where(function ($q) { $q->orwhere('leaves.user_id', '=', user()->id); $q->orWhere('leaves.added_by', '=', user()->id); ($this->reportingPermission != 'cannot-approve') ? $q->orWhere('employee_details.reporting_to', user()->id) : ''; }); } return $leavesList; } /** * Optional method if you want to use html builder. * * @return \Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder */ public function html() { return $this->setBuilder('leaves-table', 2) ->parameters([ 'initComplete' => 'function () { window.LaravelDataTables["leaves-table"].buttons().container() .appendTo("#table-actions") }', 'fnDrawCallback' => 'function( oSettings ) { $("body").tooltip({ selector: \'[data-toggle="tooltip"]\' }); $(".statusChange").selectpicker(); }', ]) ->buttons(Button::make(['extend' => 'excel', 'text' => '<i class="fa fa-file-export"></i> ' . trans('app.exportExcel')])); } /** * Get columns. * * @return array */ protected function getColumns() { return [ 'check' => [ 'title' => '<input type="checkbox" name="select_all_table" id="select-all-table" onclick="selectAllTable(this)">', 'exportable' => false, 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'visible' => ($this->viewLeavePermission == 'all') ], '#' => ['data' => 'DT_RowIndex', 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'visible' => false, 'title' => '#'], __('app.id') => ['data' => 'id', 'name' => 'id', 'title' => __('app.id'), 'visible' => false], __('app.employee') => ['data' => 'employee', 'name' => 'user.name', 'exportable' => false, 'title' => __('app.employee')], __('app.employee') . ' ' => ['data' => 'employee_name', 'name' => 'user.name', 'visible' => false, 'title' => __('app.employee')], __('app.leaveDate') => ['data' => 'leave_date', 'name' => 'leaves.leave_date', 'title' => __('app.leaveDate')], __('app.duration') => ['data' => 'duration', 'name' => 'duration', 'title' => __('app.duration')], __('app.leaveStatus') => ['data' => 'status', 'name' => 'leaves.status', 'title' => __('app.leaveStatus')], __('app.leaveType') => ['data' => 'leave_type', 'name' => 'leave_types.type_name', 'title' => __('app.leaveType')], __('app.paid') => ['data' => 'paid', 'name' => 'leave_types.paid', 'title' => __('app.paid')], Column::computed('action', __('app.action')) ->exportable(false) ->printable(false) ->orderable(false) ->searchable(false) ->addClass('text-right pr-20') ]; } }