Direktori : /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyo |
� �[ bc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z d e f d � � YZ d � Z e d k r| d d l m Z e e � n d S( sd OptionMenu widget modified to allow dynamic menu reconfiguration and setting of highlightthickness i����N( t OptionMenut _setitt StringVart Buttont DynOptionMenuc B s# e Z d Z d � Z d d � Z RS( sF unlike OptionMenu, our kwargs can include highlightthickness c O s t j | � } d | j � k r+ | d =n t j | | | | | | � | j d | j d � � | | _ | j d � | _ d S( Nt highlightthicknesst command( t copyt keysR t __init__t configt gett variableR ( t selft masterR t valuet valuest kwargst kwargsCopy( ( s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyR s c C sn | d j d d � x: | D]2 } | d j d | d t | j | | j � � q W| rj | j j | � n d S( s� clear and reload the menu with a new set of options. valueList - list of new options value - initial value to set the optionmenu's menubutton to t menui t endt labelR N( t deletet add_commandR R R t set( R t valueListR t item( ( s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyt SetMenu s N( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R t NoneR ( ( ( s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyR s c s� d d l m } | � } | j d � | j d | j � d | j � d f � | j � t | � } | j d � t | | d d d d � � � j � � f d � } t | d d d | �} | j � d S( Ni����( t Toplevels Tets dynamic option menus 200x100+%d+%di� i� s Old option sett old1t old2t old3t old4c s# � j d d d d g d d �d S( Nt new1t new2t new3t new4R s new option set( R ( ( t dyn( s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyt update2 s t texts Change option setR ( t TkinterR t titlet geometryt winfo_rootxt winfo_rootyt focus_setR R R t packR ( t parentR t topt varR* t button( ( R) s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyt _dyn_option_menu$ s t __main__( t run( R R R, R R R R R R7 R t idlelib.idle_test.htestR9 ( ( ( s@ /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyt <module> s "