Direktori : /home2/selectio/public_html/ecommerce-website/website/public/assets/back-end/js/ |
Current File : /home2/selectio/public_html/ecommerce-website/website/public/assets/back-end/js/toastr.js |
/* * Note that this is toastr v2.1.3, the "latest" version in url has no more maintenance, * please go to https://cdnjs.com/libraries/toastr.js and pick a certain version you want to use, * make sure you copy the url from the website since the url may change between versions. * */ !(function (e) { e(["jquery"], function (e) { return (function () { function t(e, t, n) { return g({ type: O.error, iconClass: m().iconClasses.error, message: e, optionsOverride: n, title: t }); } function n(t, n) { return t || (t = m()), (v = e("#" + t.containerId)), v.length ? v : (n && (v = d(t)), v); } function o(e, t, n) { return g({ type: O.info, iconClass: m().iconClasses.info, message: e, optionsOverride: n, title: t }); } function s(e) { C = e; } function i(e, t, n) { return g({ type: O.success, iconClass: m().iconClasses.success, message: e, optionsOverride: n, title: t }); } function a(e, t, n) { return g({ type: O.warning, iconClass: m().iconClasses.warning, message: e, optionsOverride: n, title: t }); } function r(e, t) { var o = m(); v || n(o), u(e, o, t) || l(o); } function c(t) { var o = m(); return v || n(o), t && 0 === e(":focus", t).length ? void h(t) : void (v.children().length && v.remove()); } function l(t) { for (var n = v.children(), o = n.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) u(e(n[o]), t); } function u(t, n, o) { var s = !(!o || !o.force) && o.force; return ( !(!t || (!s && 0 !== e(":focus", t).length)) && (t[n.hideMethod]({ duration: n.hideDuration, easing: n.hideEasing, complete: function () { h(t); }, }), !0) ); } function d(t) { return (v = e("<div/>").attr("id", t.containerId).addClass(t.positionClass)), v.appendTo(e(t.target)), v; } function p() { return { tapToDismiss: !0, toastClass: "toast", containerId: "toast-container", debug: !1, showMethod: "fadeIn", showDuration: 100, showEasing: "swing", onShown: void 0, hideMethod: "fadeOut", hideDuration: 100, hideEasing: "swing", onHidden: void 0, closeMethod: !1, closeDuration: !1, closeEasing: !1, closeOnHover: !0, extendedTimeOut: 1e3, iconClasses: { error: "toast-error", info: "toast-info", success: "toast-success", warning: "toast-warning" }, iconClass: "toast-info", positionClass: "toast-bottom-left", timeOut: 15000, titleClass: "toast-title", messageClass: "toast-message", escapeHtml: !1, target: "body", closeHtml: '<button type="button">×</button>', closeClass: "toast-close-button", newestOnTop: !0, preventDuplicates: 1, progressBar: 1, progressClass: "toast-progress", rtl: !1, }; } function f(e) { C && C(e); } function g(t) { function o(e) { return null == e && (e = ""), e.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"); } function s() { c(), u(), d(), p(), g(), C(), l(), i(); } function i() { var e = ""; switch (t.iconClass) { case "toast-success": case "toast-info": e = "polite"; break; default: e = "assertive"; } I.attr("aria-live", e); } function a() { E.closeOnHover && I.hover(H, D), !E.onclick && E.tapToDismiss && I.click(b), E.closeButton && j && j.click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : void 0 !== e.cancelBubble && e.cancelBubble !== !0 && (e.cancelBubble = !0), E.onCloseClick && E.onCloseClick(e), b(!0); }), E.onclick && I.click(function (e) { E.onclick(e), b(); }); } function r() { I.hide(), I[E.showMethod]({ duration: E.showDuration, easing: E.showEasing, complete: E.onShown }), E.timeOut > 0 && ((k = setTimeout(b, E.timeOut)), (F.maxHideTime = parseFloat(E.timeOut)), (F.hideEta = new Date().getTime() + F.maxHideTime), E.progressBar && (F.intervalId = setInterval(x, 10))); } function c() { t.iconClass && I.addClass(E.toastClass).addClass(y); } function l() { E.newestOnTop ? v.prepend(I) : v.append(I); } function u() { if (t.title) { var e = t.title; E.escapeHtml && (e = o(t.title)), M.append(e).addClass(E.titleClass), I.append(M); } } function d() { if (t.message) { var e = t.message; E.escapeHtml && (e = o(t.message)), B.append(e).addClass(E.messageClass), I.append(B); } } function p() { E.closeButton && (j.addClass(E.closeClass).attr("role", "button"), I.prepend(j)); } function g() { E.progressBar && (q.addClass(E.progressClass), I.prepend(q)); } function C() { E.rtl && I.addClass("rtl"); } function O(e, t) { if (e.preventDuplicates) { if (t.message === w) return !0; w = t.message; } return !1; } function b(t) { var n = t && E.closeMethod !== !1 ? E.closeMethod : E.hideMethod, o = t && E.closeDuration !== !1 ? E.closeDuration : E.hideDuration, s = t && E.closeEasing !== !1 ? E.closeEasing : E.hideEasing; if (!e(":focus", I).length || t) return ( clearTimeout(F.intervalId), I[n]({ duration: o, easing: s, complete: function () { h(I), clearTimeout(k), E.onHidden && "hidden" !== P.state && E.onHidden(), (P.state = "hidden"), (P.endTime = new Date()), f(P); }, }) ); } function D() { (E.timeOut > 0 || E.extendedTimeOut > 0) && ((k = setTimeout(b, E.extendedTimeOut)), (F.maxHideTime = parseFloat(E.extendedTimeOut)), (F.hideEta = new Date().getTime() + F.maxHideTime)); } function H() { clearTimeout(k), (F.hideEta = 0), I.stop(!0, !0)[E.showMethod]({ duration: E.showDuration, easing: E.showEasing }); } function x() { var e = ((F.hideEta - new Date().getTime()) / F.maxHideTime) * 100; q.width(e + "%"); } var E = m(), y = t.iconClass || E.iconClass; if (("undefined" != typeof t.optionsOverride && ((E = e.extend(E, t.optionsOverride)), (y = t.optionsOverride.iconClass || y)), !O(E, t))) { T++, (v = n(E, !0)); var k = null, I = e("<div/>"), M = e("<div/>"), B = e("<div/>"), q = e("<div/>"), j = e(E.closeHtml), F = { intervalId: null, hideEta: null, maxHideTime: null }, P = { toastId: T, state: "visible", startTime: new Date(), options: E, map: t }; return s(), r(), a(), f(P), E.debug && console && console.log(P), I; } } function m() { return e.extend({}, p(), b.options); } function h(e) { v || (v = n()), e.is(":visible") || (e.remove(), (e = null), 0 === v.children().length && (v.remove(), (w = void 0))); } var v, C, w, T = 0, O = { error: "error", info: "info", success: "success", warning: "warning" }, b = { clear: r, remove: c, error: t, getContainer: n, info: o, options: {}, subscribe: s, success: i, version: "2.1.3", warning: a }; return b; })(); }); })( "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define : function (e, t) { "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? (module.exports = t(require("jquery"))) : (window.toastr = t(window.jQuery)); } ); //# sourceMappingURL=toastr.js.map